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Posts posted by DramaticAnnie

  1. Booo i just called the local michaels and they dont have any left :( and the next closest michaels is like 5 hours away, lol. My budget does not allow for spontaneous road trips for passport covers. Are you guys looking to get one for each guest? I don't think any of those colors were very manly.. so maybe only the women would want them.. hum.. oh well. No passport covers for me this time around. Too bad you can't order from their website.


    I saw someone post the cheapest place they found the Tide sink packets was at Shoppers drug mart - how much were they there?

  2. Everything looks awesome! I want those passport covers, I went to three different Michael's' looking for those lil sewing kits and did not see the passport covers at all. Eek!

    I have all my aloe from Avon and all my chapstick, and I have been working on putting labels on stuff like the dollarama first aid kits - what sort of label have you guys been using for your chapstick? When I print on a regular label its like.. I dunno.. too matte for my liking? I want something shiny but I don't want a clear label - does this exist? lol

  3. EEEK! Poly to go for 2 bucks?! I really need to set this thread in my bookmarks on my phone, whenever I get back from shopping I always come on here and notice someone else found something great somewhere. I think Poly to go is awesome and it IS usually $5+ even at Walmart or whereever.


    I think I would rather go with the little tide travel packs instead of putting laundry detergent in the little cuppie things, less chance of breaking open and messing stuff up too. But I like the dish liquid idea for the mugs and plus you'll probably transport them in the actual mug so even if it does break open inside its just soap in the mug.



  4. Michael's is running their "Dollar Days" promotion or something all summer (according to the Michael's clerk I talked to) and I had to go to three different Michaels' in three different cities (I was travelling for different reasons (concert and then a funeral) and my fiancee is like why are you so intent on finding a michaels?) but anyway - yea - finally found them in Moncton, NB. Got them all blue too, I was gonna get mixed color ones but FI said might as well go with our color since it matches nicely.


    I tried looking for them in the sewing section they don't have any there - they will be in the bins with all the other dollar days stuff.. they are $1.50 though, not $1.


    Torilynn you got those dollar tree bags from the states, did you iron on transfer them or are you adding a tag?

  5. Alright Canadian Brides hijacking this thread to discuss upgrades on ACV..


    I only found four 10 ct travel packs of Advil's out of the two dollarama's I searched at undecided.gif


    Hopefully they'll be getting more in though! The dollarama that had no little first aid kits before has a ton of them now, and I bought my full sheet label papers today, hopefully I can get some DIY'ing done since I have a few days off coming to me (Thursday to Tuesday)!


    And now back to the hijacking.. as far as the ACV thing.. how far in advance did you guys book anyway? My TA is an independant TA as far as I know, she works out of her house and she advised us not to look for airfare for April 2012 this far in advance. I told her I heard of other brides using Air Canada Vacations and getting an upgrade and she doesn't know anything about it. She was dilly dallying about phoning the hotel we're going to be staying at the night before the cruise so I called today and asked for a group rate myself and got it. I read in a bridal book somewhere to never mention that you're booking a "wedding" group until you have to, if you just call and book a block of rooms for a family, they'll probably be cheaper then a 'wedding' booking or whatever. So yeah, I booked it. I think she was a little put off but the hotels in the area are booking up fast, she was even surprised at the number of hotels with no availability. Anyway. She says ACV will likely be my most expensive option. It's a flight from Halifax to Orlando, FL so it shouldn't be too bad. Idk. She says to wait and see anyway...

  6. That travel size soap is a cool idea. :)


    For those of you booking with Air Canada Vacations - did you find that their prices were about the same as other airlines or did you shop around at all? My travel agent is going to be trying to get us the cheapest option of course but I have heard about the Air Canada Vacations and how they do the upgrades, we have about 35 people going and would love to be able to upgrade my future mother in law and my father, both of whom are elderly, my mother in law has a thing with cramped spaces and my dad has never flown before.. lol.. I am thinking this will help ease things with the flight. But I heard on another site for every 8 people booked you get an upgrade - now its every 20 people booked??

  7. Tried my dollarama with no success.. asked the cashier and she said "there's none now - but I haven't checked any of them out and they said there was some, so I don't know what happened to them" hopefully they restock them soon, or I'll have to hit up more dollaramas.. this was the same dollarama that was out of lil first aid kits when I went too, so it's a pretty popular location. Either that or theres more BDW brides in Cape Breton that I don't know about cleaning out the dollaramas before I can get to them, lol!

  8. Cool! I want to check this out as well! I bought pashmina's in my wedding color (turquoise) from that wholesale place in NY through emails and stuff.. had to pay a chunk for shipping but it was a good deal still in the end. But now I feel like I should have also picked a more neutral shade like black or white/ivory so they can wear them all the time.. if I can score this deal and they are of similar quality to the ones I got already, I'll double up the ladies' pashmina's :)

  9. Very cute idea! I also love the idea of a spa party. I live in a more rural area so I don't know if we'll be able to do that. I am from Cape Breton, NS by the way, not too far from Halifax, I've done some oot bag shopping in Halifax actually lol.


    I am oot-bag obsessed too! But these are turning into something really important to me, I want personal touches on everything so the guests feel like they're really appreciated for travelling all that way and spending all that money - which they are!


    I have to ask - what is the take on the lingerie/panty game? lmao

  10. Thanks for the tip about Dollarama! I bought them for I think it was $2.27 at Lawton Drugs, only bought four of them, figured I'd hunt around for better prices. I was going to do the minimus/ebay route and get the little packets with two pills inside but brides have posted on here about people needing more then two advil in their travel kit/first aid.. advil is good for headaches from hangovers and regular headachey stuff, plus its a whatchacallit.. um.. anti-inflammatory so it will work for sunburn pain too.. and sinus congestion.. stuff like that. :)

    Now hopefully my dollarama has them! And that they don't expire for a while!

  11. Oh man this thread makes me want to go into town more then ever. I want to see the little sewing kits at Michaels! And I want to get more bubbas at Cdn tire.. but my car is being crappy at the moment.. I have an appt Wednesday morning so I'll have to wait until then I guess. Boo urns.



    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

    this OOT bag search is getting the best of me lol lol why is it so hard to find ID CASES?????!!!!!!!! (key card holders) ive spent all afternoon trying to find cheap ones and wow NOTHING!!!!!

    I got mine from ebay seller gcishoponline - cheapest option out there - I got lanyards there too for super cheap, I am planning to get wrist coils as well if I do an order from Oriental Trading, and give people the option. Personally I don't like wrist coils just because I don't wear much on my wrist (I can't even wear a watch) but I could see where others would want that option.


    Oh, here is one of gcishoponline's auctions


     But they come in different lot sizes, you don't have to get 100, you can get like ten of them if you only need ten, or you can get 500 of them if you need 500, God Bless you if you if any of you are doing 500 OOT bags, lol...

  12. I got my card holders from ebay seller gcishoponline, and my lanyards too, cheapest option I found, WITH the little zip lock thingy.




    There's one of the auctions.. but he can do card holders in any size 'lot', doesn't have to be 100, can be 10, or 500, etc.


    Canadiangirl, $7.50 for 6 bags is a great price. Do you have time to order one pack and see how you like them before ordering a whole bunch? I wouldn't comprimise for something I didn't love unless I could be sure it would work. Just my opinion :) I like them myself but we're not doing anything red.. much to the disappointment of my FI

  13. I didn't get my bubba keg mug notfiication either.. I wonder if these are just the 'keg' ones? I will still check it out! And celticgirl, when I went I wanted 10 and they only had 2 in stock so I got a raincheck for the other 8 easily. I even got a little notice when they had them back in stock so I could go get some.

    Originally Posted by celticgirl View Post

    Thank you Thank you Thank you! You made my week just now! I hope mine has some in stock, I need 65!!! lol


    And as for BLACK FRIDAY.. seriously, it is a must-do shopping trip for me and my mom (and my fiancee lol he started out as our driver now he's just as stoked about it as we are) every year. Hotels book up fast so if you're planning it I suggest you book as soon as you are sure.. and then there are fab websites out there for Black Friday but I'll make a thread maybe of OOT-related stuff that might interest some girls once some of the ads start getting "leaked" online (usually starts in about October). With all of the wedding stuff coming up I am going to have to do my Christmas shopping at Black Friday ($2 bath towels - 2 of them make a great present.. toasters and coffee makers for $3 each.. also great presents.. stuff like that they have every year). We also do our winter coat shopping at Black Friday, always great sales. This is the first year I'll be looking for weddingy stuff so I'm  going to make the most of it, it's a 9 hour drive to the border from where I live, lol.


  14. Thanks Tammy, that's true, with the way their behaviour has been lately my fiancee said today even if we had a local wedding he doesn't know if they would be able to show up. It does suck though and I feel bad for him, but you're also right with the it could be worse thing.. we just lost a friend of ours to cancer on June 28th, does put things in perspective for you.


    I just feel bad, I don't want anyone thinking this is mainly "my" wedding.. he already doesn't have a large family.. and now the men standing for him will be all relatives of mine (and he is good friends with my cousin but still). I went to a wedding on July 2nd and all of the attendants, even the maid of honor, were all from the groom's family. It was kind of odd that the brides family or friends werent in the actual wedding party so it was sort of viewed as more of "his family's" celebration rather then both of their families celebration..? If that makes sense.


    So an UPDATE.. I got an email today from my travel agent saying that the best man's fiancee called her and cancelled their trip. I don't even know if they'll be able to get their deposit money back but apparently they're willing to 'take the hit'. My fiancee is super upset.. more pissed off then anything because we can both see on her facebook updates about all the things she's buying, etc and then they turn around and say they don't have the money for this. They are also booked into the cheapest option available and don't have that big of a price tag to pay, and they have 9 months to pay but they're bailing on us now? I'm sorry for sounding a little selfish but it really feels like to us that the best man's fiancee does not give a hoot about our wedding or the fact this is one of his only friends.. the best man had told my FI that he would crunch the numbers again and call us if they made a decision either way.. but he did not call us, we had to hear that their trip was cancelled from the travel agent.


    And I thought my brother and his family booking on the same cruise ship, except for a month before my wedding therefore totally adding insult to injury was bad enough.

  15. This is going to sound crazy.. but if you're a) super dedicated B) are planning a trip to the US anyway and c) have the TIME (you'll have to wait until November) There are always CRAZY good towel sales on during Black Friday.. lol. We usually stock up on big bath towels for like $2 a towel, Walmart, JC Penney, Sears, everyone always has fab colored towels and bath sheets on sale, make good Christmas gifts and I saved a couple for myself one year and love them, still using them...


    I mean, great price.. but a lot of hassle... but Black Friday is a must-do for us every year.. it's the best shopping experience :D


    Originally Posted by celticgirl View Post

    Has anyone found any beach towels?? I am looking for something reasonably priced.... well... I admit, I am being unreasonable by wanting to spend like 2.00 a towel ahahaha, but seriously, has anyone ffound something 5.00 or below?? either online or at a store... I saw old navy had them on for 3.00 each, but we didnt have enough room to pack 65 of them



  16. Yeah I need some of that too for some projects I'm hoping to undertake.. and I shop at staples and walmart and stuff (for other items) but I can't remember seeing it anywhere or coming across it.

    Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

    I know I've read it somwhere, but does anyone have and experince buying Cardstock in Canada?

    I'm looking for a pearlescent (sp?) white and red coloured card stock.

    I've gooled it but Id like to know if anyone has any experience finding in a store or online.




  17. I'm seriously thinking about mailing some of the stuff down (From Maine to Florida) to our hotel we'll be staying at before getting on the cruise sihp. I just need to make arrangements with the hotel if they'll hold my stuff for a couple of months. At least some of the heavier or bulkier stuff like aloe, notebooks, bubba kegs...


    If not there's going to be something going along in everyone's suitcase! lol

  18. Lol, sorry, I meant Kate Aspen, I just finished reading something that had kate spade all over it, embarrest.gif

    Originally Posted by DramaticAnnie View Post

    I got my Kate Spade flip flop manicure sets from Hautelook during one of their events for like $2.50 a set I think.. comes in a case of 12, so I'll have enough for all my BM's and mom's and a couple of lucky random lady guests will get the remainders.. lol

    flip flop thank u.jpg





  19. Unfortunately, there is no brother or cousin of his. My two brothers are standing for him as groomsmen, and so is my cousin who ended up bring a good friend of his, but I know he wanted his best man to be one of his childhood friends or someone he's been close to for a long time and it's not looking like that's going to work.


    I like that suggestion of having him sit down with him and explaining to him how much it would mean for him to be there. It's a little bit sad but he really doesn't have many close friends anymore. We are getting married on a cruise ship so it would be physically possibly for the best man to come to the ceremony and then leave the ship, but that still means him flying from Nova Scotia, Canada to Florida, staying overnight with us at the port, getting on the ship the next day for 3 hours and then leaving and flying back..? Kind of a bummer and a lot of money just for an overnight thing.


    Thanks for your help guys!

  20. In the last pm she sent me she asked if I was from Florida and I said nooo, I'm from Nova Scotia Canada and I think it scared her away.. lol


    For cruise weddings you don't do a lot of decorating yourself (well I guess you could but they can use their own stuff and I have so much frigging OOT stuff just bringing my cake topper and wedding gear will be more then enough luggage). I've been on cruises before where you see a bride getting ready to get married in one of the ports.. but my wedding will be before the ship leaves Florida, not in one of the scheduled ports, a) because Florida is easier to get married in and B) I didn't want to leave on a cruise and then spend the first couple of days worrying about the wedding details - this way it will be done on the first day and then we depart for a week of celebration :)


    Cool beans to share wedding dates :D we're less then 10 months out now eeek.. I really have to concentrate on getting $ to the travel agent again, I was hoping to be done paying well in advance of when we HAVE to be done paying but life has come up.. both of our vehicles needed car inspection this month and both needed some work done beforehand.. then the weekend before inspection when I thought I had everything taken care of a rock pinged my windshield and it turned into a big crack.. so had to shell out another $300 for a new windshield to pass inspection! Eeee.. and I was planning to go to the US in late August to go to David's Bridal to try on a dress I've been loving online.. embarrest.gif

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