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Everything posted by Danibunny

  1. o my!! 2 sleeps to go.........Excited!!! This site has been great for plenty of advise, tips, & reviews etc.. i'll be leaving mine once i'm back!! So looking forward to it girls whoop whoop x x
  2. Waybaloo, i Know and counting so excited!! i know it's alot to pay especially if you have children too!! Have i missed something is there a Dolphinarium in resort now?? think i read somewhere maybe here or trip advisor that they have built one in resort but the review was not great asking people not to use as it's far to small to accommodate the dolphins which is just awful i do hope this is not the case!! When we were in Mexico a few years ago we visited both Xel ha and Puerto Aventuras and we defiantly felt that Puerto Aventuras was best for the dolphins they had much nicer surroundings and seemed to be looked after very well-I was actually surprised at how bad it was at Xel ha given it's a natural Aquarium etc... -everything else was amazing at Xel ha and would recommend going for sure, but would say if you are wanting to swim with the dolphins opt for Puerto Aventuras! Of course this was a few years ago so things could have changed since my last visit. Jemma- The departure tax is to be paid when returning to a international airport after visiting Mexico -it must also be paid in Cash, at the moment it seems to be between $50-$60 per person, i think pesos can be used to but not sure what the correct amount is -I'm travel representative will confirm once we are there the exact amount. hope this helps ladies, Danielle x
  3. hey Waybluoo, Not long till we go!! excited!! hope your all ready and excited too ! It's my understanding that the resort is still working with dollars even though a lot of the tour operators are advising pesos, we have decide to take a bit of both we found it easier to tip with dollars when we were there last time. besides you can change dollars at hotel if you needed to. **oh yes does anyone know what the departure tax is now my paper works states $50-$60?? again in dollars so they must be taking dollars stll ha! hope this helps,
  4. Hi Linzi, So sorry to hear you sadly lost your Dad, I'm sure Karla can arrange your Meal at the Brazilian- however Potofino is great too! we have booked the Italian Portofino as this was our favorite when we were there a few years ago so for us it was an easy choice. Maria has emailed me to say she is sorting out with Reservations for my group to be staying at Coba so looks like my original request will be met after all- Which is great given i had already booked Coba spa on wedding day for treatments and hair etc...and we have Potofino booked which is within the Coba area! Also it was mentioned to me last year with Karla that sending the room list would ensure my group would be allocated in the same area as i too have Friends and family booking with Thomas cook and flying out on different days etc.. so my understanding is we will be allocated same hotel?! I too have read mixed reviews regarding spa's services especially hair! it seems a lot say there hair was nothing like the images they showed etc.. so i have actually started to think 'shall i do my own hair?'-at least that way if it doesn't hold i haven't forked out at lot and wont be as disappointed- My 'Look' is fairly relaxed anyway and with being married at beach (akumal hammock) I'm expecting a breeze so know my hair will probably blow about etc.. was planning on having it loosely styled' up' but may try a few out myself- I have purchased a tresemee Hairspray which is 24hr humidity proof it's supposed to be very good without setting your hair like concrete lol but i guess we shall see - All else fails I'll wear my hair down with a flower -I'm very laid back with how i plan to have my hair and make up, I'm defo going for a 'beach bride' look, I certainly dont want to be stressing about my hair and Make up (hopefully have a nice base tan by then and i'll be happy with that lol) I'm sure everything will be perfect with your wedding Linzi as I'm sure you Dad will be smiling down very proud of you on your special day, Best wishes xx
  5. Linzi, Omg Karla is back??!! whats going on?? I had Karla originally and found out through here that she had left. I now Have Maria. I would LOVE to have Karla back she was great at responding and sending info etc..(fingers crossed i do to) Maria to be honest hasn't been as great in responding quickly -but she does seem very sweet and I'm sure will be great also-but you kinda get comfortable communicating with someone at those early stages and i was upset to lose Karla. I was confirmed in Coba by Karla but after Paloma confirmed Karla had left and passed me Maria etc.. she informed to check with my tour operator which hotel we were in as we may be in Akumal, i emailed her back saying we were confirmed in Coba and forwarded the confirmation from Karla which i had received- Paloma then informed me that 'First Choice' are contracted to Akumal as of MAY 2011 Irrelevant as we have this booked since May 2010, anyway long story short- First choice emailed Paloma confirming our request of Akumal and 'okaying' it etc.. so i had thought it was all sorted then a few days ago Maria emailed to say we are Akumal?? I replied immediately questing this and expressed i was upset and concerned as it was understanding i had all been sorted and that all my ringing and emailing around had been a waste of my time. Haven't heard anything back-Surprise! So also emailed Paloma who responded almost immediately telling we she had Previously passed on my request to reservations and that maybe we are still in system as Akumal and she would get back to me etc.. Since then i have researched Akumal more and honestly do think it's just as Great so I've since had a word with myself not to get upset , i know from our previous holiday to here the whole resort is amazing but we stayed Coba club Premier last time and loved it so we got comfortable knowing we were to be in the same area. I'm sure you will love Akumal as much as Coba The whole place is great but I'm with you with how annoying it is when things change this close to going- If your anything like me i like to know in my head everything so it's hard when i dont know whats going on lol :0) I just cant believe Karla is back- Whats going on?! Maybe i will get an email too :0) D xx
  6. Sposa-Great thinking i doubt anyone thinks of this as they are in the moment-but would be a good idea to have a little mirror and some blotting papers for that last minute 'touch up' . -on another note i emailed Paloma the other day regarding the Hotel Change from Coba to Akumal,She responded less than two hours later:0) she has informed me our request for Coba was passed to reservations and that maybe it is not updated in system yet, either way myself and FH have decided we are not going to stress over whether our hotel stay is in Coba or Akumal- I am just happy to be going with all my lovely friends and Family :0) But it's good to know Paloma is on the case, this time in 4 weeks we will be arriving!! :0) xx Best, Danielle
  7. Thanks for your comments girls :0) I can confirm i have had my date set and confirmed since last year! and i emailed Paloma after it came to my attention that Karla had left, I have also forwarded Paloma the email from Karla confirming everything once i was passed on to Maria to 'cover' any thing like this happening! Andree- Thank you for confirming both Akumal and coba are gorgeous- we are still confirmed for wedding location at Akumal Hammock area this has not changed ,only the hotel in which we are all staying-I know it's not a big problem -but you know what it's like when you have things set in your head :0) just was disappointing especially on the back of losing Karla -And to perfectly honest I have had to wait weeks on end for replies from Maria so feel even more upset to have lost Karla, she was so helpful- but i totally understand how hard they all work in resort and 'm sure Maria will be fantastic -it's just nice to hear back sooner especially when the clock is ticking and big changes like this are happening!. we are having our reception meal at the Italian and yes there are 3 spas one in each hotel Paloma informed of this -I have since emailed Paloma to see how i go about changing my wedding day appointments from Coba spa to Akumal spa but perhaps this wont be a problem?? Sposa- thank you for your comments-I have already had my Travel agents send a request a few months ago as after Karla left Paloma mentioned we maybe located in Akumal- to which i forwarded the emails from Karla confirming we were at Coba- it's my understanding that 'first choice' as of May 2011 are contracted to Akumal only- however we have had this wedding and holiday booked since MAY 2010 so should not apply- Paloma was sent the request from my tour operator and i was cc'd in on all correspondence- then yesterday Maria informed me we are in Akumal??!! when i was sure this had all be sorted Gonna try not to let it worry me if we are in Akumal we are in Akumal i know the whole resort is gorgeous from our previous stay a few years ago but we tended to stay in Coba as that's where we were -just feared we were losing out and maybe being off loaded lol :0) Melady24- thanks for confirming the distance for me i do remember Coba and Akumal being close from last time we were there, Perhaps I'll get something chucked in after all this lol :0) maybe free hair styling or a head massage god knows i could do with one of them lol ha ha ha xx I honestly dont mind but just felt i bit deflated after all the ringing and emailing around i had to do previously to get this sorted like us bride to be's aren't busy enough lol :0)
  8. OK so how upset am i!! I have been emailing my WC Maria ( it was Karla who was great at responding within 2day max) Maria not so fast ! - but do understand how busy they are in resort. Maria had previously confirmed my party would be staying in Coba which was great as this is where we stayed when we were there a few years ago and we loved it ( hence reason for re booking this place for our wedding) anyway after finding out on here a while ago that Karla had left i quickly emailed Paloma who assured me everything is fine and that Maria would be in contact shortly fast forward several weeks -she did and assured me everything was in place etc.. anyway I have now received an email 4 weeks to go to tell me that our wedding party/group will now be staying in Akumal hotel! reading that this will work better as our wedding is at Akumal beach! -my first reaction was to be very upset at this -After all we had been confirmed in Coba and we kinda got it set in our heads, i have tried to find out more about Akumal and it seems to be absolutely great and nearer beach etc.. but now I'm worried does this mean that i will get a new WC?? I cant help but think that maybe because Karla is no longer there that maybe they are moving the load?? I have emailed back expressing my confusion etc.. but then emailed saying i guess it makes sense etc.. as we are getting Married at Akumal- But i ahve alraedy made my spa appointments on wedding day for Coba Spa!!?/?/ What do you ladies think am i losing out being moved to Akumal or gaining?? arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh - not what need at 4 weeks to go!!! Keep telling myself it's nothing to worry about as i know the resort is fab from my last trip there but to be honest we didnt really compare the hotels we just chilled out and enjoyed our trip! I just need some reassurance. any comments would be appreciated. :0)
  9. SPOSA, thanks for a fantastic review you looked absolutely beautiful, your dress is amazing must have felt so good to wear something unique, i have had my dress designed and made too and love that it will be a totally me :0) just over 4 weeks till we fly and excited is a understatement!! i to had Karla and now have Maria -thank you for the reassurance i understand they are very busy and I'm sure they will have everything in place for all us brides once we are there! thanks again for all you info- wishing you and your husband the very best xx xx
  10. Sposa, yes can see the pic group shot at gazebo you look beautiful and very happy :0) look forward to seeing more ! Thanks for sharing x
  11. Hi Sposa, yes can see the pic :0) it seems you are uploading them fine, abbie32-Sounds like you had an amazing day thank you for sharing your review -it gets me sooo excited 41/2 weeks till we fly out! look forward to seeing the pictures xx
  12. Waybuloo- I know i bet Babyshaws is having an amazing time :0)-not long for us now either! Lucky that you have a cousin in LA to send the sand ceremony kit to-good thinking - i have seen a few options around Ikea is surprisingly good for the vase's so think i'll be able to DIY a kit form a few different sources- however the future husband is constantly reminding how much we are already taking so we will see :0} doesn't help that i'm taking two dresses lol!! Yes it is disappointing about the 'Blissful love' package stating free hair styling-when in fact it a consultation-glad i found out when i did as i quickly realised and did not have my heart set on a 'practice run' think it also helps that my 'look' is fairly relaxed- in terms of how i want my hair and make up there are the two things if i'm completely honest i have not spent much time mulling over i know i dont want my hair 'perfect' looking as in not a strand out of place-would just be impossible on the beach with a breeze! and my make-up i'm hoping to have a natural glow with the Mexico suntan i hopefully will develop with the week and 2 days b4 wedding lol, Having said that my dress is still dressy and the FH is wearing beige suit and Grooms men wearing suit trousers and white shirts so still fairly formal -but beach worthy lol ooooooooooooo exciting xx
  13. Not long now just over 5 weeks till we fly out excited is an understatement!! Had my dress fitting today a few little tweaks and all done yey! i have two dresses my main dress which i will wear fro ceremony and photos and one which i am i going to change into for meal and evening-and then i will re- wear my main dress back home for our Reception :0) Really wanting to do the sand ceremony but been finding a set in the uk actually very difficult does anyone know anywhere or any good sites ?? just to confirm the hair trial included in the 'Blissful love' package is just a consultation to discuss hair fort he day not a 'practice run' i have had my appointments booked a while now and have a clarification form spa who seem lovely and really helpful wedding hair is $85 quite pricey especially for the style i am having but hey ho it's my wedding day :0) x x x
  14. Thanks Waybuloo, We had a blast as old ladies!! so much in fact we all demanded it be an annual event hahahaha!! x
  15. Ah sounds like you had a great time in Madrid,Bet it was amazing there- It's nice to sometimes have a bit of 'me' time, us girls need that every now and then. -I don't get to see my friends all together as we are all over the place and busy with our families etc.. but it was truly great to get everyone together be 'Girls' and have such a good laugh xx
  16. Hey Ladies, Just had my 'Hen Party' at the weekend. Thought i'd share my 'Hen Party' photos- My friends were not impressed with my request of fancy dress but honestly we had an absolute blast I've never laughed so much :0) x 15 granny's hit Manchester! Hip replacements really do work lol :0) Ha ha hope you all have a good giggle at these :0) xx
  17. Hi Babyshaws, Not long for your big day then bet your sooo excited hun!, i have also already booked my spa appointments did that a while ago- think i was a head on that one lol. Yes a bit nerving when i found out through this site that we had lost Karla- i was straight on the email- and quickly had a response form Paloma who reassured me everything would be fine and they would be sure to make my wedding day special as they would for everyone :0) I have also since heard from Maria who seems lovely and i'm sure she will do a super job! I Kinda keep telling myself not to worry as things can be sorted & finalised once there- but it's my bad habit of 'needing to know' that keeps my mind running wild!! after all it is my wedding day! i plan on having a 'laid back,beach wedding' but still want it to perfect :0) Danielle x
  18. Hi BABYSHAWS this may help, I get married 2nd june 2011, I also had Karla such a shame she is no longer there i found on here! but i'm sure Maria will be wonderful she emailed me the other day infact to assure me everything is place -Excited.com!! :0) TRIPTICO SPA BP MEXICO.pdf
  19. Hi, This may help ladies, I am new to this site but have been following and reading up for a few weeks now and have to say Thank god i found this forum, I've honestly found out more on here than form resort, I get Married june 2nd 2011 at Ackumal beach location and we CAN NOT WAIT!! counting down the days now :0) x TRIPTICO SPA BP MEXICO.pdf
  20. Hi, This may help ladies, I am new to this site but have been following and reading up for a few weeks now and have to say Thank god i found this forum, I've honestly found out more on here than form resort, I get Married june 2nd 2011 at Ackumal beach location and we CAN NOT WAIT!! counting down the days now :0) x TRIPTICO SPA BP MEXICO.pdf
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