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Everything posted by JQLong

  1. Thanks. I am in the process of trying to book now. Waiting for Anel and/or Gina to get back to me. We too are having a small wedding. Did you have a "formal" reception? We have decided not to and have the reception at El Patio restaurant (trying to book that now too). What was your favorite restaurant and do you have any suggestions on the best one? Sorry if I (we) are picking your brain
  2. Awwww...I know. I'll be sure to let you know everything as soon as I get back! My sister-in-law lives in Sicklerville. What are your wedding colors?
  3. Hey there LindesyM. I live in Lumberton (near Mt. Laurel). Where are you? We will miss one another at the resort.... I hope to be able to provide some helpful info when I get back.
  4. Congrats Amanda! Can't wait to see your pictures!! Are you going to do a full review? I get married in 69 days and I am still very nervous. As AdventurePhotos & Anel are the resort photographers....I kind of feel obligated to use them. JQ
  5. Thanks for the heads up! I just pruchased it. I am going to use to make my travel/welcome brochures!
  6. Hey!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Coco!!!! So happy for you! I can tell already your pictures will be FAB!!!! Cant wait to hear about your wedding! JQ
  7. Ok.....maybe they have more than one WC....because Yamina "introduced me to" Gina today as my new WC. They make me crazy with all of the back and forth. I was able to confirm the amount to reserve one of the restaurants for our reception. As we are having a smaller party (about 25 guest) it is more affordable for us to host the reception in one of the restaurants as opposed to paying or a separate reception. I think we are going with El Patio for the reception. I asked today if it was availabale for my date....keeping fingers crossed! JQ
  8. Coco.... I know you are on your way to a beautiful wedding. Let me begin first by saying....Congrats.... If you went where I think you did....I think I got my bridesmaids gowns from the same place. I was not particularly thrilled at how we were handled.... I am quite sure I know why....but.....ANYWHO..... YOU HANDLE IT GIRLIE!!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL WEDDING!!!!! JQ
  9. Ok....I have been very patient throughout this "wedding planning" process....as I know the WC's are very busy and typically do not respond very quickly. Getting an immediate response when you are 1 year or even 6 months out is asking a lot when there are weddings closer that need to be attended to....HOWEVER....now that it is less than 3 months until my wedding, I am beginning to get a little eager (yes.....i think that is the way to say it....) to have my emails answered. So....I am going to do the next best thing.....turn to my fellow DRC brides.... We are having a small wedding party. There are currently 16 guests booked (FI and I make 20) and possibly another 3 or 4 to come. We have opted to go with the complimentary package. We have decided to try and reserve space in one of the restaurants for our reception. My question to EVE or Yamina or....whoever....is.... does the $15 charge + taxes & fees just book the reservations or will waitstaff be assigned to our party? I also was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what restaurant we should reserve? Anywho....if anyone has decided to go with the restaurant option....please share what info you have found out.... Thank you
  10. Hey there ladies!!! I found them!!! FINALLY!!! I found the Spanish Phrases for Dummies (minis) at Staples for $1.00!!!! They have them in the little $.100 Bins...I bought 11 so I am on a mission to get 10 more!!! YAY!!!
  11. Awwwwwww!!! You just made me cry! What a wonderful story!!! My Darling.....well let's just say he was not as creative but the proposal was sweet nonetheless. We had been dating for almost 3 years....in fact our 3 year anniversary was coming up in 4 days (March 1st....he proposed on February 25th). I believe he wanted to wait until then....but... Ok....we met online and our first date was at TGIF.....(I was wary about meeting a stranger off the internet....so...public place it is)... During our relationship, I had always warned..."Don't propose to me at TGIF!!! (if you are going to...)" I could not stand the idea of the waiters clapping off beat to my proposal!! LOL! Anywho... We had gone out for our date night to Red Lobster....and had a great conversation. We live together but because of the both of our schedules, we rarely see one another. I enjoyed dinner and I was stuffed and asked him to help me up to put on my coat....He laughed and complied.... We drove home laughing all the way about me needing assistance to get out of the booth..He immediately left his leftovers on the floor and dashed upstairs to our bedroom...I was like.."Ok.... I'll put the food up!" I went upstairs to find him kneeling at the edge of the bed, talking to our cat....(he does this a little too often) I paid no attention and began to take off my clothes. By this time I had unbuttoned my pants and taken off 1 boot. He says "Babe....can you help me up?" I laughed and went to the other side of the bed (with my one boot and unzipped pants) And he pulls out a little box...and asks "Will you marry me?" I said....."WHAT????!!!" and ran out of the room! LOL! I came back in and he looked so sad because he thought I would say no! I said yes! (of course!). He later told me he tried to put the ring on the cats collar (she was less than pleased...) I was so surprised! He admitted to wanting to ask on our Anniversary but he knew we always re-do our first date and did not want to ask me at Fridays! I was very happy! We spent the next hour calling family and friends to tell them the news.... That is our proposal story! I would not change it for the world!
  12. Happy Day After Easter! Remember to check out your local Targets! Last year I found awesome stuff for OOT bags on sale in their little bin section. I checked today and they have "black dot" items at 50% off. There were some little buckets but if you recall....I went crazy last year! They have straw bags...cute for a DW, little notebooks, pencils, etc..... Check them out! Good Luck! I always love a great deal!
  13. Hey coconoir1908.....its almost here girl! Everything looks wonderful! I am so excited for you!!!! How are you able to sleep? Sheesh....I have 3 motnhs to go and I am constantly draming of everything I have to do! Congrats once again.....Can't wait to see you pictures!!!!
  14. Here are mine! I searched high and low for them. I was bent on getting turquoise shoes! I ordered them for Victoria Secret! They match the Goddess look I am going for!
  15. Great! Let us know if you get them. They had some pretty great reviews.
  16. Dont feel too bad, I have purchased paper gift bags from Target in a light turquoise & small yello craft bags fromt the Dollar Store. Now I need to figure out what to do with the excess. I still have no idea what to get for the guys. I'm sure they dont want a girly canvas tote!
  17. Hello Everyone... I just wanted to let everyone know that The Knot Wedding Shop is having a sale. They have canvas totes for $2.99! I ordered 3 personalized (it is $7.75 extra) and 8 plain for the ladies. Also, until 4 pm today, it is an additional 20% off the entire order! I ordered them in "purple" which actually looks like fuschia to me....(fingers crossed)..... I will take pics when I get them! Good Luck! JQ
  18. Hi there.... Let me give you a little bit of advice I wish someone had given me..... Breathe......and take your time when it comes to planning a destination wedding. My fiance and I rushed initially because we were so excited to get married and we ended up changing from our initial location which cost us $500. Take your time. Enjoy being engaged. This site is amazing so you have started off very well. Good luck! JQ
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