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Everything posted by JQLong

  1. Girl, I don't blame you for how you feel in the least bit! No one wants to deal with nonsense on their special day. And yes, I have heard the stories and witnessed a few as well.
  2. @redginger....have you contacted the airline directly? American Airlines gave us a group discount code of 5%. Not a lot but every bit helps. They have a "group rate" department on their website. I sent the information and got a response within 2 days. Most airlines may provide this for you....however, Continental requires everyone leave from the same location....
  3. A TA should not cost you extra. They typically get paid directly from the tour company or resort you are using.
  4. Great! Thanks for the information. I will reach out to her. LOL...no worries with the vent. I am the same way....if you say you will call or email.....I expect you to do just that. My tolerance level for nonsense is VERY short...and this wedding planning is making it even shorter! Thanks again!
  5. LOL!! I love it! My fiance made a post on FaceBook saying almost the same thing! You are EXACTLY right about the fairytale thing!!! I usually do not like a fuss being made over me but....that is the one day....I expect to have the fuss!
  6. The honeymoon registry is actually something we said we would do. I have received a wedding invitation in the past that actually said "Money preferred" and I thought it was tacky! I love the wording you used and I may need to "borrow" it! Thanks for the advice! Oh....and I am Jaquanda (JQ) :-)
  7. My fiance and I discussed this very thing recently. We own our home so we do not need a toaster or towels. I did not even address the registry issue on the STD and as we have not registered anywhere and don't intend to. When we send our updated STD (sent electronically) we will advise our guests that their attendance is present enough....Now as for the AHR that we plan on having...we are trying to decide a classy way of advising guests that monetary gifts are preferred...(is it tacky to ask???)
  8. Hmmmm.....I may need your TA information. The one I have selected is a little slow on the response time...We are still waiting for rate info....by any chance does your TA do weddings in St. Thomas? Any suggestions would be great! JQ
  9. Hi amybutz89! You have joined the rigth forum! This site is amazing and the ladies here are super talented & creative beyond belief. I am actually getting married in St. Thomas next May. We have decided on the Marriott Frenchman's Reef resort. I felt the same way you did because my FI and I have not traveled at all so....deciding on a location was difficult. We went with a location that my MOH suggested...Also our guest do not need passports to travel. Another deciding factor was the residency requirement that some of the islands have. Take a look around this site....I am sure you will find inspiration.... Congrats & Happy Planning! JQ
  10. I am soooo glad this thread has "re-surfaced"....We are getting married in St. Thomas next May. Thinking we would help our guests by securing a "decent" room rate, we put a $500- deposit on a block of 10 rooms (the caveat in the contract states we would be on the hook for the balance of the rooms not sold ). I was extremely apprehensive on doing this but my fiance assured me that we would have more than enough people to fill them. We sent our electronic STD on May 20 (exactly a year from our wedding day)...immediately we got calls advising people are coming....but would look for other packages/location for their stay....My panic set in.....instantly.... Meltdown #1 in JQ's wedding adventure So...my fiance and I decided that it was NOT practical to put ourselves at risk in not filling the rooms in the block. Since we would really have to wait until April of 2012 to see if they are filled, we decided to cancel the room block. The resort was understanding and advised the deposit would be returned. I contacted a TA that is experienced in DW and hopefully can get us a better rate...The TA has also advised they will price match in case someone finds a cheaper rate elsewhere.... So....all I can say ladies is read the fine print when signing these contracts.... Hopefully the TA we have selected will get us a great rate and make it easy for our guests to make their travel arrangements. Wish me luck.... JQ
  11. Welcome to BDW! The is a wealth of information on this site! I am getting married in St. Thomas next year and while we have the wedding package info, we are still waiting for our travel agent to get rates for next for our stay. Depending on where you get married there could be some variation in the pricing from year to year... Anywho..... Good Luck & Happy Planning! JQ
  12. Wow....I feel like I am soooooo late. I too am a May 2012 Bride! I marry my best friend and love of my life on May 20, 2012 in St. Thomas, USVI! Now that we are a little less than a year away, I am getting nervous & excited (more nervous on if we can pull this thing off!)! Cheers to all the May 2012 Brides!!!! (Hey....cheers to all the Brides on here!!!!)
  13. Hi futuremrstgun....I was recovering from the 91/2 hour bus trip to my daughter's basketball tournament in Ohio........I am still so very tired... Anywho....I love this one too! That is the problem...you are TOO good! This really is going to take off for you! I also like the logos you have created using the same initial for the names (of course when the names begin with the same....lol!) Thank you again! JQ
  14. What an amazing wedding! Thank you for sharing and congrats!
  15. Hi meeshie77....I guess I'll be the first to answer....My fiance and I chose a DW because we have been together for 3 years (will be 4 by the time we marry) and we have NEVER been on a true vacation. I purchased my home about 4 years ago and as everyone knows the market went crazy. Between work and my daughter ins chool and basketball and bills...and did I mention basketball? We have not had the time nor money to go away. Also, we began pricing venues shortly after we got engaged and got the sticker shock of having a wedding at home. We both immediately agreed that going away would be the better option. It also gives our families a chance to go away and have fun together. Hopefully this will start a family tradition with all of use traveling together.....hmmmmm....let me get back to you on that last part....after my wedding! JQ
  16. @JayKay....I think I am remembering a wedding I was in many years ago and the shoes were HIDEOUS!!!! Fortunately dyeables have gotten cuter! I think I may go that route....I am going for the Goddess look....but I don't want to be a 20'' statue!
  17. Chitown Bride...I think I agree with Katiem2012...I would try to talk with her...just you and her. Let her know that it is important to you that she is involved with the planning but it is YOUR wedding. Maybe plan a lunch or get pedicures and let her know how you feel. This wedding planning stuff is CRAZY...everyone involved gets emotional. Remember she is your sister....and will still be AFTER the wedding. Good Luck!
  18. Hi Ladies....I was wondering if anyone here have had their shoes dyed or intend on getting dyeables. Here is my dilemma.... My dress is ivory and our colors are yellow & turquoise (I recently decided to add a splash of pink too). I have become obsessed with finding turquoise shoes....AND....I have looked everywhere! The issue is, I am already a tall woman...5'11 and I don't want to tower over my Dad (he is so cute and compact) and I don't want to be tall as (or taller than) my fiance. Shoes I have seen in my color are all 4'' or higher (sheesh!).Sooooo today at work, I came up with an idea (lol) to get the shoes dyed. I have found some AWESOME shoes that want make me look like"Attack of the 50 foot woman" online. I called and was advised that I could buy the shoes from the site, try them on and send back with a swatch and they would dye them...for $12.00 (shoes are reasonable too). If I sent my own, the dye job would be $25.00 (hmmmmm). Has anyone tried this? I really want turquoise shoes!!! But I don't want to be 7'' walking down the aisle with my compact Dad! JQ
  19. Simply put...uninvited guest are not allowed to the wedding.(period). I'll be damned if I would deal with that! My mom is having a ball inviting her colleagues but I have decided its all good....she is paying for the reception! Our resort does not charge for additional guest.
  20. You are good! I was trying today at work but using Publisher...It came out o.k. I need more time....at home.
  21. LOL! That is why I love this site. We would drive our fiances crazy showing them every detail. This site really is keeping me from making him nuts! I'm going to give it a try.....Our wedding colors are turquoise & yellow so hopefully I can make something nice. Thanks again! JQ
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