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Everything posted by JQLong

  1. Hi there!!! So glad you cleared the "Gerente" thing up...I was beginning all of my emails....Dear Gerente!!! LOL! I received the confirmation for our wedding day from Yamina (Gerente...) LOL!
  2. My fiancé and I had originally wanted to go to St. Thomas. We were very excited so we booked and sent out electronic STD to our guests. Naturally we got some folks saying they would come but find more affordable lodging. But after a few weeks, we began to realize that choosing a location that was not AI was not the best option for us or for our guests. My fiancé was then laid off from his job….this is when the panic set in. We took a step back and gave ourselves the summer to think things through. Fortunately, my honey found another job and declared that he still wanted to go away to get married. We have decided to get married legally at home (his Mom is not traveling with us). To avoid issues of translation (wouldn’t want to come home and find out I married a donkey instead…) Our legal ceremony will be about a month before the symbolic ceremony at Dreams. I have an awesome travel agent near our home and the prices we have received are amazing. We are selecting the complimentary option until we know for certain how many guests have booked…..So….. It’s official! I’m back on the scene….My “wedding planning mojo†will be revving up to full speed soon! Hasta luego! (gotta get my Spanish lingo up!!) Ladies, if you have any ideas or suggestions on favors, etc…please share!!!
  3. I so love this style. If I thought it would go with my dress , I would totally use this!
  4. I also think the photographer you are using could let you know because I read somewhere on here that sometimes certain colors may not photograph well.
  5. Thanks Ladies! I was beginning to send out a search party for my WP MOJO! I appreciate the words of encouragement! I will announce once I have found it again! JQ
  6. and congrats! I remember the smiling! I still look at my ring and start to grin! This site is amazing so I am sure you will get great ideas! Happy planning!
  7. Hi ladies..... As I have FINALLY reached my 150th post...(I struggled to get this far)... I am beginning to lose my wedding planning mojo. We don't get married until next year so I guess that could be part of it. I look at all the planning being threads and wonder why I am not motivated as I was in the beginning. I am still excited but I have really lost my mojo..... Anyone feel this way during the process? Will this feeling go away? HELP ME FIND MY WEDDING PLANNING MOJO!!!
  8. Hi meeshamillz... I can't say I know any hair stylist in your area. But....there are so many great styles for natural hair for a wedding day. I am so addicted to Youtube and the info on natural hair. Search youtube for natural hair wedding styles. You should find something. I am having the makeup artist from St. Thomas do my hair, but I plan on having a few pics of styles that I like on hand. Good Luck!
  9. That cake is FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. R~ You are so pretty! I'm sure any hairstyle you choose will look great. Meeshmillz....I am a natural too! The Jill Scott hairdo is the one I like. I do not get married until next May so I have time to decide what to do with my hair. Right now it is at my collarbone. I plan on wearing flower in my hair so something soft and off my face is what I am going for. I'll keep my eyes open for any great styles I see.
  11. Go JQ, Go JQ....Almost to 150 posts!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Congrats and Welcome to this site! I am getting married in St. Thomas on May 20, 2012 (we chose the USVI for the same reasons you stated!) This site has a wealth of information and all of the ladies here are so helpful. Good luck and happy planning!
  13. R~ Everything looks amazing! You have done a beautiful job with everything. You have a love story similar to mine. I met my hunnybunny online too!
  14. You have joined the right site! Good luck and happy planning!
  15. Hi there MrsMontazemi.... The dress absolutely beautiful! There is no such thing as "too much" for your wedding day. Wear what makes you feel beautiful. There are so many great sites that offer dresses for ladies (like us) on a budget. Here comes my plug....... I used JasminesBridalShop. The customer service was AWESOME! And my dress was amazing. Some ladies on this thread have complained about the lack of customer service or having to wait for a response regarding their dresses....To me....that is a deal breaker. Jasmines was great at answering my SEVERAL questions in a timely manner. Check out their website www.jasminesbridalshop.com. What ever site you use....good luck! But.....check out jasmines!
  16. Yes. The dress is chiffon and the color was ivory. It is very light and flowy. I love my gown!
  17. LOL!!!! That is so funny! I am just very adamant about great customer service. James rocks! My dress is at my MOH house and I miss it....I didn't want HIM to see it so I am keeping it there. I only have my memories....and pics! LOL! Good thing its there because I would want to try it on....often! I may pay my dress a visit....LOL!
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