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Everything posted by BusyBee123

  1. Hey Ladies.... I know a lot of you have been asking about the steel drum music, and Chadlyn seems to have promised that it would be sent. According to my email from Donnalee today, no such list exists! Just wondering if anyone has heard back regarding this? Also, have any of you been able to reserve the gazebo in advance for your receptions? I know they often have more than one wedding per day and I'm just worried that I'm going to meet her 48hrs before hand and she'll tell me its already booked by someone else! Does anyone have it booked? Thank you for creating my file and confirming the gazebo for our reception from 8:30pm-10:30pm on January 11. Again to confirm, you do not need a deposit to secure this? We do not need a deposit to secure the Gazebo. Please note that once we meet with you 48 hours prior to the wedding, we will be able to confirm the Gazebo Rental. Could we also please request the steel drum band for the hour of our reception and champagne toast (3pm-4pm)? If possible could you send me a list of the songs they are able to play so I can choose one for the procession and exit? I have noted your request. We do not have the songs they play, but closer to your wedding date, you can send us songs of your choice and we will be able to ask them if they can play these songs.
  2. Thanks so much for all of the info StephAli! I really appreciate it! For the privacy alone, I think Dolce Vita will be a better option! Imarie, Of course she did! Seems like Chandlyn is like that...she gets back to you when you least expect it! At least you've got it as a fallback for next time!
  3. Hey All... Hope your planning is going well! I'm finally getting somewhere! I've been corresponding with Donnalee, Chandlyn's assistant, and she emails back the same day every time! I'm very impressed! Question for you ladies. I'm trying to make up my mind whether to do a semi-private reception at the Italian Restaurant or the Grill. We're going to be a small group of 16-20 so we just couldn't justify the private reception. We tend to prefer the menu choices at the Grill, but from looking at the pics below, I'm wondering if the Italian restaurant offers more privacy for a semi-private reception. Do any past brides or resourceful brides-to-be have any information about this? Also, just wanted to confirm that most are sending in documents that are not notarized? I have not tried sending them in yet, but the email mentioned again that they must be notarized. It would be nice to avoid the extra cost if possible! Thanks a bunch!
  4. Ironically we just bought coral paper lanterns for the gazebo as well yesterday! We contemplated it back and forth and eventually settled on getting 6! At least we're on the same train of thought! I was hoping that would be enough to spice it up a little bit without looking like it was just too much! I was hoping that someone at the resort would be able to hang them...I actually hadn't thought about assigning that as a task for someone. It should be simple enough to do with some string. You'll have to keep me posted on how it turns out in the end!
  5. SO the great news is that I just heard back from Donnalee (I didn't know she existed!) and she confirmed that the only remaining day from January 10-13 2012 is the 11th. So looks like that will be the big day! At least there was one day left! Phew! Just in the nick of time! Congrats schayer! Another Ottawa bride! And your date is getting so close! You must be SO excited! I can't wait to hear all about it! Did you go with a local travel agent or someone from elsewhere? We have tried a few places in town, but they haven't been great at getting back to us.... Another question for you ladies...I've heard pros and cons of booking your wedding for certain times. I remember reading that 4pm is when the pool activities start, so it can often be very loud during that time. I want to do it early enough to have some picture prior to the sunset, but that would be a nice time for the champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Anything else you guys have learned along the way?
  6. I've been emailing Chandlyn regularly to try to see what dates are open, but she isn't getting back to me! (GRRR!). Do you have any tips for getting her to write back?! lol! I'm going to call her next week if I still haven't heard anything. We're looking at Jan 10, 11 or 12! Looks like we'll be there at the same time!
  7. Thanks so much ladies! I appreciate it! I will check out the other link as well. JayKay, when are you getting married? Maybe we'll be there at the same time!
  8. Hi All, I'm new here, and in the process of planning a January 2012 wedding at the GBPJ! The information on here has been so helpful - I cannot thank you guys enough! I did have one question however. I've seen a lot of information on here about the semi private vs private reception options. Most seem to say that they've had their reception at Dolce Vita. I was just wondering if there's an option to have a reception set up on the beach? Has anyone done that/heard about that as a possibility? Also, it seems like most people who opt for the private reception have larger groups. Has anyone had a private reception with a smaller group? I just want to make sure the room doesn't look empty! Thanks so much and happy planning!
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