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Everything posted by BusyBee123

  1. We're using Air Canada as well for our wedding. I've gone on several all inclusive vacations with them and service has never been a problem. We did have one flight cancellation due to mechanical failure in Jamaica, and they had a representative on the ground immediately assisting us. We got a great flight voucher for future service and another night's stay at an all inclusive. It was really well handled all in all.
  2. If you're all in the same city, I like the idea of a spa outing too...then you get quality time together which is often the best gift!
  3. I'm still a NOOB too, with 106 posts! Seems like an awful lot considering people were saying in earlier posts that they were changing after 301
  4. Is anyone familiar with the dress policy with Air Canada Jazz?
  5. My problem is that I'm arriving on the same flight as the majority of my guests! Once we arrive, it will likely take me an hour or two to unpack the items and put them in their bags. Because our group is so small, I figure my FI and I may just deliver them door to door and hope that people are still in their rooms! The only problem may be that people will have fled their rooms and run to the beach....
  6. Wow...looks like a lot of those see through corset bodices again! Thanks for the resource!
  7. Thanks so much JayKay! I just checked it out and there are fabulous suggestions!!! And who knows... maybe by the time my wedding is over the minister will be familiar with the core of the script on there and will be all ready for your big day!!! lol!
  8. Thank you SO much for this thread! With all of the busy work involved in wedding planning, I actually forgot about this entire part until recently! Its sad seeing as the focus should be the wedding...not just the party! Thank you for re-focusing me on what's important with your beautiful words!
  9. Wow...I can't even imagine that happening! Sounds like you were a great sport about it and took it all in stride! I get a makeup trial in my package, so I'm sincerely hoping that we can get it right! After your story, I will definitely be bringing some extra make up with me....just in case!!! Thanks for sharing!
  10. ACW: I stole this from another thread on the forum, and cannot take credit for it at all! But here are a few suggestions! We like #2! Sand Ceremony #1 "Before the two of you met, your lives were on separate roads ... each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But somewhere along the way (through some twist of fate) you did meet, and you fell in love. Today, you find yourselves standing here together at the threshold of a new path, and have promised to forever join your once separate journeys into one. Before each of you there is a container of sand. Each container represents the separate journeys you once were on. They also represent your own sets of friends and families, that until today were apart from each other. I now ask that you blend these individual containers of sand together. As the sand has blended together, your lives too are joined. Your once solitary journeys have become one of companionship, as you now set forth on a single path together into your future. Your friends and family are as one as well. You will now share those who are a part of your lives as you walk hand-in-hand Sand Ceremony #2 As you stand beside the ocean, may your love always be as constant as the tide; waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as water is the eternal force of life, so is love. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. You have just sealed your relationship by giving and receiving of rings. But although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other. Keep your commitment primary. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. Grow sometimes together, sometimes separately. To symbolize this union and the importance of the individuals within the marriage, two separate colours of sand will be combined. Each one holds its own unique beauty, strength, and character. They can stand on their own and be whole, without need of anything else. However when these two are blended together they create and entirely new and extraordinarily more intricate entity. Each grain of sand brings to the mixture a lasting beauty that forever enriches the combination. Please pour the sand into this common container to symbolize the union of your two lives. (Begin pouring sand) Sarah and Michael, just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual container, so will your marriage be a molding of two individual personalities, bonded together forming one heart, one life, and one family. Sand Ceremony #3 Now we shall celebrate this union as it is symbolized through the pouring of two individual containers of sand. One represents (Bride/Groom) and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be. The other represents (Groom/Bride) and all that you were and all that you are, and all that you will ever be. As the two vials of sand are poured into the third keepsake vase, the individual containers of sand ceased exist as they are now joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual vases, so will the love and bond between the two of you render you inseparable. Sand Ceremony #4 Before you met, your lives were on different paths with different destinations. Love has brought you together and joined these separate paths into one. The sand in these jars symbolize your separate lives, separate families, separate sets of friends, and the different life journeys you once traveled. I ask that each of you take one of the jars and that you fill the center jar together. ~The couple steps forward and takes their individual jars and fills the center jar.~ With the mixing of these grains of sand you have now symbolically joined your once separate lives. As your two lives have been inseparably combined, so now are your friends and family joined, through you into one. And your once solitary life’s paths are also now one. All that was once separate is now shared and in this sharing you both will find great comfort.
  11. Thanks so much for all of your kind words! I really appreciate it! I was just so appalled that someone would have the nerve to say that to my face, that I had to vent to someone! So thanks again ladies! This forum is a god send! Overnight, I took some time to think about it again, and you know what, it is our day!! All of our close friends and family have booked, even those who are financially strapped right now! And the more and more I think about it, the happier I am that I'm not having a huge 200+ person wedding here and having to invite acquaintances such as those who made that awful comment yesterday. Part of the reason for us wanting a destination wedding (apart from the beautiful scenery) was to keep the group small and intimate! And at the end of the day, we couldn't be happier with our decision! Lsmith - thanks for posting the ceremony script! I really appreciate it! We're doing a non-religious ceremony, so I'm going to email Chandlyn and see if she can send me that one as well. Perhaps I'll start looking around online to check out what some others have used in their ceremony to make it more personal! If anyone has any fabulous resources, I'd love to see them! Thanks again ladies and have a great weekend!
  12. This is a SUPER helpful thread. I was trying to figure out what was appropriate for the different services at the resort, and this really helps! I have to agree that giving the officiant $100 seems excessive, but the rest seem about right. I'm thinking $20-25 per bartender/waiter and DJ, $30-50 depending on the number of people in our kettle drum band, $20 for the hair/makeup person and likely $100 for our wedding coordinator(s). I wasn't planning on tipping our photographers, as we are treating them like guests with OOT bags, etc and paying their trip down.
  13. Hey all...talk about a frustrating day! So I was talking to an acquaintance of mine today about having a destination wedding and how excited I was. She seemed really surprised, then asked if anyone was actually going to show up! I was explaining to her that we had 18 booked so far....then she had the nerve to say: "i think destination weddings are just a way of getting your guests to pay for your wedding". I was shocked!!! I definitely am not asking my guests to pay for my wedding by any means!!!! I'm busy working away on OOT bags and planning an excursion for my guests to thank them for travelling all this way to our wedding. I was shocked that someone could think that, let alone say that!!! Am I the only one who has ever heard this? I was appalled!! I think I'm still in shock! Then following that she actually said something about the ceremony that made me think... For those who have already done this, did you have a chance to talk to either the minister or the wedding coordinators about what you actually want said at your ceremony? Did you have to write your own vows? Did you prepare readings, or did they have a standard ceremony prepared? I was planning to bring something for them to read for the sand ceremony, but hadn't thought about it beyond that! Also, was there a microphone so that your guests could hear what you were saying, or is it close enough that you don't have to worry about that? Any ceremony tips would be much appreciated! In the rush of things to do, it sounds like I managed to forget about what's most important...the ceremony itself!
  14. Ok, so I know that I posted on here not that long ago about my potential bridesmaid dresses, but now I'm questioning my judgement! I still love the other dress, but I'm wondering if a long dress will be more elegant. Then again, perhaps a short dress is more appropriate for the beach! I would be ordering the dresses in coral, irregardless of which one I pick. To make things more difficult, they're only $10 different in terms of price! Help! Please let me know what you think!!
  15. Love the cake! So cute! You must have fabulous friends for planning a great party like that!
  16. Wow...I hadn't given it any thought beyond waterproof mascara! I guess I should get to Sephora pronto! Thanks for bringing this up!
  17. I agree with the others...its a really unique dress and I think it looks great on you! I say go for it!
  18. Love them! They're super similar to ours!
  19. Thanks! I really appreciate it! Should be a great addition to our OOT bag!
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