My fiance, Michael, and I are fortunate enough to live about 90 minutes from Napa Valley. We spent our first weekend together up there, and we've spent about as much time as possible both in Napa and exploring other California wine areas ever since. Michael asked me a couple of weeks prior if I was interested in meeting another couple we were friends with in Napa for the evening on February 25th. He told me his friend was going to surprise his girlfriend with the trip, and that he were going to book our hotel room because he had some sort of discount. I asked what hotel it was for, but he said he was unsure. After pestering him for a couple of days, he confessed that they had booked us at a hotel we had previously stayed at and really disliked. I was annoyed, but I knew that we had disliked the particular room we had before, so I hoped that we would get a better room on this trip. Then Michael told me that his friend had made reservations for dinner for us for Friday night. I was excited to find out where, since Napa Valley has some of the best restaurants. Michael told me they had made reservations at a restaurant on the outskirts of town in the middle of an industrial park that had AWFUL reviews online. I asked what would make him pick this place, and he told me he had received a personal recommendation. I plotted for a week before the trip to figure out a way to get him to change the restaurant, but Michael told me to wait until we had gotten there and had a couple glasses of wine first. I agreed to hold off, but I hoped I could successfully convince them to change the plan. The 25th arrived, and Michael and I set off early to wine taste and have a picnic lunch. We were all supposed to meet up at our favorite winery, Rombauer, at 2PM. We got there at 1:45PM, and Michael suggested that we take a walk through the winery's gardens while we waited for our friends. When we got into the garden, Michael said, "I have a couple of things to tell you. We aren't really having dinner at that restaurant, we're having dinner at Bottega (which I had been DYING to try!), and we're also not staying at that hotel. I made us reservations at the River Terrace Inn (where we stayed on our first trip to Napa and loved!)." At this point, I was just taken aback, and I really just thought, "Oh, that's so cute! He faked me out with all of that bad stuff! We're going to have such a great night tonight!" Then he said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," and the light bulb finally went off. I realized this was no ordinary trip to Napa! This was it! This was the moment I had been waiting for! He got down on one knee, and he pulled the ring box out of his pocket. I began screaming, "Yes," before he could even get the question out! It was the sweetest, most surprising proposal, and I love him even more for making it so special!