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Everything posted by missmeliss

  1. Sorry I didnt read it properly lol I see where you got them!!! Thanks for sharing
  2. What kind of starfish did you use? are they white? The look really nice!
  3. Hi Ladies, Now that there has been so many brides to get married in Jamaica. Has any Canadians been able to get married with just their short form birth certificate? Also is there anything that Canadians (specifically Ontario) need to do before leaving? Do we need a Canadian wedding license? Thanks girls!
  4. You both look so happy!!! Congrats! was that bouquet in your package or did you use an outside vendor?
  5. wow this forum is busy! I need to keep up! For travelling back after the wedding how does everyone transport their sand ceremony frame or vase? Do you carry it on or put it in lugage? Will the sand mix up? I can't seem to decide between a frame and a vase. would one be easier to transport? Thanks!
  6. These are a great find! I just wish shipping and duty wasnt so bad for canadians!
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