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Everything posted by dimplesandsuga

  1. Does anyone have the photographer that the resort recommends, contact info from Adventure photography. I saw someone post that $999 covered pretty much everything and you get the site as well and I'd like to go on ahead and lock it in and talk to these folks if at all possible, and find out what they need in advance.
  2. Awesome!!! They look fantastic! I wish I had thought of that idea, it would have saved me a TON of postage to just design a postcard! I love them! Kudos!
  3. OH OH OH!!! OK, So I don't know all of the songs yet, but for the walk, I want Anthony Hamilton's Beautiful Wonderful, here is the youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-gdWHaSZbQ For "our" dance, Anthony Hamilton's The point of it all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyW6ww4U1lM and I'm still trying to figure out what other songs i need...like, father/daughter and I guess I dance with his dad, and he dances with my mom right...how does that work? What other songs do I need. Also, if you listen to Beautiful Wonderful, do you thin I should have my entire party enter with the beginning of that song and we just follow up until its all played through, my mother thinks I need a song just for me and one for the bridal party...but I LOVE THAT SONG! Plus it might be too confusing and if they get it wrong, I'm going to be super mad!
  4. OH! With the STD's....what I would have done differently was that I would have planned it better, I have a heat gun and embossing powder that I can't return nor use and didn't need to buy because I had this idea in my head but couldn't find all of the items to pull it off. Go to Michael's and different arts and craft stores and also visit local office supply. I had a terrible time finding the paper and the envelopes so what I intended on being an April 30 deadline turned into a July 25th finish date. Definitly plan a design, go to your local stores to see what they have, all stores don't carry everything you'll need and then price everything, once you have most of what you need ,GO FOR IT! Trial and error will play a part
  5. THANK YOU!!! I got the actual template from Alyee Bits, here is the link. http://www.ayleebits.com/2006/06/10/diy-boarding-pass-save-the-date/ The rest was creativity. I actually had a hard time getting the design narrowed down, I'm persnikity on some things, I'm mortified that my finacee is horrible with a pair of scissors and butchered the magnets but its just my STD's so I didn't overly panic. I don't have a theme per se, I had a color scheme, then looking at other brides and the bright colors, my royal blue and silver were thrown into a pink lime, chocolate sky blue mix with hot pink and purple. So I guess my theme is just colors at the moment. It'll come together. I'm a scatter brained artist. My actual invites will be passports, I'm not doing those, this is the person I want to go with for those http://www.sproulliedesigns.com/index2.php#/home/
  6. Hi Sweet! My ceremony is at 600 pm. I love your list, I'm not sure what after bit is though, enlighten me. But it sounds like I could just go to the dollar store and get a ton of little knick-knacks...and I cracked up at K-Y....I was gonna put condoms in my bags.....I'm just not sure if I want everyone to get the adult bags
  7. WOW! Lindsey, I love the real touch flowers! I sent the email requesting info and I was going to ask for a flower vendor and at one point, on the other Dreams forum, of a flower vendor but when I emailed her, I never got a response. But I think this is the way to go, I'm just worried about them getting damaged before the wedding. I don't want them thrown around during travel either so I have to think of a way to keep them save during the flight
  8. Sorry about the first post, I attached them, I'm still learning ladies. But these are my SIY save the date. The flower and the design and trying to do trial and run with everything from fonts to color but this is my final product STD PAGE 1&2 STD2STD PAGE 3&4 Magnet final product Unfortunatly, these are the ugliest stamps ever to accompany the wedding stamp, but it was that or a frog of some sort. ....This is the white envelope this is the silver..
  9. Oh my list is both unorganized and sloppy. Its basically, photographer--a list of of the ones with votes on whose the best, probably gonna go with the one the resort keeps in their back pocket since everyone has given them reviews, and then it spans off into random ideas for pics. Then I have my budget ideas, do I want fire dancers, do i want cigar rollers, do we want the light up floor, fireworks, pros and cons, find out how much they are, i have a list of different cost so I plan on using them as bargaining chips because different brides have different quotes. BUT WAIT....REAL TOUCH FLOWERS.....DO TELL!!!! This is the first I'm hearing of such. I would love to make my brides maids bouquet with these and have a real bouquet for myself.....BUT DON'T SHIP!!! The one thing I did get from Ana right after I reserved my date, she said not to ship, it gets caught up in customs and they have nowhere do keep them safe until your arrival and there is no gurantee they won't get opened and used for another wedding. In earlier post, several brides ran into this problem, its best to bring a suitcase with your stuff and do it down there My wedding is 5-12-2012. I talked to my mom and she said I'm probably getting too excited and I should plan my OOT bags after I have a final guest list and I know exactly whose coming which makes sense. I was gonna just get a bunch of fun stuff,.....including condoms for the single folks, but I have a lot of old people that would be there...I DO NOT WANT THEM TO SEE CONDOMS! I would be mortified!
  10. Okie Dokie! Here are our STD's! I couldn't really think of anything else to make them look nicer. I thought about a silver ribbon on top of the silver trim around the envelope but decided against it in the end. What do you guys think?
  11. Hi Lindsey!!! Yes this brought me down a bit. I was just thinking of all that I have to do and seems like a lot, but then I wrote it down, its a list of 6 or 7 things that have sub bullets and that's it! My STD finally made me very proud, that's when I knew I had done a good job. I will post them as soon as I get home. BTW, I FRIGGIN LOVE YOUR WEDSITE!!! ITS SOOOOO CUTE!! I wish I had knew about that site before I made mine, I don't even like mine too tough, its very naked so I'll post a link after I update it. So I need to contact Ana and ask for a list of all the wedding what nots in hope that she will send something I suppose...here goes nothing! I wonder if I can get the drapery beforehand.....see Ana is my WC and she hasn't sent me specs on ANY of this. She just told me to wait until 3 months before the wedding and she would be in touch.....I SOOOO CANNOT DO THAT! I found some OOT bags at dollar tree, they had different colors. My colors WERE royal blue and silver, but the STD because more festive and I'm currently working with splashes of Purple, White, Tangarine, Lime and even a little hot pink and blue. Its actually very pretty! WHEW! Thanks for bringing me down lady! lol You're great at what you do!
  12. Just finished my Save The Dates too! Did them myself and ladies...I must be picky beyond picky, it took me almost 3 months to get the design done and then, once I did that, it was only 2 pages with info crammed on 2 pages, In the last hour as we were assembling them, I decided to add 2 more pages making it 4 pages and they came out sooooo pretty. I will upload pics later this evening! My wedding is 05-12-2012. I have NOT been in contact with anyone at DRC, what questions should I have and what should I be asking them? Also, what about OOT bags, does anyone have a list of what I should put in them? Also again Aside from your own designing certerpieces, bringing your own table linen and chair bows, what other DIY items have you all thought of? I thought about having parasols made instead of bouquets but the ones I like....too pricey. I wanted them personalized for my Maid of Honors and Matron of Honor. I guess after that, the only other expense is little favors, the dj and the reception to pay for. And as far as beach weddings go, mine is on the North Beach.....do you have to order that arch thing they put up and if so, what about the drapery that makes it look pretty.....I seem to be in the dark on quite a few things to say that I've been on this board since March. But I know what song I'd like to March to, Beautiful, Wonderful by Anthony Hamilton. But I don't know if I should just have it started and my bridesmaids and I all walk to that song because in reading the post, doesn't seem like there is much time to have 2 songs playing. ...i'm so lost i feel like crying.
  13. Awwww, Hi Shane! Your wife to be is so lucky, my fiancee chips in when I ignore him and cut, glue and stuff our save the dates which are a month behind schedule....but he won't get into the "girly stuff" as he puts it. If you have any questions, everyone is super helpful and this is the best thing for DRC since sand and blue water! WELCOME!
  14. How could I have forgotten about Zappos!?!?! To Zappos I go. And exactly on the other topic, we were gonna keep it to ourselves and just off and do it, mostly because my dads one wish is to walk his daugthers down the isle...my kid sister was engaged to one guy, had a baby for him, he left for Iraq and she up and disappeared with my nephew and married her ex! So that broke his heart and my mother asked that I never take that dream away from him and I won't, we'll just do it and it'll be our little secret between the 2 of us. Thanks for the advice and pic of your table decor, I just gotta think of centerpieces, buy my dress and Im done....I can't believe it!
  15. Ok good! So we don't have to legally get married before the symbolic ceremony? That's what we were told at first, but we thought it was a ploy to get us to get married down there. We wanted to just come back, rest up, go have breakfast one morning and just go get it done at the court house lol
  16. OMG!!! I finally got to see it, with the crap internet we have here at work but the picture were gorgeous! You had a beautiful ceremony. SOOOOOO YOU GOTTA TELL US.....Where did you get those shoes and where can i have them dyed that Royal Blue color one of your guest was wearing. That's one of my color, royal blue and silver, thining about throwing a third in there but I don't know what would look good with those 2 colors.....any suggestions ladies?
  17. Hi Mrs. Steiger! The link is having issues, I can't wait to see your photos. When you click on it, its like the page isn't finished and you can't view anything, maybe the internet here at my job, is anyone else having trouble? I'm Courtney BTW ladies lol
  18. So what about legal weddings down there, has anyone heard about getting married legally there being a problem or are some of you getting married in the US? We are still trying to figure out what to do with this, we started off going all the way legal in MX, then heard you will have to wait months to get your lisense and the extra cost are not worth is trying to get it translated so we said, ok, we'll get married state side when we return but I don't know if I want to do that either
  19. Well you have convinced me to switch up on Ana, but she may be good after all so we will see. I didn't know when I should go and buy my dress. I wanted to loose a zillion pounds before I got my dress but I know which one....Maggie Sottero Raye! I CAN'T WAIT!!!
  20. Hi Ladies My date is May 12 2012 6 pm. Is anyone else near that time or around that date and time?
  21. HAHAHA!!! Its ok Lindsey. I was super excited when I read that.....I said, YES! More to look at. Man, I can't wait til May of next year....GET HERE ALREADY!
  22. Wait! You got catalogs!? What kind of catalogs. I have Ana and I just got some crap attachments here and there with 1 or 2 pages that were hard to read
  23. OH THANK YOU! Peep the Lobby at night...I don't know why but the pictures of it lit up with candles seem so romantic! GREAT JOB!!!
  24. LindseyM Thank you soo sooo sooooo much for posting the videos! OMG, this was such a relaxing stress relieving enjoyment to see how beautiful everything is. Thanks again! If you are still there and happen upon North Beach, could you take some video/pics of that too, a lot of us are getting married on that spot. Thank you!!!
  25. From what I was told, make the deposit based on the package you pick and the amount of rooms you want to book....AND to secure the date. If you got the free package, then I don't think you make a deposit. The others require a deposit unfortunatly.
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