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Everything posted by Misti

  1. it will be a hassle but Im going to research hair and makeup outside of the resort. I'm sure it will be much cheaper to leave. Earlier posts talked about vendors who were going to come and go quick were ok to slip by the vendor fee, but I'm not sure how old they were and the price quotes seems to vary bride to bride.
  2. aww... that stinks. those boquet colors dont match with anything i was planning for... My colors are turq and green with hints of orange. I guess the first wouldnt be so bad considering its free. not a fan of the second though. I meant 250 for a bonfire VERSUS the price of a reception on the beach (im trying to go cheap) I got the info from a really old thread. so is the beach reception just 15 pp and thats it? You only have to add a DJ? BC thats not bad at all (despite the DJ price dispute of quotes vs website) Those hair prices are absolutely RIDICULOUS!!!!! I'm totally hiring out. Heard if someone just comes in to perform a service (florist, hair), a day pass doesnt need bought.
  3. LOL, I know!! Over the next week or so I'll try copying information I have found in threads that may be helpful... Here are my really rough notes on the prices (although I'm not sure of everything). The zeros are included in the free package and the spaces without numbers is where I'm still looking for the price. (I'm doing a very minimal wedding). GETTING READY 0 boquet 0 boutonniere groom 150 3 bridesmaid boquet; 1 toss hair make-up CEREMONY 350 Free wedding 0 CD/music during ceremony 0 ceremony flowers petals to throw minister price arch 0 ceremony chairs DINNER (semi-private) 15 Sparkling wine - main toast (1 free; additional = $15 for 7 glasses) 0 Mamee Bay steakhouse semiprivate dinner RECEPTION 0 small cake 450 open bar (15 per person) DJ (150/hr; 3 hours per website...price list says 250/hr) 500? set up fee? (party on beach) ROOM 0 Special decorations _____________________ *10.50 for additional persons on package booked Copied from another (older) post: There are 2 choices for the ceremony : Beach or garden gazebo. Lots of brides on this site have provided pictures and reviews of both. You can also get a ton of pictures on tripadvisor. You can also decide, do you want: Private dinner/private reception - that will cost extra. (approx. $55/person for dinner) (can be held poolside or on the beach) or Semi-Private dinner/private reception - Dinner is included in all the wedding packages and then you can have a private reception either poolside or beach (approx. $15/person for set up and bar) or Semi-Private dinner no reception - the simpliest and most cost efficient QUESTIONS Need pics of free flowers (ceremony and my boquet) reception on beach: costs vs bonfire on beach cost semi private dinner: $15 pp PLUS 500 set up fee?
  4. oh, and the email is mistinicole at yahoo (dot) com Thanks!
  5. Hey girls, thank you both for the help! frizy: sorry for the blonde moment but is that the 350 price of the free wedding or an additional 350 fee?
  6. Ok, I've been doing my research for hours and these are the questions I cannot find the answer to.... Anyone have a pic of the free package flowers or know which one they are on the florist site? reception on beach (no dinner, just drinks and dancing): costs $15 pp PLUS 500 set up fee? Bonfire price 250? or 150? Sand ceremony fee? Does PA system have ipod hookup? Minister and certificate fees in the $350 for free weddings? (I believe so, but would like confirmation) How much for the 4 pole structure (instead of the gazebo)? Thank you!!!
  7. I'm totally a newbie (actually, lurker to be exact), but it seems to me that a main ROR thread is needed. Its such a hassle search through all of these different posts for random info! Mist
  8. Yea, check out the website. It says the normal vendor price and later down the page lists the photog price as much higher. If anyone is able to neg the price please let us know here
  9. I heard couples tower was best.. but I have no experience
  10. I HIGHLY recommend the ziplining. I did it two years ago and it was AMAZING!!! def a one of a kind experience. and the staff is sooo funny!
  11. I would def say the BDW TAs prob have an extreme monopoly in the knowledge dept. I mean, they've deal with the carib and mexico day in and out for years now.
  12. love the pic with your hand over your mouth. cute!
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