akamikey11, I doubt the resort will let you put up an itinerary, but they will probably keep copies at the front they could give to guests who mention they are there for your wedding. If you have an email list of your guests, you could email everyone that they can get a copy of the plans at the front desk of the resort. Just a thought. No DJ here, but did the wedding CD and CD for the photographer over the weekend....felt so relieved to have it done! Girl, you are WAY ahead of me if you are already packing! Haha! Every time I get on this forum I feel like I am light years behind you gals! I am thinking I will probably do a seating chart to insure I get to sit next to my closest people..ha! I know that sounds terrible, but there are people I never see, and I want to make sure I get to spend time with them. But, my seating chart will be easy since we only have 22 or 24 people coming. I am still up in the air on the guest book. I can't seem to find what I am looking for. I found an old school polaroid camera (where the picture comes out of the front of the camera as soon as you take it), and I was planning on having the guests get a picture, tape it in the book, then sign next to their pic. A page per couple./ family. But, the traditional guest books all have lines for signatures, and scrapbooks are all loose papers that get inserted in the plastic sheets. I wish i could find a binded book with blank pages that we could use as our guest book.