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Everything posted by hdinsmor

  1. After knowing this, I wish I would have just paid the $30 3 weeks ago. I have been waiting to hit 150 posts for several labels, and now I am afraid I will not become a junior member in time to get it all done before we leave for our wedding. Ah, the dilemmas! I hit 150 today...fingers crossed that I get switched over soon!
  2. Alright ladies, I have over 150 posts, and I still can't open/ download these attachments! It is giving me the same error message as before I had 150 posts. Can anyone help? Thanks so much! Heather
  3. My Wal-Mart had tons of bubba kegs a month ago, and now, NONE! So, I ordered online. Looks like you girls did GREAT on these!
  4. I found out today that Simone is no longer with the Grand Palladium. But, I must say that Omeshia is far more responsive and pleasant. So, don't worry too much. I'm sure that everything will be fine!
  5. The hearts are so darn cute!! Love them!! I have seen so many good things on here, I do not know what I want to do. Haha!
  6. So glad you let us know about he B&BW sanitizer....I was just about to buy some cheap off brand sanitizer for $1 each. You saved me! Thank you!
  7. I am almost at 150 posts so I will be able to download them soon. I will try to remember to email them to you. if not, remind me.
  8. AGH!! I am so upset!! I just bought totes on oriental express (totally settled...do not love them at all) b/c I panicked after seeing that the ones from Dollar Tree were seasonal. I would have so much rather bought yours. Ugh, ugh!
  9. Well that makes me feel much better. Thanks! I didn't recall seeing her name on this site before, so I was worried she may be a brand new WC, and that made me a bit nervous...haha! Thanks, Lindsayraz!
  10. Sad....they are out of stock. I shouldn't have waited until the last minute!
  11. You already know I love them! Showed my fiance last night, and he was so impressed! Hopefully I will see you soon!
  12. Sunset, they haven't said if Simone has left, but I have a feeling she has. I asked Omeshia (my new wedding coordinator) if she has left the resort, but I haven't heard back. I will keep you posted. If I were you, I would consider requesting that BeachBridein11's wedding coordinator (I can't remember her name, but I know she has posted it in several threads) be in charge of your wedding since Simone has left and you still have time.
  13. Ladies, you are going to love this one! Just found out I have a new wedding planner.....Simone is no more I am guessing. Ugh....so last minute!! To make it worse, there is a stack of forms I need to fill out that Simone didn't send. I saved all of my emails, so hopefully things will be alright.
  14. Girls, I just got an email that I have a new wedding coordinator!! Oh my goodness! I'm a little worried. Anyone else get the same email? I feel like I am starting from scratch, but I save all of the emails with Simone, so hopefully I have nothing to worry about.....
  15. You are so adorable! I LOVE Vegas, and you just gave me Vegas Fever!! I had my bachelorette party this past weekend too....I will post a couple of pics when my girlfriend gets them to me. Thanks for sharing!!
  16. If not he can bathe it in cologne....haha! Just kidding, it will come out!
  17. I will be honest, it did have a kind of funny smell. But, we hung it up the smell disappeared after a few days. So, don't let that scare you. Hope this helps!
  18. Can I get in on the action? My email is [email protected]. Thank you so much!
  19. So cute, Caboose! Short, sweet, and meaningful! I just copied and pasted to use some of this in my welcome letter! Thank you so much!
  20. LOVE the idea of the caricature guest book!! Wish I had thought of it! Huge favor to ask....would you mind sending me your welcome letter and inserts? I will PM you my email address now. Thanks so much!
  21. Soon2BNJersey, glad you feel my pain! Haha! If you are considering heading to Negril, check out Rockhouse and Tensing Pen....I have friends who have visiting both and given them RAVE reviews. Let us know what you decide!! Can you believe we are only 18 DAYS away. Leaving Atlanta in 15 days, and all of my future in-laws from Australia get her in 6 DAYS!!! This weekend is my last weekend to get EVERYTHING done....going to be a busy weekend! Haha! Getting my hair done today, pick up dress/ final fitting on Friday, and facial on Saturday. Still have to get OOT bags (know what I am doing just haven't done it yet), bridal party gifts, and welcome letters. I think I can squeeze it in!
  22. We ordered white, and it is definitely see through w/o the lining. I would recommend lining on all of the light colors. I am sure you would be fine w/o lining of the darker beige, etc.
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