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Everything posted by luvfordalo

  1. It depends on the emails they send you. I uploaded my logo a few weeks ago through a free upload email I got. I guess it depends on your interaction with the site. I order from them pretty frequently. Yes once you upload an image on Vistaprint it becomes a part of your "library" so to speak. I hope this helps!
  2. Hi there sorry for the late response. I am using Almarie with Tropical Weddings Jamaica. www.tropicalweddingsjamaica.com She has been so easy to work with. We haven't decided to do anything after as our time in port in Montego Bay is kinda limited. But we were told that our guests could "hire" the transportation to take them around after the ceremony instead of going right back to the boat.
  3. As I thought we've separated the "men from the boys" so to speak.. today we have 68 out of the original 84 going.
  4. Hi Ladies! I used a TA myself. I actually started this process last year. Our guests were able to put down a non refundable deposit of $25.00 per person and have the remaining balance due on March 1st of this year. Of course there are a lot of people who have NOT made any interim payments since the initial deposit and then there are some who have paid the full deposit. March 2nd will certainly allow us to weed out those who were all for the $25.00 in the beginning but have to come to the table with more money now. As of today we have a total of 84 people who are "supposed" to be going. We will see how that number changes come next month LOL. Good luck!
  5. Lots of cute shoes on here ladies... I may need to find some for my AHR as I will be barefoot for my ceremony. Great finds.
  6. I keep lurking these boards trying to find ideas for my OOT bags..now I'm so overloaded on info I don't know what I want to do lol.
  7. Irae.. I was thinking the same thing about the time frame, but we fell in love with Ocho Rios and just couldn't decide against it!
  8. Has anybody gotten any further clarification on this?
  9. If I'm not mistaken it doesn't matter the age of the traveler the cruise fare is based on occupancy. I haven't heard of any other way around this. The only flexibility for the younger children would be the amount you pay in gratuity as you can adjust it if you like.
  10. Hi Irae! I'm doing this exact same itinerary in August of 2012 (the rates are much cheaper lol). We decided to get married on the island in Ocho Rios and I did lots of research before choosing a coordinator on the island. As of Friday we had 39 rooms booked and counting. As far as the cruise itself goes I went with a travel agent to take care of all the arrangements, as Carnival had too many requirements and wanted too much money up front. That is another reason why I didn't choose any of their packages as well. To me they want everything up front and I want to be able to make payments as I wish. We are looking into having a "dinner" in the steakhouse on the boat for our guests later that night. We are also having an AHR about one month after we return for all those who couldn't make it. Points that were important to me that I found out prior to any money exchanging hands... 1. Inclimate weather contingency plans... there is an alternate indoor option since we are opting for a beach wedding 2. Refund of any monies due to the boat not making it to the port
  11. Awesome job. Really puts me in the mood to get the ball rolling. I just can't seem to get it together. I think because I have a vacation coming up next month and its my #1 priority right now. But August 2012 will certainly be coming around quickly too!
  12. I really need to start posting more. Its so much cool stuff on here I can't see:(
  13. No problem at all. I've learned through this process to share share share!
  14. Hey girls! I was doing some searching on one of my favorite sites Oriental Trading. Here are some personalized nylon bags. They look good, have great reviews and are very inexpensive per piece. Check it out! http://www.orientaltrading.com/personalized-large-nonwoven-neon-color-tote-bags-a2-47_979.fltr?prodCatId=388632&categoryFromSearch=true&tabId=1&Ne=90000&rd=tote%20bags
  15. I've got to get on the ball. I feel left out great ideas here though!
  16. One bag per couple/per single for me! Trying to cut down costs as much as possible. This site and the women on it have such wonderful ideas! Which reminds me I need to get on the ball!
  17. I don't think I'll ever not be a lurker! Although that seems to be what I am
  18. I'll be sure to look her up. Etsy has such wonderful finds!
  19. All of the dates that had a "meaning" for us didn't go along with any of the cruises we were trying to take. So we got stuck with the date that we have because of the date we port in Jamaica.
  20. Hello ladies. August 2012 bride here! Looking forward to getting to know all of you as we move through this process! It's also nice to see some others of us who have something in common other than our weddings. (I need some Pink & Green kisses too!) Let's see... STD's check Deposit for cruise check Deposit with coordinator in Ocho Rios check EVERYTHING else... ummmm not so much!
  21. We're taking the family on a 6 day cruise and getting married in the port of Ocho Rios. For me my TA has been invaluable because it eliminates a lot of questions I might would have to answer about the cruise itself.
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