just got back from my wedding at grand sirenis......... never once complained about a hotel i stayed at down south, pretty much am pleased with everything usually..... didn't care too much for the hotel, and wedding was a disaster... aracely is a very nice lady and was helpful when i hunted her down, but was nowhere to be found on my wnedding day.... hair and make up was a disaster, was a half hour late for my wedding because i tried to fix it up, i asked for one vegetarian plate for one person, everyone got served vegetarian lasagna, the men were not impressed.... one person didn't get served the soup..... the h'ordeurves and champagne were taken away before anyone could get any.... trying to get carts for everyone back and forth was impossible including me travelling back and forth to the spa...... i am so dissapointed and regret having my wedding there, i could fill a page with complaints, good thing we enjoyed the 20 min ceremony, that was the most important part.....and to everyone getting ready to get married there--- i changed my package from the hotel package to the airtransat package because i read about on this forum.... big mistake! nothing is included for decoration.... they took the flowers off of my yuppa, the table where the judge is, the tables at the dinner, even the cake! i was quoted hundreds of dollars more to add flowers to these things, and they were all included in the hotel package... oh yeah another suprise was that the judge isn't included, maybe my travel agent should've know this, but i was never informed of this, you have to pay an additional 400$ usd for the judge.... we were having a symbolic ceremony and going to the justice of the peace when we returned home... when we found out about the 400$ for the judge we asked how much more to make it legal if it wasn't too late, it was 120$ ! we didn't have to do any paper work, no translating birthcertificates ( we didn't even need them ) we didn't have to do anything but get 4 witnesses to sign papers with their passports, photo copy our passports, and get bloodwork 180$ usd, that's it! for an extra 300$ and 30 mins of our time ( if that ! ) it was legal.......so to everyone doing all that complicated stuff before you go, forget it! not necessary, aracely herself said she doesn't know why people do it...........anyway, im sure my wedding was an exception because many other brides are on here saying their wedding was lovely, also sounds like they spents ALOT of money, with large groups... we only had 23 guests....whatever the reason our wedding was not good, and my recommendation is if your not spending about $10,000 on all the extra things like palapas and meals on the beach, don't get married here, there was just way to many things to just "laugh it off" ps.. we used the hotel photographer claudia.....she is nice and if you ask she will take pictures in your room getting ready, at the site and i did trash the dress the next day, at no extra charge, you pay for what you want.... if you can find something that you want...... out of 1000 ish pictures we took 154 and half of them are with squinting... almost every picture had closed eyes, not to mention she took pics of me in my room balling my eyes out because my makeup and hair was hideous and falling out..........sorry to be a downer but goodluck to the future brides