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Everything posted by Andreanna

  1. I know it is a little late, but perhaps this will interest others looking for info on the subject. We went with Seavis. Some of our guests came with us, and some went on a similar snorkelling trip through the Dreams La Romana resort. There was absolutely no contest. Both trips left at the same time, lasted for the same duration, and included food as well as snorkelling gear. Ours cost $95/person, the resort charged $110/person. The beach we went to was clear enough to see coral, considering we were going on the first day of good ocean waves after Hurricane Sandy. Lots of fish, starfish, and even a stingray. The other group had very cloudy water and most stayed on the beach instead of snorkelling. They did not even bother giving people fins. They said their food was on par with the resort. Ours was delicious, fresh and local, but this is harder to judge without having tried both. Their extra sightseeing was a recreation of a 16th century town. Ours was a small local villiage with no water or electricity that helped with sea turtle conservation. This is totally a people's choice area, as some people prefer one over the other. In the end, I highly recommend Seavis! Eco touristry with respect for the environment and people, as well as wonderful experiences!
  2. Hola Ladies!! Remember earlier I was flailing and running around and such? Still didn't get our final quote until we were sitting in front of Jenny. She was fantastic though, and after meeting with her, I relaxed completely. Jassmaine, I know it isn't ideal, but when you are there in person, things will smooth out. We were married October 27, the first real sunny day since Hurricane Sally. It was amazing, and beyond anything I could have hoped for. I will do a full review soon! Vancouver bride: I saw them setting up your ceremony and then later saw you doing some photos. You looked gorgeous! Hope you got to enjoy mostly sunny weather!
  3. We mentioned this to our travel agent, and she got through to them right away. This morning we finally got a quote! For the wrong wedding. All of the details were wrong, the names were wrong, and the wait continues. We fly out on Monday. Small panic. I read the experiences from other ladies and they reassure me that somehow things will sort out and the day itself will be wonderful. Just the details to figure out. Not impressed we still haven't solidified anything. Ladies, use your travel agents as go betweens! They seem to get better results.
  4. Aaaaaaaaah! *frantic arm flailing* No contact from Jenny since we sent the wedding questionnaire a month ago. We wouldn't have even had the questionnaire except I asked for it. No quotes, no confirmation of reception or ceremony location, no confirmation on ANYTHING. We leave in 3 days! When I tried calling, someone spoke very rapid Spanish, then hung up. Called again and they just kept saying "hola hola?" and hung up. Called again, they heard me say Jenny, sent me to a voice mail with a different extention than in the email. I have emailed the Dreams resort itself, and the AM Resort umbrella. No idea what to do. We have only the slightest idea of how much this wedding is going to cost, and no clue if our location choices are even available. I am worried that I am going to get there and they won't even have a record of us. My travel agent isn't a wedding coordinator, so she hasn't had any contact with the resort other than to book the rooms. Advice? Tips? Reassurances? A blanket I can hide under until all of this is over?
  5. Hmm, filling out the form and saw that the Newlywed package is included in our package. No specifics on what exactly is in the newlywed package. Ladies?
  6. Thanks for the tips! These things definitely put a whole new perspective on the wedding. We are more focused on the attendees and the experience itself, than on the decorations and such. Starting to get really excited about actually being on the beach. It is going to be fantastic and just what everyone needs! Vancouverbride: double charge for the stereo?! Insane! Definitely bringing our ipod and mini speakers. Going to test them against the traffic to mimic the waves and see how much can be heard. I was under the impression that the microphone the bride, groom, and officient use is included. If we have to pay to rent the speakers for the reception anyway, I think we are going to get the DJ, because he comes with speakers and can handle an ipod. =p Have our speakers play through supper maybe. Awesome that your travel agent is also a planner. Ours is just the TA, so we have been doing all of the arrangements ourselves.
  7. Vancouver Bride: I am getting married on October 27. We have 30 guests and are also using the Private Beach gazebo for the ceremony. Some of our party arrives on the 23, and some on the 25th. We originally had that terrible overnighter in Toronto, but it was sorted and now we get back to Edmonton before midnight. They didn't mention anything about a price for speakers, but honestly, I didn't think to ask. =( I feel like there are so many extra charges it is hard to know exactly how much this wedding will cost. We were originally thinking of having the cocktails and reception on that private beach, but now I am veering more toward the Seaside grill deck, surcharge aside. I don't want to pay for drinks if people can just walk over to the bar, but the private beach is too far away from a bar for the guests. If you pay for the grill, do you still have to pay for the speakers? One of my bridesmaids died very suddenly a couple months back, and wedding planning stopped until just recently. I feel like I am only now waking up and a lot of the details for the wedding just don't seem quite as important. We are pretty much going to get there and see what happens, I think. I have a dress, working on the vows, and I am just going to have to trust that everything else will sort itself out somehow. Might find table centre pieces in town or some such. I dunno. Everyone here seems very happy with how their weddings have turned out, and I am very grateful for all of the positive feedback and reassuring words. Reading this forum lifted a big weight off of my shoulders.
  8. LIST OF WEDDINGS IN DREAMS LA ROMANA anudrm (Selina) 12 November 2011 DreamsBride2011 (Katie) November 11th, 2011 (reception November 12th, 2011) Sabrina December 17, 2011 Chanelo February 24th 2012 Amurka 6th March 2012 Cynthia (CynMay2012) - May 4th 2012 brendee2005 May 5th, 2012 almasu - May 19th 2012 soccer1615 July 5th 2012 Romana uk 2012 September 7th 2012 Andreanna October 27, 2012 jess819 November 9th, 2012 Jessicalynneh November 10th, 2012 Whoo whoooo!!! Been a while since I posted. Wedding planning had to stop for school, but now school is almost over and I can't wait! 341 posts since last I was here. Took me a couple hours, but all caught up now! Congratulations to all of the new married ladies, thank you for all of the new tips! No bonfire? Major disappointment, I was really looking forward to having that on our last night at the resort. Our travel agent told us the schedule didn't come out until April, but I see some of you November brides already have yours. Hmm, will have to get on that! Invites sent, website made, date booked. Saw the kerfluffle with times, so will make sure our time is booked as well. Engagement photos done, guest book done, family . . . difficult. Dress . . . difficult. Hahaha, but isn't that always the way of it! Number of people who have payed their deposit: Just the FI and myself. *sigh*
  9. This would be fantastic! When are the webinars going to be? I've never heard of it before I saw your post on the Dreams La Romana thread.
  10. Wow, I remember first posting that I was going to be a 2012 bride and feeling that it was so far away as to not even matter yet. Holy moley, things have changed! It's going to be a wonderful year, ladies!!
  11. We are also having an October 2012 wedding and our TA told us we had to wait until April 2012 for any airline information. It made booking the resort risky, but hopefully it works out.
  12. Thank you for posting your pictures and the Eventos recommendation, Francys! I emailed them to see about colours and prices. Jenny sent us pictures of the beach gazebo and I fell in love with the privacy and sand. So glad to see it is as wonderful as it seems!
  13. Nope, Dreams is definitely a family friendly place. We've got several little ones and a few teens coming, so we had to make sure of this.
  14. Thanks DreamsBride2011, that helped a lot! I've heard a lot of negative things about the beach, but if there is even the chance of privacy, then I would love to use the wooden gazebo. I don't mind sand. ^_~ I'm sure the pier will be amazing for you two!
  15. Whoo hoo! Booked the resort, the TA, and the photographers. Dreams la Romana, October 27, 2012. That is, if we can overcome the miscommunication that it's a Saturday, not a Sunday (since there are no wedding on Sunday). >.< And if the flights work out for that day. Aiyeee! I want to send out the invitations, but am nervous because there are no flights set yet. How long do you ladies have to wait for your flight schedule? Any concerns?
  16. Just contacted Tiana and Jenny about booking our date. (October 27, 2012) I love the pictures of the gazebos, but am having difficulty deciding on which one. There was a small wooden one that looked beautiful, as well as the white one that looked simple to decorate. For those of you who decided on one or the other, what were your pros and cons? Thanks!
  17. I'm trying to think of it as an initiation. =p
  18. I've been looking around for signatures and can't find how many posts you need for that, if any. I just want to be able to have date and location below my posts. Am I missing something?
  19. I wish there was a general Tips and Tricks thread for Dreams La Romana. The culmination of the knowledge from all of you wonderful ladies! It certainly would make things easier on the planning front. =p Oh well! Back to page . . . 197? or was it 179? >.<
  20. I wonder why they made it 150 though? I'd imagine you'd have to be on here for a long while to get that. Not complaining, just curious about the logic. (Okay, a smidgeon of complaint, but we'll pretend no one heard. =p)
  21. And being her own boss would give her flexability for price. Awesome!
  22. I just want to be able to have a signature. =(
  23. Susan would be the one and the same! Definitely hoping to use the train fabric for the sleeves. There's some wonderful embroidery on it that I want to save. I appreciate price honesty, require it actually. =p
  24. Just got our engagement photos done by Picture That Photography. Impressed with their ideas and way of getting us relaxed. One week and then we can see the pictures! Anyone know a good tailor? I have a train to remove and some sleeves to add . . .
  25. Niyoka has been very quick to respond with information. She's been giving us prices that are several hundred cheaper to boot! Definitely glad I contacted her! Thanks for the recommendation Ashley!
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