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About BeachBride62312

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  1. Has anyone received the free rehearsal dinner? I received the menu choices from my TA, but I'm not really set on any of them. If you did do the free rehearsal, what did you serve? Was it good?
  2. I booked Sandals for my photography. I'm also super nervous...but my TA showed me some of the pics/ and sandals website has pics as well. That helped me to relax. She also agreed to show me some profiles of the on-site photographers once the date gets closer, so I can pick the style I like the most. I'm printing out/bringing other wedding pictures that I love, so I can show them to the photographer and recreate the ones I love.
  3. I'm getting married, June 23, 2012. You're right, it doesn't seem like there are many of us.
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