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Everything posted by snanderson

  1. Or maybe you could have a shower and include a "cute" little note that kindly explains your situation (i.e. that you are already in an established household) and suggest "if a gift is a must, we prefer gift cards or financial donations to help us with our new union."..just an idea! Not sure if the wording makes sense, was trying to recap what I have recently read on a wedding invitation and it was worded in good taste. Again...just an idea!
  2. I can not find the thread for the key holders...can someone please advise on how to get to it.
  3. I am still learning the process on how to get free items from VP, if anyone out here has any tips/hints....PLEASE pass them along!
  4. Very nice job, glad I'm not having any BMs and all I have to worry with is the OOT bags!
  5. Thanks for the pics, what is the quality of the coin purses, I've always had bad experiences with OT and their product seeming kind of cheap. Would love to purchase if they are of a decent quality.
  6. Nice, thanks for the reference to the website, saw a lot of things on that site that might be useful in my planning!
  7. Nice, I want to use the bug spray, but must find it cheaper than Amazon is offering it for. Maybe I will search Ebay (my next fav site)
  8. Very cute, I need to save up my BBW coupons and use them on the small candles and the sanitizers! The more I look into other people's ideas the more ideas I feel like I need to incorporate....love the board but I will be broke trying to incorporate all of these ideas into what was suppose to be "simple DIY" projects....
  9. I like the ideas, but I am unable to meet the min order requirements....I wish they would create a website of items w/ no min requirement for us brides...ugh! I want to get frustrated, but I know that it will work out!
  10. Would love to know where they were ordered from, and also would be interested in going in half with someone. I only would need approx 25.
  11. Thanks, adding as a bookmark right now...will be included in my welcome books!
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