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Everything posted by Avelyad

  1. Thanks ladies! I left them as is and will send something out at a later date for people to check out the website!
  2. kwebb, I agree with LizzDee, you did get a great deal, but the problem will be finding that great deat for the second time in order for your friends and family to afford it! Our rates have pretty much stayed the same since we booked with TA in Jan, too. Good luck!
  3. If you check the threads, you;ll definately find that the Beaches Reps are often accused of giving the wrong info! Just let your TA deal with them! Glad it's all working out for you!
  4. I saw this post on the roll call thread and immediately contacted our TA. We are also getting married in Jan 2012 (actually we'd be getting there on the 17th so we'd prob see you!). His response was that since we were already booked, they should honor our free wedding (& should is not enough for me - I plan on getting it in writing), but I don't know if they would run that for you if you're not booked yet. I would use a TA if you can - since they book more often than regular joes, they can prob pull strings.
  5. So glad I checked this forum - I want to do a ttd but felt I had to buy another dress. I only paid $350 for my dress and love it, so I wanted it for all of the photos. I guess I don't really care if it's ruined, because it will likely never be worn again, unless by one of my daughters, but I'm gonna give it a go and see what happens!
  6. Lol you probably Need 150 posts to open it!
  7. I think people will get the concept - it's nice- and just a little stray from the usual picture board signing concept. Great Idea
  8. So sorry to hear that you are going through this at a time when you don't need anymore stress in your life! I, too, am sick of the complaints but that was the risk we took when we decided on a DW! Just let it roll off your shoulders and don't bite into her argument- if it's going to put her in the poor house, she never should've agreed to come in the first place! Good luck!
  9. Brandy - thanks for posting all the pics! I love the seaside serenade theme! Yu looked gorgeous!
  10. It's your dress. If you love it, you deserve to have it! I personally love it!
  11. Great find - I may need to get one for myself! My daughter said it best " target is just like disneyworld!"
  12. Thanks for filling me in. I'd love to be part of the tradition! My wedding is Jan 21, 2012
  13. we have mentioned a BBq possibilty when people seem to hem and haw, but not until then - we really want people to consider coming first, then we will see how it goes....
  14. welcome Karey - like another poster said - the T&C thread is very helpful! Good luck and congrats!
  15. I would love to have a blue or white starfish, but am unfamiliar with the whole passing it on process - could someone fill me in? I like the idea of havng one to keep for myself, but love the sharing idea - let me know how this works!!!!
  16. It is always the brides decision - but i like #2 on you the best!
  17. I wish I could hve seen more! But that'd what a DVR is for! I love her dress - very classy. Not what I would wear, but I'm not very classy
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