We are doing OOT bags, but mostly because the favor I decided to give out for the AHR was a personalized tote and I thought I might as well do the bags for the people coming to the DW as well. I got mine from discountmugs.com they are Jute bags with a rope handle and they are great (sorry I don't have a pic) but I got them for about $2 each personalized because I ordered over 200 of them. I also struggled with the idea of putting little, kind of meaningless stuff in so I have decided to put a little bit of small stuff in a first aid kit, a lanyard with key/tip holder and then we are giving each person a personalized beach towel (only $7 each) that they can take home and use again. I was actually initally only going to do bags for the kids, just so they had some neat things to do and it makes the kids feel included but now everyone is getting one and I think the people who are coming with us will be surprised and very appreciative.