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Posts posted by OceanPhoto

  1. How to #HashTag your wedding?

    Having a wedding photographer is essential for capturing the timeline of your big day. But what about all of the photos that your guests take throughout the evening? After all, they can capture some fun shots that your photographer may not have gotten. Plus, you often have to wait weeks to see the pictures that your wedding photographer took.

    Instagram is an easy way to check out all of the photos that were taken throughout your wedding. But with all of the guests at your nuptials posting pictures on Instagram, how are you supposed to see them all? This is where hashtags come in.


    Creating a hashtag


    Hashtags - Words or phrases shared on social media sites and demarked by the pound sign - allow you to see all of the pictures that are related to that tag. For example, if you type #weddingdress into Instagram or Twitter, you will see all pictures and posts that users have put up regarding wedding dresses (so long as the user added that hastag to his or her post).

    You can do the same for your big day! Create your very own hashtag, like #MJWedding13 or #JenandBenTietheKnot. It can be whatever you would like. However, if your hashtag is too generic, like #wedding, there's a chance other people could have already used that hashtag. To find out if yours is already taken, search the term on Instagram.

    When creating your hashtag, make sure there are no spaces or characters. The pound sign needs to be touching the rest of the word. For example, using the hashag #m&rwedding wouldn't work because of the "&" sign.


    How to find photos

    When you or your guests want to search through photos from the big day, just head to Instagram and type in the appropriate hashtag. This way, all of the photos for your big day will be in one place, making them easily accessible to all.


    How to spread the word

    There are a few ways you can inform your guests of the hashtag you will be using. You can have it printed on your ceremony programs and offer a slight explanation. It could be something like "If you use Instagram, please take pictures throughout our big day using the hashtag (insert tag)." You could also print the hashtag on each guest's place card. A display at the entrance of your reception is another popular option. Set up a chalkboard framed in gold, like this couple did.





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    - See more at: http://luxweddingflorist.com/article/how-to-hashtag-your-wedding/?


  2. Wedding photos are the only commemoration of the hours and money spent to plan one of the most important days of your life. Therefore other than the choice of a life partner, choosing the wedding photographer is the most important wedding- related decision you will make. So is not to be taken lightly.


    Here some tips to make the right decision selecting the photographer to record your Big Day;


    1.    Choose the style of the wedding photography. Make some research about the photo trends; Traditional, Candid shots, Glamour-fashion, Combined style, Eclectic, etc.  



    2.    Decide the level of service you want for your wedding photographer;  1-3 hours for the ceremony and cocktail hour may be enough for you. Some couples may prefer a complete package that include; Getting ready session, rehearsal dinner, bridal portraits & newlywed photos, Trash the Dress.



    3.    Decide how many images you would like from your wedding celebration. Some photographers may provide you with under 100 images to remember your wedding day by. Higher-end photographers often capture thousands of images (generally from 1,000 to 3,000) for you to keep forever.



    4.    Decide how many edited & printed photos you want from you photographer, to display them for years after as a reminder of the wedding day. Many brides who choose photographers that only give them a disc of their images (no album, prints or other items) find that they lack the time, software or knowledge to create their own albums, properly edit the photos (crop, color correct, etc.).



    5.    Determine your budget.



    6.    Determine what form of your pictures you will want from your photographer. Just purchasing the prints is sometimes economical if you do not want an album. If you expect to need a large number of prints, it may be better (and faster) to purchase the negatives from your photographer and have the copies made privately, at your leisure. If you plan to use the images in numerous creative ways, or want to post them to a website or include them in a screen saver, you will probably want to receive the digital photo files directly from your photographer via the Internet or on a CD-ROM.



    Contact Ocean Photo Studio and find out about our special offers and packages;

    [email protected]


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    Edited by Hamsterlaugh


              We know that you will live stressful moments during your wedding day, perhaps it is mandatory to know that Bride and Groom must be the happiest people during the celebration!

    Find 5 simple tricks to help you enjoy you big day;


    1. Dance

    The best way to show you´re enjoying every minute of the celebration is;

    Get out on the dance floor and dance! If you are having a great time, everyone else will, too.


    2. Put your energy into What Truly Matters

    Do you remember the last time you attended a wedding? If you notice, you have memories about the HIGHLIGHT moments only; the great music, fun crowd, beautiful flowers and feeling happy about being there having great time with people you care about.

    The point is, put your energy and your resources into the things that your guests will appreciate and add to their experience and try not to worry about the smaller details.


    3. Trim your Guest List

    Make sure to be surrounded by people you love and care. Family and friends that will be worry about You having a good time and not the other way around.


    4. Roll with the punches

    Even the great movies have bloopers! Don´t try to have a perfect wedding, the unexpected situations are part of the day. Knowing that despite all of your best efforts, every wedding is going to have something unexpected will help you have a less stressful and funnier day.


    5. Soak it In

    Steal a few minutes away at the reception with your new husband / wife , go to a quiet spot, and just look around and soak it in. Everyone you see is there to celebrate your new marriage. It's a huge reminder to be grateful for the love in the room. Then, get back to celebrating! Everyone in that room wants to see you happy, so the more fun you can have at your own wedding the more memorable it will be for everyone.

    ENJOY !!









    Photo by Ocean Photo Studio 

    How to have a Fun Wedding


  4.       You may always consider the size of your wedding party and your personal preferences, but here we have a helpful list for you to make your own MUST HAVE wedding photos;


    1. Wedding dress hanging up

    2. The shoes

    3. The rings

    4. The flowers and ceremony decorations

    5. Bride getting ready

    6. Groom getting ready

    7. Groom putting on boutonniere (traditionally the groomâ€s mom pins it on him)

    8.  Bride putting on dress/veil

    9. Bridal Procession at Ceremony (each set of bridesmaids/groomsmen and anyone else in the wedding party)

    10. Bride and Father Walking down the aisle

    11. Groomâ€s expression when he first sees his bride

    12. Reciting Vows

    13. Exchanging Rings

    14. Unity Candle/Sand Ceremony/Any other unique addition to the wedding

    15. First Kiss

    16. Introduction of the Mr. And Mrs.

    17. Signing the Marriage License

    18. Receiving Line (if they have one!)

    19.  Bride with Parents

    20. Bride with Mother

    21. Bride with Father

    22. Bride with Siblings

    23. Bride with Parents and Sibings

    24. Bride and Groom with Brideâ€s Parents

    25. Bride and Groom with Groomâ€s Parents

    26. Groom with Parents

    27. Groom with Mother

    28. Groom with Father

    29. Groom with Siblings

    30. Groom with Parents and Siblings

    31. Bride and Groom with Flowergirl/Ringbearers

    32. Bride with Bridesmaids

    33. Groom with Bridesmaids

    34. Bride with Groomsmen

    35. Groom with Groomsmen

    36. Bride, Groom, Bridesmaids, and Groomsmen

    37. Bride with Maid of Honor

    38. Bride with individual bridesmaids

    39. Groom with Best Man

    40. Groom with individual groomsmen

    41. Bride Portraits

    42. Groom Portraits

    43. Bride and Groom Portraits

    44. Arrival of Wedding Party at Reception

    45. Cake

    46. Reception Decorations

    47.  Toasts

    48. Cake Cutting

    49. First Dance

    50. Father and bride dance

    51. Mother and groom dance

    52. Garter Toss

    53. Bouquet Toss

    54. Bride and Groom Farewell/Driving Away



































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  5. Originally Posted by BrideBabe View Post


    Also, I have been worried about finding a foundation that wont be heavy, but with enough coverage..I dont want a cake face? I wear BB cream daily and this is enough for my day to day but I am not sure for the wedding. any suggestions? so far MAC  foundation is too heavy for me and Im not opposed to a drug store brand since I dont wear foundation much! HELP!

    Hello Dear, 

    We suggest you look for a full-coverage foundation that matches perfectly your type of skin. (oily, dry, combination, sensitive, t-zone...color)

    There are several brands that are hypoallergenic.

    ¡Good luck! :D

  6. Beach Wedding Shoes: What to look out for ...


    Something that a lot of beach brides don't think about until they're way into their wedding planning is;


    “What kind of shoes am I going to wear to go with my beach wedding dress?â€


    Yes, perhaps the biggest dilemma for a beach bride is having to decide what kind of shoes to wear.

    Beach weddings are all about freedom and informality.






    However, many brides are still reluctant to do away with a pair of stunning high heeled bridal shoes and go for a more casual and comfortable pair instead. Especially if one of their favorite “obsessions†is shoes!


    Before you even start looking for bridal shoes, make sure you know exactly what your wedding location is going to be like. Get familiar with the path that you're going to take for your grand entrance.

    Will you have to go through a garden before you get to your beach? Can you honestly say that you'll walk comfortably down the “aisle†in a pair of stilettos?








    Trust us, sand is sand and even if you cover it, chances are that you'll still go all wobbly with high heeled shoes. Do you want to look unsecure while you're walking down the aisle?  Plus it will look awful on video as well!






    There's a high risk on choosing high heeled bridal shoes even though you will be literally walking on sand. And, contrary to what you might think, your guests will NOT be all out to see what kind of shoes you're wearing. Your beach wedding dress (and hairstyle) will draw much more attention for sure. 




    Barefoot Sandals

    Go barefoot!

    If you are totally comfortable with going barefoot, then you can choose from a vast range of stunning bridal foot jewelry or barefoot sandals as they're also called. There's something so feminine, romantic and sexy at the same time about beach wedding foot jewelry.








    Beach Wedding Flip Flops


    You can get these specifically from bridal shoes suppliers or you can get a pair of regular flip flops and have fun decorating them yourself. You can decorate them with pearls, jewels, ribbons, etc. With a little bit of thought and creativity, a pair of bridal flip flops can be made to look amazing.






    Slip Ons


    Another popular option is to wear slip ons. These type of bridal shoes are ideal if your ceremony will be on the beach and afterwards you'll be having your reception indoors. Slip ons are comfortable, yet stylish and you won't have that feeling of “unaddressed†feet.

    Choose a pair of slip ons that go well with both your dress and your bridesmaids' dresses.

    This will give you all a co-ordinated and complete look.





    Beach Wedding Sandals


    A pair of strappy sandals can look stylish and gorgeous. Theyâ€re comfortable to wear and you can even have a low heel if you going for flat ones will make you feel awkward. 






    Remember that comfort is a huge factor on your beach wedding, so choose your bridal shoes wisely!



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    Sources; Beach Wedding shoes at; http://www.beach-bride-101.com

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  7. Why a WHITE GOWN?

             Through much of the 20th century, wedding dresses were merely formal dresses that could be reused for any special occasion. Brides could wear any color.

    The first famous woman to wear a white wedding dress was Mary, Queen of Scots — at that time, it was seen as a bad choice, as white was the official color of mourning for the French. In 1840, however, another royal figure wore white to her wedding — Queen Victoria, at her marriage to Albert of Saxe-Colburg. Queen Victoria's wedding photographs were widely publicized, sparking an interest in the white wedding dress throughout England and beyond.

    White wedding dresses were a symbol of wealth. Because the dresses could not be washed or reused for other occasion, only a rich woman could afford to wear a white wedding dress; most women still wore dresses in various colors. Others wore white dresses which they would dye another color after the ceremony, so that it could be used for other occasions.

    In the 1950s, however, white wedding dress became a mainstream trend throughout Western society. With the advent of  television, society was bombarded with images of celebrities like Grace Kelly wearing white dresses to their weddings. The average American woman finally decided that it was time to splurge on an expensive white wedding dress for her own ceremony.




    Meaning of White / Color Symbolism

    White – The White Light of Spirit

    White symbolizes: Purity, Cleanliness, Truth, Innocence, Light, The light of spirit

    Verb: I am complete.

    White Energy:

    White projects purity, innocence, virginity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Doctors don white coats, Brides traditionally wear white gowns and a white picket fence surrounds a safe and happy home.

    It is good for new beginnings, enthusiasm, clarity of purpose, spiritual insights and inspiration.




    White often reminds us of Heaven with angels dancing among the clouds in white flowing gowns and white wings. It is considered to be the color of perfection.

    Also represents safety, strength, kindness and cleanliness. White increases the flow of the life force. It stands for wholeness and completion. Has a healing power and represents openness and truth.

    White is the perfect color; for it is all colors, in perfect balance and harmony.Brides wear white in many countries, because white symbolizes a virgin and a symbol of loyal love.





    White is also associated with heroism and goodness.

    It is the color of the awakened Spirit; the light of perfection; the light of the Cosmic Consciousness, the Divine Light. Just about everyone has heard of surrounding people with the "White Light of Healing and Protection."

    As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. Strictly speaking, white is not a color, but the manifestation of the presence of all color - the complete energy of light.







    Keywords for Meaning of White:

    Purity, harmony, balance, spirit, sincerity, angels, oneness, ritual, moon, goddess, new beginnings, simplicity, peace, good, innocence, virginity, youth, birth, marriage, perfection, winter, snow, cold, freshness, cleanliness, sterile, reverence, protection on all levels, divinity, cleansing, spirituality inspiration, invoking good spirits, spiritual enlightenment, truth, serenity, higher self, newness, precision.






    White Words:

    These words are synonymous with white or represent various shades of the color white: snow, pearl, antique white, ivory, chalk, milk white, lily, smoke, seashell, old lace, cream, linen, ghost white, beige, cornsilk, alabaster, paper, whitewash.

    Using White with Other Colors:

    Used with light or pastel tones, white is soft and Spring-like and helps to make the pastel palette more lively. White can make dark or light reds, blues, and greens look brighter.






    What Does White Mean to You?......




    Sources; Kathy Hawkins at http://www.wisegeek.com/why-are-wedding-dresses-white.htm#

    “color symbolism†http://www.incredibleart.org/lessons/middle/color2.htm


  8. Originally Posted by hezmshaw View Post


    I would find eyeliner the hardest... I never wear it because I suck at putting it on. Do you think it's important?

    Hello Dear, 

    We think is important to wear eyeliner, it makes your eyes appear bigger and also make them pop. Choose a more dramatic look on the wedding day would make the difference in your PHOTOS. 

    Take a look to this pic; Check out her eyes;




  9. It really doesnâ€t get any prettier than a beach wedding, between the warm sunshine, fresh salty air and the crashing waves. These very reasons may be why you choose natureâ€s backyard for your picturesque wedding ceremony are also key factors that will greatly affect your beach wedding makeup.


    To ensure that you look just as stunning as your surroundings, here some steps for you to follow to wear beach makeup for your wedding. By following these simple techniques that were used at this very beach bridal session, you are guaranteed to look flawless. 





    From Briggitte of Bloom Makeup Artistry;


    1. Exfoliate face and lips, not only will this make your skin smooth for foundation but it will also help the longevity of your lip color!


    2. Donâ€t apply gloss (or use very little) until after the wedding ceremony and formal photos. This will keep your lips matte and dry which helps the lip color last longer throughout the day. It can also help avoid the nasty highlights that can appear on shinny lips in photos.


    3. For the sake of the photography and having your makeup look beautiful in pictures, a bit extra makeup is necessary. If you are hesitant to use false lashes and eyeliner remember that makeup artists have a large selection of natural looking false lashes that when used are barely detectable and soft eyeliner will only accentuate your eyes in photos.


    4. For afternoon and evening weddings use a shimmery highlighter , but if you are tying the knot in daylight opt for highlighting with a shade lighter, matte powder. The sunshine is brighter at the beach, so take that into consideration.


    5. Blush and bronzer should be matte. Save the shimmer for the highlight of the cheekbone and the browbone. You can use a light gold and bronze for dark and olive skin tones. Remember, extra blush and bronzer should look natural but it is important for “looking alive†when flashes, etc. make you look pale and washed out.


    6. Salty air causes excessive water loss from the skin. To avoid dry skin be sure that days before your wedding you drink lots of water so that you minimize dehydration. In order to have smooth skin the day of the wedding tone and moisturize your skin, let the moisturizer soak in for at least twenty minutes. If there is any excess left gently dab off with a dry cotton pad.


    7. For a final touch set makeup and avoid shine with a translucent loose powder. If you are prone to an oily t-zone keep a small touch up bag with extra powder and things like lipstick that will need to be re-applied.


    8. Get a facial, waxing and threading treatments two or more days before the wedding. By doing this you avoid redness, irritation and the possibility of makeup not sticking to the skin due extreme smoothness.


    9. When choosing a foundation make sure to choose one that best suites your skin type. If you have oil prone skin try a matte cream foundation, if you have normal to dry skin use a liquid foundation to achieve a more hydrated, glow.


    Read more here; http://ow.ly/kezUX                


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  10. 10 Maid of Honor Duties

    Choosing the Maid of Honor may be easy. Despite that and once you have asked her to be your "MOH" you need to be aware of what her duties are and in which activities she must get involved. The activities and responsibilities of the Maid of Honor are a little more complex than you may think. Despite all rumors, the main task does not only consist of wearing a nice dress or walking with you down the aisle.




    1.     Be patient and understanding

    *Especially during the emotional times of the wedding planning.


    2.    Be the bride´s right hand woman


    3.    Be in touch with the other bridesmaids

    *That means organizing meeting times, make sure they get to their dress fittings, choose the shoes, accessories, bouquet. Also she should keep them informed about rehearsal date and time.


    4.   Plan the Bridal Shower


    5.   Turn your ideas in positive actions to make final decisions


    6.   Be updated about details


    7.     Be responsible for simple but important tasks

    *Such as; picking up the cake, deliver the wedding gown; place the guest book, etc.




    8.    Support the bride and help her get ready for the ceremony

    *Coordinate the Make-up and hair artist

    *Make sure everything runs smoothly


    9.   Stand at the altar during the ceremony, holding the bridal bouquet during the vows




    10. Make sure the bride continues to look immaculate

    *Make sure the bride takes time to eat something and be hydrated.






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