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Everything posted by lovethebeach10

  1. I am using clip in extensions (10 inch) just for extra volume...I will let you know how they go when I get back!
  2. Oh my GOSH! I am leaving tomorrow at 6am ladies! I can't believe it. The time has flown by and dragged at the same time if that is even possible! I am so excited and I can't wait to come back and post my photos and review for you all to see. I have been addicted to this site for months now and I just love, love, LOVE looking at everyone's pictures. I have never seen one bride who didn't look beautiful, so that calms me a little bit! lol Thanks to all the past Brides for all the info and tiny details you added here....for my type A, control freak personality this site has been a godsend. I feel like I have already done a site visit! For all of you just starting out and finding this thread, I suggest (yes it takes days) but go back to the start of this thread and read through! All and I really mean ALL of your questions about lights, lanterns, number of steps down the isle, to the number of outlets at Zavas Plaza will be answered! Also, read the planning journals (my personal fav) there are some truly great ideas on there. ANd nice photos too! Our photographer is Sweet Caribbean so if anyone else is using them or considering them, email me after the wedding and I will let you know how they were. But so far they have been really terrific to work with. Ok so see you all when I am a married woman!
  3. We are leaving for our wedding in Mexico June 2nd. Hopefully I can make it to the next one! Have fun
  4. Square One area works for me as well! No Subway line there but the GO bus does stop there if that helps anyone? Can't wait to meet all of you
  5. JaimeCF2BR you must be leaving soon? You must be SOOOO excited! Still no photos of Tisha's wedding yet I am dying to see! Goodluck, best wishes and congrats for your soon to be wedding!
  6. I am in MIssissauga as well! And I work shift work, so anytime/date could work for me!
  7. Yes I would be interested too, but only have 5 weeks until the wedding! Hope the get together is soon
  8. Beautiful dress, but still loving the one I have Sorry your wedding was cancelled
  9. Ok so silly question......I know someone (possibly Murmel cause she is always knowledgeable :-) ) had told us a while back which songs the wedding coordinators will ask you for, for the ceremony, but my silly question is HOW DOES THE CEREMONY GO? lol I am thinking general music while everyone sits and waits, but does the Groom walk up the isle and seat his Mom, both parents do the groomsmen do this? Or do people seat themselves? Or does the Groom wait at the front and that is when it all starts? Then the girls, then the Bride? I know, I obviously did not pay any attention when everyone else I know was getting married Can anyone sort me out? lol Thank you so much!
  10. Congrats Michelle. Have a wonderful time and can't wait to see your pictures and review!
  11. I say wear the dress! We are having an AHR and that seems to be the first question everyone is asking me "will you be wearing your dress?". People WANT to see the dress and your dress was beautiful and perfect for an indoor dinner and cocktails. It isn't one of those giant pouffy dresses with a train. Unless of course you are looking for a reason to buy another gorgeous white dress Because this is a pretty good reason lol.
  12. I know I am excited to see all of your photos and read your reviews! Congratulations to you all and enjoy
  13. Oh I didn't realize it was Azul fives...I will have to check that out! I am so happy to hear that you got it all sorted out Fabulous news. I guess it's the same wedding coordinators and menu choices etc? Do you have to come to the Sensatori for the spa? Not sure if the Fives has a spa? Yes, we are staying until the 13th of June but heading over to the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum for something a little more laid back and different- just the two of us I love, love, love your engagements shots! Great job. You guys look so cute together and I adore the fuschia shirt! Keep in touch! and please let me know how things went at the Fives....I want photos! lol Take care
  14. Gorgeous! I am so glad you liked him. Sweet Caribbean is my photographer as well! Your pictures are beautiful! Congratualtions!
  15. Love the logo and so glad you worked things out with your ex-MOH situation. That must be a HUGE stress relief!
  16. Thank you! How are your plans going? Azul Beach looks gorgeous. Were you able to get everyone booked?
  17. Less is more thank you for the advice! This is such a relief! I am sure I read further back someone saying that they got the gazebo christmas lights for free....I am really hoping that is the case because $300 for 6 posts is ridiculous! My FI said NO way! lol Ladies I just wanted to let you know that I added some photos to my profile and I would love to hear your thoughts! Please take a look and let me know what you think! And for any other Toronto area brides...if you like anything PM and I can give you some great places to get supplies cheap, cheap, cheap! ....like a quarter of what Micheals charges 66 days until we leave! I am SOOO excited I am not sure I will even be able to sleep for the last few days before we go lol. I don't know how you April brides are doing it. I am excited for you guys as well! Cannot wait to see your pictures and read your reviews! Melanie
  18. lovethebeach10

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