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Everything posted by Admay19

  1. Hey guys. I have a quick question. I am torn between the hotel Le Reve and the hotel La Amada. My wedding is going to be in May of 2012. But i want to book a year early to make sure I have ample time to get everything done. I have gotten information for Le Reve. but I have not received much from La Amada. I know the prices might change between here and now, but I would like to have an idea of what I have to look foward to. If some one could send me any information you have that would be great. I'll take anything you have on the hotel. Really, even if it dosent seem important, ill take it. My email is [email protected] thanks guys. and happy planning.
  2. I'm in the same boat. I am looking at both Le Reve and La Amada. We are only going to have about 10 or so people total, so we wanted something small. Le Reve has been great about getting back to me with every request we have. I have not heard much back from La Amada. The only reason we are looking at La Amada is that they seem to be cheaper, at least a little bit. We have the wedding planned for the second week in May 2012 and we have time to get ready, but I wanted to book the rooms and the photographer, (I've been talking to Del Sol, and cant wait to work with them, yay!!) at lease a year in advance. So I'm torn, but I know my FI loved the calm feeling of Le Reve.
  3. thanks so much!!! I have learned so much already. I'm pretty sure with out this site i would still just be guessing. I'm just glad we are having a small family wedding, so i don't have much to plan. We are planning for it to be around May 5th of 2012, and I want to get as much done now as I can. I'm doing pretty well, we just cant decide between La Amada and Le Reve resorts. lol I'm guessing that's the most important part. I'm hoping I can get as much info as i can get from both places on here. There are just so different, but still so lovely. Oh well I'm sure it will all work out in the end. i just want to have the resort and the photographer booked at least a year in advance.
  4. Hi guys. I'm new to this website. But everything has been very very helpful. Scott and I are pretty sure the date will be May 8th, in Playa Del carmen. we have been talking to Le Reve and la Amada resorts. We really love Le Reve. We have also been Talking to Del Sol to take the pictures. We are very excited. If anyone has any advice I would love to have it. BTW we are planning a small event. Only us and about 8 other people.
  5. Hi guys. I am also trying to decide between the two hotels. Le Reve and La Amada. Could someone please send me any info they have on costs for La Amada. I have info for Le Reve. But Im having a hard time getting any info right now from the WC at La Amada. Info on receptions and addons would be great, and any room rates. Thanks so much. My email is [email protected]
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