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Everything posted by stcroix2011

  1. I hear ya... I was so nervous about luggage! I was able to fit all of the welcome gifts for 27 ppl in one suitcase as well as portable steamer, place cards.. basically everything for the wedding but what I'm wearing. It only weighs 38 lbs so I think I may try to fit some more stuff in there I asked my mom to check that bag. I'll check the suitcase with all my personal belongings, and I'll carry on everything I need to wear the wedding day.
  2. The design is printed on the mugs through discountmugs. You can use a design from their gallery or submit your own. I made mine in Photoshop Elements. Including shipping and fees, I ended up paying about $4.66/mug for 30 mugs.
  3. Thanks! I bought them from FavorWarehouse on Amazon.com. For some reason they weren't showing up on the site directly. But if you search for "beach theme luggage tags" there are a ton of companies that sell them, and they aren't very expensive.
  4. These are some of the place cards I'll have in my wedding next week. I didn't want to do assigned seating, but I'm having a plated dinner and need to let the servers know who to serve fish or steak to. I thought WAY too hard about it since the reception is outside and paper cards would fly away without holders. I eventually decided on these luggage tags, with colors representing the entree selections.
  5. The bags were $12.50 each. The smaller size tote was $9.50 but I opted for the bigger ones for the beach. I do like the quality of the bags. I think it's an iron-on design but she did a great job and it was worth it to me to pay someone else to do it for me. I spent the most on the bags as my goal was to give something memorable and also something I would want if I were going to someone's wedding.
  6. I wanted to share a picture of my welcome tote since I received some great ideas from this forum. I'm getting married in St. Croix in a couple of weeks and will get a bunch of snacks and bottled water, gatorade, etc. there since we aren't staying at an all inclusive. I ordered the custom bags from Beach Chik on Etsy, mugs from discountmugs.com, koozies from Dollar Tree, found the Advil and Pepto packets fairly inexpensive on Amazon. I opted not to put money in the welcome books since I didn't think it was necessary to make them a keepsake. I just picked up report covers from Office Depot, and I used a few different colors of paper in the booklet.
  7. Thanks for sharing! I see you can order a case of 36 on dollartree.com.
  8. This thread was helpful to me as well! Here is what I said based on previous posts: If you are traveling with us for our wedding, your presence is the absolute best gift we could ever ask for. Gifts are welcome but certainly not expected. We are grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful people, and we cannot wait to celebrate with you all.
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