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Everything posted by spaterson

  1. Mandys - for some reason I can't view your pictures. Do you mind emailing them to me? [email protected] For the pool reception location was it on the little pool island like they show in the brocure? I totally want to have our reception on that island. I wish I could get free upgrades for our flights! But everyone is flying in from different places so we're all booking our flights seperate.
  2. Congrats! We are definitely on the smae wave length! So let's stop this one and I'll join up on your thread. Don't be stressed! It'll all work out. Have you booked your block of rooms yet? My travel agent is supposed to be finalizing that today and then I'll be a ble to relax a bit more. I'm flying out of Washington DC with my fiancee but our guests are flying in from all over the US. So we just arranged the hotel block with group pricing and then everyone is going to make their flight arrangments seperatly. I'm thinking we'll have around 40 people. Ok I'm going to sign in on your thread now!
  3. Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind but I wanted to start a new DPB threat for 2012 brides. The DPB thread is getting super long and it's slightly difficult to find things in. So my finacee and I were booked at Excellence Punta Cana and thought were were set on the planning until we received a tiny surprise the other week: we're pregnant!!! We are both super excited and looking forward to the enw addition to our family however as Excellence is adults only we needed to find a spot that would allow us to bring our little one. DPB seems perfect! Just sent in our deposit yesterday for May 18, 2012! We are so excited! I still have a lot of questions to figure out and a lot of decisions to be made but luckily there is plenty of time. What are the rest of you doing for weddings? When are you getting married? Sarah
  4. Hey Ladies! Congrats to all of you! I just moved location from Excellence to DPB and can't wait to start the planning process! I'm going to start a thread for DPB 2012 brides since this thread is already extremly long. Happy times ahead for all of us!
  5. Hi! We're getting married at the Excellence although I must admit I've never been there so any pics you can get would be so appreciative!!! I'll email you our hotel quotes.
  6. Just found out that Photosouvenir is the photography company included in my package at the Excellence! YAY!
  7. That is good to know! YAY!!! Ijust want to be on the beach with a pina colada in hand right now!
  8. My parents were completly supportive when we told them we were having a DW. We explained that we wanted something more small and intimate. I also explained that due to our busy work/school schedules I needed the wedding to be low key so we could actually enjoy it instead of adding more stress. We've already had a few family members say that they can't make it and we replied that we'll miss their presence but completly understand. I think the key to having a DW is to not make any expectations. We can't expect all of our families to be there and likewise our parents shouldn't expect their siblings to come. In my opinion: if they come: awesome! If they don't: no sweat.
  9. Wow! You guys thought of everything! Thanks for sharing!
  10. I haven't been which makes me a little nervous but from what I've heard it's amazing! So excited!
  11. We aren't recommending any vaccinations for the trip. The CDC keeps updated information and only recommends the routine vaccinations unless traveilng to more remote areas: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/dominican-republic.aspx
  12. DR doesn't have a requirement for the symbolic ceremony. There are no records check, documentation, etc... It's just for show. The 3 day rule only applies for the legal ceremonies although soem resorts still ask you to adhere to that for symbolic ceremonies so you have time to get everything sorted out.
  13. We switched to symbolic as well which I wsa totally against at first. After I saw all the documentation requirements and added up the additional fees (judge, notary, etc...) we decided to just get maried here first. We're keeping our legal ceremony pretty hush hush so it doesn't detract from our symbolic wedding. My fiancee and I decided that hte legal part is just for paper but our hearts and souls will join in front of our family and friends in the DR.
  14. For an AHR I think you would follow the tyipcal wedding invite rules. If you can get the invites out 12 weeks ahead of the date you should be good to go. But even if you have an AHR there may still be people who don't come.
  15. Hello fellow May 2012 brides!!! I'm May 18, 2012 at Excellence Punta Cana! Just ordered my STDs yesterday and faxed in my group confirmation for the hotel today. sharon99 - May 3, 2012 spaterson - May 18, 2012 samantha88k - May 13, 2012 tross84- May 30, 2012
  16. Of course! Thank god for the strangers who have helped me a few randomg times (i.e. when my tire blew out on a busy highway!). Would you ever tell someone a compliment that wasn't true just to boost their day?
  17. Joann - my wedding is not until next year but I'd love to put your starfish in my boquet! It's beuatiful and would go great with my colors! My wedding is May 18, 2012.
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