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Everything posted by traceysteve

  1. hey guys, was just at the children's place, and they have great stuff for kids OOT bags. I got beach balls and frisbees for $2.39, pink and orange for the girls, and camo for the boys...very cute!
  2. Ladies, I got home last night and found my invites waiting for me. Can I tell you how much I love, love, love them!!! When I get home tonight, I will post pics, but if there are any other brides-to-be not wanting to make their own, please check out Kendra www.gottheinvite.com She was fantastic, the easiest person I've dealt with so far, with this wedding planning business. Because of the strike, she had them expedited via purolator. Although, now that I have them, I'm not sure what to do with them because Canada Post is STILL on STRIKKKKEEEEE!!! Boo!
  3. government chqs are supposed to be delivered! check your mailbox again. I got my child tax benefit.
  4. hahaaaa!! You made me LOL at work! Sure, you can help plan mine!! We were thinking of spending our wedding night at the Westin, away from everyone else., and the fact that I have a little love affair with the Westin...best beds ever!! My parents are in a timeshare with some other family members, and all of our friends are staying at the RIU, including us. Our ceremony time is 5 or 5:30, I don't even know right now. Thank you so much for all of your tips, awesome! I'm glad you loved it and had fun. It doesn't sound like too much stresses you out anyways. What kinds of things did you buy? Please don't leave the forum until after I get married??!!!
  5. To notarize a letter isn't actually that much, but you do have to do your internet research. I need notarized letters each time I leave the country with my 2 sons. He charges me $5/each, but I draft the letters before hand, so all that he has to do is sign and stamp. I used to have a neighbour that was a lawyer, that was helpful, and free!
  6. Risa, you have no idea...I'm behind in just about everything! I thought it would be a easy-peasy to plan a wedding in 6 months...WRONG! I didn't expect delays, like delays in confirming the wedding date, which in turn delayed ordering the invites, which hopefully show up tomorrow via courier. We have a postal strike going on right now, although, they should be ordered back to work sometime this week. Invites need to go out, only as a formality really, because many have already booked! I need to finish my DIY OOT bags (what was I thinking? sewing my own bags?!) I need to find a wedding band for myself. I need to think of something for our best man, and my 2 sons, gift wise. What I would love to know from you is...what were you able to buy down there? I saw that you bought the mini rum from the factory...fantastic idea. Were you able to buy aloe? What time did you get married? How hot was it then? Did the guests need shade for the reception? umbrellas or fans or whatever? And finally, how relieved are you that this is finally over for you? You can sit back and laugh at all of us!?
  7. Yup, went to bath and bodyworks and they have the mini candles, island scents 5/$10, plus they have tonnnnnsss on sale!
  8. Bite your tongue!! Can you imagine NO MUSIC??? Hahaaaa!! Most resorts offer an 'ipod connection' as an option, but you're right, better safe than sorry.
  9. RISA!!! Congratulations!!! I'm sooo excited, your pics are amazing, and you look absolutely BEEE-autiful!! Thanks for offering to answer some questions for us, that's so kind of you, and thanks for posting your pics right away! Happy 1 week anniversary!!
  10. I just checked out this app..it looks awesome, and I'm happy to hear that you have a great review, unfortunately, it is not nano-friendly, but, it may just be an excuse to upgrade to a touch!
  11. I used mudcards on Etsy, surprise, surprise. Originally, I wasn't looking for mini-me's but I at least wanted the hair colour to be correct. This one will be custom made, I sent her pics of us, and one of my dress. check it out!
  12. What?? A wedding DJ app?? NO WAY!!! I will have to check it out! thanks for sharing!
  13. Just like everyone else has already said, vistaprint is great for postcards. Sign up for their emails, it's ridiculous that they are able to stay in business! that's where I got my postcards for std's. I found someone to do my passport invites on Etsy, she has been fantastic! She just emailed me to tell me that they have been sent via purolator...phew! It's already so late. As soon as I have pics, I promise to post. www.gottheinvite.com
  14. Tori, I didn't have all of that drama because we are all flying out of Toronto, but, she is supposed to be your TA, which in theory means, she works for you. I went through itravel2000 and there were a couple of bumps, but all in all, it worked out. We got a fantastic price for the Riu, which we weren't even considering because it was sooo expensive. Make her fix it! Don't forget, everyone thinks that brides-to-be are a little bit crazy, play it up!
  15. hahaa!! I was so jealous of the US brides, that I planned a weekend shopping trip in Buffalo. They manage to score all kinds of coupons and stuff, I saw that some of them bought them 2 for 1!! I'll be doing another cross border shopping trip before the end of August though, it's definitely worth it.
  16. Ummm...Shahlo, if your FI is in the states...get him to go into Target or Walmart, they have the Johnson & Johnson kits. I'm pretty sure I paid 99 cents/each.
  17. Hey, thought you would get a kick out of this. I got a response back today from Divi, following up on my wedding request. She replied to an email that I sent her, from April 22nd! I'm already booked for the Westin, probably have been since the end of April, with deposit down, menu finalized, etc. etc. Hahahaaa!! I just laughed. We're getting married in less than 3 months. Did you book with Divi?
  18. Welcome! And don't worry, it will all be fine. We got engaged in Feb and are getting married at the end of August, and yeah, we're a bit unorganized, because it took a while for the resort to confirm, so my invites aren't out as yet <sigh> but, we have 42 booked including kids (there's a lot of kids!) I'm trying to let everything roll off my back, and smile, and I seem to be pretty good at faking it!!!
  19. My FI got Oakleys for one of his buddy's weddings, and he loved it! Too bad, that's his best man, can't really steal the idea. boo. But, for your BM, I was flipping through a wedding mag on the weekend in the drug store and saw that somebody had given their bms shorty robes, that were white, with their initial monogrammed on one of the cuffs in navy. Very cute!
  20. ladies, again, you are amazing!! thanks for the avon tip, one of the girls at work always has the books because her sister sells it....hahaha!! I asked her to get one for me today!
  21. So sorry to hear Janet, but it is for a pretty good reason. Don't worry, just one of the many bumps in the road, in a bit, it will have just looked like a pebble...hold your head up, we're all here for you!! hugs!
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