Hey Ladies, I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit! And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding. And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!! Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married! I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are. They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc. Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone. I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days. Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming. I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world. Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much. Ahhh sorry for the vent! Anyways.... LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!! Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work! I need to get cracking! haha