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Everything posted by beatyea

  1. Wait I'm confused- even if you have the 75 room nights you still have to pay for everything first?
  2. I'm using a Palace Membership and although its tough working with the Miami coordinator (she doesn't answer nearly as fast as Michelle did) the perks seem worth it! Such as the free roundtrip to and from the airport, manicure, pedicure, and massage!
  3. Yay! It's such a good day when you find out people are coming especially getting so many NO RSVPs in the mail. My freshman year roommate who lives in Minnesota texted me to tell me her and her husband are coming but not sending the RSVP back until they finalize their travel plans so I'm super excited and guilty since we didn't go to their wedding last May, but as my fiacne said Cancun is different then Minnesota and I know she understands. I think we are going to do mani and pedis the day before so we aren't rushing or stressing about time.
  4. Thanks...Yes we are most likely having an AHR for his family and others who can't attend. And since we are doing the symbolic ceremony in Cancun and even though I didn't want to make a big deal about our legal day- I'm going to invite his parents and brother to be there so they are there for something. I'm using Marvin for flowers since he is half the price of the Palace resorts...you just don't tell the resort about it and have a groomsman pick up the flowers in the lobby when they are delivered!
  5. Hey Ladies, I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit! And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding. And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!! Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married! I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are. They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc. Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone. I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days. Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming. I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world. Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much. Ahhh sorry for the vent! Anyways.... LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!! Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work! I need to get cracking! haha
  6. Well I'm working with Geraldine Flores through Lynn's membership and she wouldn't budge so I emailed her boss and said how frustrated I was since I was not told that with a membership people would have to pay up front and that no one told me my previous SIGNED contract was no longer valid so she took care of it and said we could do the 20% deposit then pay in full 30 days prior to arrival. I also am using Marvin since his prices are half that of the resort's I had a shower over the summer and I wanted to keep it simple because of the costs of the wedding. And my mom also didn't want to stress my girl's out so she didn't expect any money from them and instead just wanted them to help set up and clean up. We had it at my parent's house and my mom made the food to keep costs down so that could be an option instead of having to rent out a space?
  7. I'm going to be using the spa for my hair and one of my photographers is doing my makeup but my girls and mom are using the resort spa for hair and makeup and using the resort credits for it! I'm not using a TA either and going directly through the resort. Instead of having it paid fully 2 months beforehand under the membership- I got them to change it to 30 days before arrival.
  8. Thanks for the info!!! I was worried about trying to do mani and pedis before we left for Cancun and was nervous about it lasting all week before the wedding!
  9. I know thats how I'm feeling as well, but she just told me that people can put down a 20% deposit but it has to be paid in full 2 months before arrival. But people can still book up until they leave so after the 2 month deadline- it just has to be paid in full. Their rules make no sense!!! But I just emailed her boss saying how I was never told about this and how is my group contract I signed in JUly all of a sudden invalid. So I will let you know how that goes and I have that woman's bosses email as well so I will keep on going up if I need to!!!
  10. So how did guests do about this? I feel like its a lot to ask and I had already posted on our website back when we sent out STDs that it was only a 2 night deposit and I had originally had 5 rooms booked and Geraldine never told me it was going to be any different nor did she send me a new contract!
  11. Any girls booked under a palace membership and using the palace resort booking link for guests? We just changed our reservation to a palace membership and received our new link but now its saying guests have to pay for the entire stay rather than the 2 night deposit. I never received a new contract and the group contract that I have says a 2 night deposit- I emailed Geraldine and I'm awaiting her response. I'm just nervous people aren't going to come if they have to pay the entire stay all at once!
  12. Sorry about your MOH- I'm sure thats frustrating and hurtful. Its sad that something so joyous brings out some people's selfishness!
  13. Yeah I didn't really want to do the sand ceremony and didn't really want a jar of mixed sand that I wouldn't have anywhere, but I couldn't find a better alternative that I liked. Then I found this and I really like it and at least I can put it somewhere in the house.
  14. It's from Etsy seller SayAnythingDesign This is it but we are getting a white frame
  15. Love love love them! I got my bridesmaids dresses there, my mom got her dress from there, and we are getting the guys suits from there using their destination line. They are so nice and helpful (it helps when they don't work on commission)- I suggest asking for Erin if you go back!
  16. I love it! I love showing off curves!!! And we are kind of neighbors- I live in Syracuse!
  17. I'm totally addicted to pinterest! You can also download the "pin it" button so its on your browser so when you see stuff on other sites you can pin it to put on your board- thats what I did to make an inspiration board to send to Sarah for the invites!
  18. I think it will look better if its mixed- it will look more cohesive
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