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Everything posted by beatyea

  1. I believe Sunrise is the only section with double beds available. Yes you def can make a CD from iTunes songs. I usually just make the playlist in iTunes and just hit burn CD from there.
  2. Thanks for the info Coco! I finally heard from Ivis last week- the one and only email I received and all she did was confirm my locations EXCEPT that they were not what I asked for!!!! So I emailed her back to say it was wrong and to fix it but of course I didn't hear from her. So I guess I will try to get them to give me someone else to talk to!
  3. I'm with you- I'm just going to deal with it when I get down there because they are the ones that will really have the say.
  4. She is the new position and not an onsite coordinator. I have tried for about a month now to get a hold of her and she has not responded. Geraldine has told me twice that she will contact her to contact me, but still nothing. Susan, Geraldine's boos, has told me that she will get Ivis to contact me and the hold up is due to training on a new computer system, but still I have not heard from her and I am about 60 days out!!!! And they won't just give me my onsite coordinator at this point and I don't understand why since I'm close. Let me cut out the middle man that seems to be giving wrong information anyways!!!
  5. Hey ladies, Who are you girls having do your hair? And how do I contact someone to make appointments??
  6. Good idea about putting it on facebook! I will do that instead of just trying to email everyone!
  7. For pictures go to the "Picutres of different areas at Moon Palace Hotel" thread. And yes it does cost more at Caribbean Terrace, but I don't think so at Tucan Terrace.
  8. Yeah I would email JSAV directly because that's how you get the quotes and it says there is a technician and a light technician too if you do their light package.
  9. I have yet to hear form Ivia but it sounds like Ivis doesn't know what she is talking about! I talked to JSAV directly and there will be a technician running the iPod for you as you will be paying for their time there- $50 per 2 hours!
  10. Congrats!!! Good luck!!!! Chipmunk- I'm going through the exact same thing!!!! I have yet to hear from Ivis and I'm 70 days out and Geraldine said she would have her contact me once I told her I hadn't heard from her, but that was 2 weeks ago and still haven't heard anything! I'm so frustrated!!!!!! If it was like this at the beginning- I think I would be choosing another resort!
  11. It is a party service that takes you to 3-4 clubs in downtown Cancun for a flat rate per person and includes all drinks, covers, skip lines, bottle service at a VIP area at the club, and transportation to and from the resort. Cuncrawl.com I will definitely review it. There are reviews of both on Tripadvisor and all were positive. We have gone out in Cancun and Playa del Carmen before and both are fun, but Cancun is closer and an hour ride back to the resort from Playa is not so fun drunk! lol We have done a party service like this before and we had a blast and it really is the cheapest way to go to all the places and its great not having to wait in line and you're hand is never empty of a drink! I filled out their contact us form and got an email from them and set it up that way. They sent us a link for people to pay for it through Paypal- they seem great to work with. We are going April 18th so if any brides that are there then and want to do the same night and meet up- let me know!
  12. Hey ladies! I'm having a bachelorette party at home the weekend my finace is going on his in NYC for the Big East Tournament! (Hopefully Syracuse will be in it all weekend for him!) We are also doing a joint one down in Cancun- we are using Cuncrawl (same company as Playacrawl). I think we are splitting up guys and girls and coming together at the end of the night!
  13. I'm getting an outside photographer, Photos in Cancun, and I'm not telling them. I am booking them 1 night and leaving it at that.
  14. I'm doing a hair flower that I got on Etsy! I decided not to do a real because of wilting and bugs! Here is my flower:
  15. So is this wedding planner a new thing? Is she the replacement for Lizzie who stopped answering emails?? I'm so annoyed with not getting answers and things changing! Did anyone figure out if we can still use the credits at the salon or not? I'm thinking I will just argue with them when we are down there if they don't let us use them.
  16. I just asked Geraldine if she knew who my onsite coordinator was and she just gave me her email! I'm pretty sure it is the onsite!!! I asked Geraldine in the Miami office and thats who she gave me. So you like her?
  17. Hi ladies, I got my onsite coordinator today! Yay! I have Ivis Hitchcock...anyone else have her? And does anyone have an email for Karla or someone else I can contact about making salon appts??
  18. I can't believe she is saying you can't use the resort credits for the salon when it says on the palace resort website you can! Is there anyone else to talk to? Is Karla the only one we can book through in advance?
  19. What does your contract say about outside vendors?...I would just get the 1 night and not say anything like Coco said, thats what I'm doing
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