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Everything posted by Jenni77

  1. Hey Prettypigpig, how long ago did you see my dress? I am searching like crazy for one! ~Jen
  2. PLEASE help! I am a bride on a second wedding budget. I want a Pronovias Oceano! I have spent hours and hours online searching for one on the used wedding dress sites. They are either to expensive or not the right size(5'9). Has anyone had a knock off made? I'd love to see it! My only worry is this is an all lace dress. Would a knock off look even close to this good?
  3. I need help. Has anyone ever had a knock off made of Pronovias Oceano or San Patrick Besaya? If so, PLEASE send pictures. I have searched high and low and spent MANY hours online trying to find a price for these on a budget. I've been on all the used dresses for sale sites. They are either still out of my price range or not in my size. Who is the best knock of dress maker out there? Thanks! ~Jen
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