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Everything posted by shanas

  1. the dollar store has really pretty small "cystal" rocks in blues and clear too, really pretty for a table
  2. Shana and Brian tentative 2-2-12 IRHB.... May I ask why so many people seem to choose the suites over the beach? I might assume it is due to people having children, but I just want to be aware if there is something else I should consider. I figure ihaving it at the beach, f they bring kids they can stay at the suites and still use all of the beach facilities, but that if I book the beach it will cost less and more people will be able to go....figure people can always upgrade if they want but that if I go with the suites then it poses a little issue if people want to book the less expensive beach.
  3. Quote:Originally Posted by shanas Hi Ladies, I started a new thread dedicated to links to PICTURES AND VIDEO for Iberostar Rose Hall Weddings... PLEASE take a look and newlyweds...please share your photos and videos if you are willing. I figure it is much easier if the photos are all in one spot and let's face it checking out the pics is the funnest and most inspring part. I greatly appreciate anything you share and am sure many other brides to be willa s well. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72889/iberostar-rose-hall-brides-post-all-pictures-and-video-links-here I posted some links to trip advisor reviews with pictures to get the ball rolling. One set I believe shows what the beach wedding ceremony site looks like with just the package decorations, so I found that very helpful to know what my slate looks like and how much I really feel like I need to decorate in additonal to what is provided. Again, thanks for sharing!!! Shana IRHB 2-2-12
  4. Hi Ladies, I started a new thread dedicated to links to PICTURES AND VIDEO for Iberostar Rose Hall Weddings... PLEASE take a look and newlyweds...please share your photos and videos if you are willing. I figure it is much easier if the photos are all in one spot and let's face it checking out the pics is the funnest and most inspring part. I greatly appreciate anything you share and am sure many other brides to be willa s well. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72889/iberostar-rose-hall-brides-post-all-pictures-and-video-links-here I posted some links to trip advisor reviews with pictures to get the ball rolling. One set I believe shows what the beach wedding ceremony site looks like with just the package decorations, so I found that very helpful to know what my slate looks like and how much I really feel like I need to decorate in additonal to what is provided. Again, thanks for sharing!!! Shana IRHB 2-2-12
  5. another links.... http://www.tripadvisor.com/ReviewPhotos-g147311-d1205371-r31945061-Iberostar_Rose_Hall_Suites-Montego_Bay_Jamaica.html#19738180 http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://blog.saabwedding.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/MS-0417.jpg&imgrefurl=http://blog.saabwedding.com/2010/12/15/marina-and-steven-iberostar-rose-hall-suites-december-7-2011/&usg=__RXvOOuKRD6c5oBXKsIUqgNaLe4s=&h=600&w=900&sz=95&hl=en&start=42&sig2=4eK6iN7VbulKPCQOn_Z7xw&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=lxK1AAVWACYmYM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=146&prev=/search%3Fq%3Diberostar%2Brose%2Bhall%2Bwedding%26start%3D40%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D592%26tbm%3Disch&ei=nh7ETfzQKenV0QGRp-WACA some pics I found on-line....
  6. I will try and get the ball rolling by sharing a link to a trip advisor wedding review of the Suites. The pictures are shown below her review. I am pretty sure this bride used just the package decor for the ceremony, so that should be helpful to brides wondering what it looks like without the additions most brides do. http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g147311-d1205371-r32039958-Iberostar_Rose_Hall_Suites-Montego_Bay_Jamaica.html
  7. Hi Newlyweds and fellow brides-to-be.... The Iberostar Rose Hall Brides- Post all info thread is GREAT! But I thought it would be really helpful to have a thread where we could look at a bunch of pictures or video of the resort/weddings without having to navigate all over the site. I know I would greatly appreciate past brides posting a link to photos or videos they would be willing to share...or just copy and paste the photos right into your message...I know I love it when I can just scroll through and see without having to open new windows and such. Anyway, thanks for anything you share and I will be sure to have lots of pics to post upon my return :) Shana IRHB 2-2-12
  8. I heard the WC sends you some sort of final list of options and requests and how you plan on doing things about a month or two before your wedding. Sounds like this may actually have costs of the detail stuff that seems so elusive?!?!?!? I would LOVE to get my hands on one of these from IRHB. Any past brides still have theirs and be willing to share? Please Thanks,
  9. I read about a final list that brides get and I wish someone would share it for the iberostar rose hall beach!
  10. I love those hanging flowers!!!!!....ours will probably be the 2nd or 9th though, so we probably couldn't share...maybe if I did the 9th and you were there already??? maybe us Feb brides should exchange e-mails or phone #'s? I'd love to share infor we get since it seems tuff to get it sometimes!
  11. I am planning a Feb 2012 wedding at IRHB with about 50 people. I am probably making it hard on myself to get the initial information because I do NOT want to use Uncle Tony's because I don't want the stress of trying to host a reception with decorated tables and a dj and all that stuff that I thought I got to avoid my doing a destination wedding. I email the WC but she keeps sending me the same information over and over again...pics of the locations and the "extra" services menu that doesn't have very much detail. My plan at this point is this... ceremony- I want the decor simple so I thinking I can bring some fabric for a little something extra and call it a day. I am not dong a bridal party so flowers would only be for me and if I wanted some for the arch which I think I can do without. I am curious about the chairs though....do covers cost extra or what do plain chairs look like? I really want to see what the set-up looks like with someone who didn't go with extra's...but I can't open attachments and this site works SOOOOOOO slow on my computer that I don't think I'll ever get enough posts and stuff to be able to. Do you know what the flowers or any of the "decoration" that comes with the package are? Dinner- I really want to do the Japanese steak house. We love them and think it would be a fun dinner. I can't get a straight answer on if they can accomodate my whole party though (about 50, 60 tops people). Also, they seem to always talk about renting it to be private for $800..which I am NOT doing. I'm working with a budget and I don't care if it's private I just want to eat and be done. Maybe we'd great everyone on their way in since we probably wouldn't do a speech or anything at the restaurant. Cocktail hour(s)- After dinner, then I'd like to do a cocktail hour or two either by the pool or on the beach. This is where we would do our thank you speech and dance. Do you know if they would they provide a cd player or ipod dock for a cocktail hour...and would they charge for that? Then just go to the disco to dance/party Any thoughts or things you think I should think about with this? I appreciate any feedback or information I may want to consider doing it this way. Please help and if anyone can reply with pictures or a link in the post vs. doing an attachment you will make my day!!!!!!
  12. I am looking at Feb 2nd or Feb 9th. I wasnlt really planning on doing too much extra- maybe just a little something to the arch thing and something on the back of each chair. (Hmmm...what do the chairs with the standard package even look like?) Maybe Angi, Lesli and I could all share some stuff to reduce expenses. Not sure how that would work though??? If we do Feb 2nd then we'd be there on the 1stand it would be easy to share with Angie, but not sure if they'd hang on to the stuff until the 20th...or whenever you Lesli would get there. I am from Michigan. Does anyone have pictures of what the decor/set up looks like when you don't do add-ons? I wasn't planning on doing much extra but want to see what I feel like I think it needs. We are thinking about doing a non-private dinner and then doing a cocktail hour or two after dinner. Any thoughts on doing it that way. I am just not sure how to do first dance if we do that way. Will they provide a CD player or IPOD dock at a cocktail hour? Do they charge extra for that? Thanks for any help!
  13. did anyone do the beach dinner? I see the $55 pp charge, but what other expenses are incurred? alcohol, food, dj, decor? etc. thanks,
  14. I can't find the Riu Montego Bay forum, please help!!!! Thanks!
  15. HI~ I am planning on Feb 2012 as well. What day are you doing? did you get a hotel room rate for your group yet?
  16. Hi Ladies, Please help if you can...I am considering both the beach and the suites. I would really like to do a group non-private reservation for dinner, (but we'll probably have 45-60 people) to make it easy and save on added expenses, and have a private cocktail hour with maybe a steel drum band or something so that we have a little private time that's more social than the actual meal. I am hoping to get some information on the following.... 1) What the max amount of people (and minimums I guess if they have them) you can have at each of the ala carte restaurants for a non-private dinner? 2) For non-private dinners are there other expenses besides the additional $18 pp charge I was told about? 3) Anyone have pictures they can post of the ala carte restaurant dinners? ceremony locations? 4) Charges for cocktail hour? I think I read $8 per person per hour...can you do for just one hour and are their other costs besides the pp charge? what are location options for this and I assume they would make arrangements for a band for a cost at a cocktail hour? 5) Any other surprise "mandatory" costs I should know about besides the cost of the ceremony package ($2100 I think it was at the Beach) and $18 pp charge above the 8 or so guests the package includes? I realize that photography, extra flowers, the cocktail hour and music will cost extra, but are there other resort wedding fees I may not be thinking about? I'd love to talk to a bride who may have done something similar to this. If anyone is willing to let me call them and pick their brain for a few minutes, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] and let me know. I am a planner and the difficulty getting complete information is just killing me!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!
  17. Hi Ladies, Please help if you can...I am considering both the beach and the suites. I would really like to do a group non-private reservation for dinner, (but we'll probably have 45-60 people) to make it easy and save on added expenses, and have a private cocktail hour with maybe a steel drum band or something so that we have a little private time that's more social than the actual meal. I am hoping to get some information on the following.... 1) What the max amount of people (and minimums I guess if they have them) you can have at each of the ala carte restaurants for a non-private dinner? 2) For non-private dinners are there other expenses besides the additional $18 pp charge I was told about? 3) Anyone have pictures they can post of the ala carte restaurant dinners? ceremony locations? 4) Charges for cocktail hour? I think I read $8 per person per hour...can you do for just one hour and are their other costs besides the pp charge? what are location options for this and I assume they would make arrangements for a band for a cost at a cocktail hour? 5) Any other surprise "mandatory" costs I should know about besides the cost of the ceremony package ($2100 I think it was at the Beach) and $18 pp charge above the 8 or so guests the package includes? I realize that photography, extra flowers, the cocktail hour and music will cost extra, but are there other resort wedding fees I may not be thinking about? I'd love to talk to a bride who may have done something similar to this. If anyone is willing to let me call them and pick their brain for a few minutes, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] and let me know. I am a planner and the difficulty getting complete information is just killing me!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!
  18. Hi, This is my very first post, so please be patient with me Did you ever get your answers to the reception questions? I would love to talk to someone via e-mail or something that is also looking at, booked or had a wedding at this Iberostar and may be wiling to share some information. Do you know the max at the Mediterranean? or how many people they can accommodate for a non-private dinner reservation. We were thinking about doing a non private dinner and then doing a private cocktail hour. Has anyone gotten information and pricing on having a cocktail hour?
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