Our wedding is about 3 months away now. What do you do when couples you have invited have broken up or are getting a divorce?? One couple, which happens to be my fiance's brother and his wife, are now getting a divorce, they have already paid for the trip and I've been told the wife is still planning on coming but the husband does not want her to come. The other couple has broken up, and the girlfriend is not coming now, but the guy is now getting married to someone we've never met and is planning on bringing her. This is hearsay as well. He didn't tell me he was coming or bringing a complete stranger but he's telling other people. I don't understand why no one is coming to me or my fiance and letting us know anything. Our wedding is going to be very small so this matters! But these are also big steps in their lives and I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring my wedding on them. At the same time though, I'm already bummed that because this is a destination wedding, none of my family will be there and none of my close friends that I've known for years will be there. They just can't afford to go. So the people that are going are part of my fiance's family and mutual friends that we both have. The last thing I wanted was awkwardness, drama and strangers at my wedding when when not a single person will even be there for just me. I'm very thankful that my fiance and I have known each other long enough that I have become good friends with his family and friends, I'm just afraid this is going to turn into a disaster on what's supposed to be the biggest and best day of my life. Am I wrong for feeling this way? How can I talk to them without them thinking I'm pressuring them with so much going on in their lives?? This wasn't a last minute wedding, we've been engaged over a year and half and we booked the wedding this past December and just now, things are starting to fall apart 3 months before the wedding. Should I have my fiance step in and find out what's going on with everyone? Considering this is his family and friends we're talking about? I'm honestly afraid he would be rude about it lol. What should I do?? Thanks for any advice you have.