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About lmerlegirl

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  1. Hey girls, I'm Lynsey!! My FI actually found this site the other day and sent it to me and I've been hooked ever since!! He probably reads this board more than I do but lets keep that between us hahah. We started on the Sandals site and through just poking around and reading we've since become reallly interested in Beaches TC. Right now we're considering May 2012 but that's def still up in the air. I read through this whole thread and saw earlier someone was emailing out a pdf file with out the pricing info for weddings. I'd really really really appreciate a copy of that if anyone still has one available! It's just so hard even knowing where to begin with a budget without really knowing what we're looking at option wise. Thank you girls soooo much for all the wonderful information you've posted. I'm so excited to have found this site and I really look forward to interacting with you all!!
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