Hi everybody, I just found this website and am so excited! It looks like a great resource for planning. My FI and I have been engaged and living common-law for quite a while but are finally going to plan the wedding. We are looking at Feb-March 2012 but haven't told our families yet. FI is military and we live across the country from all friends and family so I thought a DW would be perfect instead of planning a wedding back home. The problem though is both of our families don't really travel and I am pretty sure we are going to run into alot of complaints. We have made up our minds that a DW is the best choice for us, even if it is just us and our 2 children on the trip, but would love some family to be able to come. I guess my question is, does anyone else have any ideas on how to approach family and convince them they need a vacation? I know they would all love it, but they are used to more traditional weddings in both families. Thanks, sorry it was so long winded!!