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Everything posted by melyta

  1. hi ladies... i live in cabo and i am gonna get married in november, by aby chance do you a hindu store in LA or San diego.. my wedding is catholic and hindu wedding so i am having some trouble to find my hindu wedding dresses. i need 2 thank you
  2. hi im mely im gonna get marry next november 11th... its gonna be hindue and catholic wedding startinf november 10 to 12.. im still looking for the correct place for the wedding. if you have any advise please let me know.. also if you have hindue vendor it will perfect... i had been trouble to find them
  3. melyta

    Hindu wedding

    hi... im gonnaq get marri in cabo next novemeber it will be a catholic and hindue wedding. i saw thayt you are from san diego.. by any chance can you please tell me if you buy the hindue dress in san diego?? i am trying to find hindue wedding dress store in san diego by intnert but i dont find nothing.. also can ypu please tell me what hindue staff do you find in cabo? thyank you i appreciate your help my email is [email protected]
  4. hi i am going to get marry here in cabo ( hindu ceremony.) by any chance somebody know a place near to cabo in US (san diego or LA) where i can find the hindu wedding dress??? i have been trying to find some store by internet but its hard any help or advise it will be helpful.... i am start to plan everything but its complicate because it will be a hindu and catholic wedding... thank you
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