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Everything posted by angel366

  1. hote not being able to open attachments?
  2. LOVE. i have two and rescue pitties in need
  3. not cool--although i feel bad pit bulls
  4. dislike dead squirrel in my driveway?
  5. like-only if i can eat the entire container. DC cumpcakes show on TLC
  6. like like like like like salt and vinegar chips?
  7. thank ladies!! i also meant that i should NOT have taken mon and tues off. i'll get there---ive never been a work-out type person--always just naturally thin so this is interesting to see how completely out of shape i am!!! i can do it i can do it i can do it.... ladies--congrats for sticking with it!!!! i love this thread. great support system.
  8. ok p90x... im still getting on the band wagon a bit. i'm doing the lean program and sadly have taken this whole week to only get through 3 1/2 CDs which sorta makes me feel like a loser. i did the core synergistics the first day (i'm doing the lean program) and it just about killed me. i literally could not walk/laugh/SIT ON THE TOILET!!! without hurting. so i took off fri/sat/..and sun and mon which i should have. so tuesday i did kempo (should have been cardio but my mom borrowed the CD) and then yesterday i did shoulders and back. today i was suppose to do yoga,...but only got through 20 minutes of it before i lost interest. so tomorrow i'm going to finish that.... feeling a big down on myself but i guess working out 3-4x this week versus not working out at all in better than nothing.
  9. I am co confused as what to do! For our wedding it will just be the two of us. We are having a reception shortly after with friends and family. My mother is insisting we send out save the dates since the reception is in July (July 9th to be exact). I sort of feel like it is too late to send out STDs..but i could be wrong. Anyways--I'm struggling with wording. The reception will be an upscale Pig Roast (still casual though) and we are doing a short blessing ceremony at the start of the reception (we are having a civil ceremony in mexico..so want our marriage blessed as well) I guess I just don't know how to word that on the STD. Do i mention that there will be a ceremony? This is what i got: front: save the date! july 9th John and Ashley wedding website Back: July 9th Stateside Wedding Reception of John and Ashley We are having a private ceremony on the sandy beaches of the Riviera Maya. We hope you can join us upon our return to celebrate our marriage. Invitation to follow. Do i get into anymore detail than that and mention a ceremony? like "Marriage Blessing & Stateside Wedding Reception" ???? Also--my mother and friends really want to throw me a shower...so we are registering and creating a wedding website. is that weird since it is just the 2 of us? i go back and forth on how i feel about it.
  10. bueller? anyone with a target registry out there and having issues?
  11. Am i an idiot? I can't seem to add items to my registry online....i'm all logged in and joined Club Wedd...but when i click "add items" is directs me to th regular shopping area--and I can only add to my cart? am i missing something?
  12. day 3 of p90x. it sorta sucks. my legs are jello and i feel like i actually broke my body. but its a good feeling so onto cardio tonight!
  13. hey ladies! my FI and I are having a civil ceremony at secrets maroma beach just the two of us! we can not wait. we are both catholic, but don't really practice. we had hoped that at our AHR in July, we could do a quick vow renewal with a priest or minister so that "god" could bless out marriage so we weren't completely out of touch with out religion and that our marriage was recognized in the eyes of god. well. i was wrong about that one! apparently for just a blessing or vow renewal from a priest in a catholic diocese we still need to do pre-cana and it would need to be performed inside a church?? well thats not going to work. anyone know of another christian religion that does not require pre-cana and would be willing to do the ceremony outside of the church??
  14. o i love the idea of the mothers "matching"! great way to handle the situation!
  15. Yikes!!! that would bug me too. What was your initial response to her when she called? did you tell her it was OK or you would have to think about it? people are SO weird. My friend ran into the same thing when she was getting married with her mother in law. She did tell her how she felt and she would prefer she NOT where white and everything worked out in the end keep us posted!
  16. I got the 3 5 and 8 pound set. they are selling it at Dicks sporting good right now for $50 but you might be able to get them some place else cheaper.
  17. Hey ladies--I tried to search..but honestly it just gives me a bunch of general threads because I can't seem to serach posts with all my serach words included. am i missing something? anyways--i have heard mixed things on the blood tests that are required when you are having a legal ceremony at secrets. has anyone gotten legally married there recently? the contract valeria gave me says it it 300 + 11%...but i have heard other brides just paying the doctor $200 cash. $133 is a big difference for us so if anyone could shed some light that would be great!!! also---we want to do something special the night we get married as it will just be the 2 of us. we were thinking of doing the romantic dinner on the beach and Valeria told us we can have the gold or platinum menu (i think those were the colors she said at least!). either way-one is $150 and the other is $200. is it worth it?? and what is the menu?? id hate to spend that much $$ considering we are at al all inclusive resort..but we want something special for our wedding night so are torn. thank you in advance!!!
  18. itll just be FI and i on our weddingmoon so no bridemaid dresses or anything-just meeee!! here is my dress. i'm in love. i found it just searching online then went to davids bridal to try some things on and hated everything because i had this dress on my mind. so i got home and ordered it!!! i'm *a little* nervous because when i was trying on dresses i was a size 8 at davids bridal-in a variety of different designers. most would have needed to be taken in 2-4 inches at the waist but my bust fit and there is no way i could have gone down to a 6 because my boods would be squished and it would be too short (i'm 5'10" and a typical size 6 long in pants) so i ordered my dress in an 8 because that is what most matched my measurements size wise--BUT the measurements for the bust says 35.5" and i was a 37.5'!!! but there is NO WAY i could have ordered a 12 because then the waist and hips would have needed to be taken in like 6-9 inches. so since it was my sister in law that measured me--I'm hoping her measurements were wrong i'm a 36C-34C/D depending so I hope I'm ok. without further a do--- here is the link! http://www.inweddingdress.com/style-bc317.html
  19. um. just did my first disc and had to stop with 32 minutes left because i was so out of breath!!! yikes. i'm going to do the rest of it tomorrow. it was the Core Synergistics CD. i think this is going to kick my butt.
  20. is more calories are going to be burt--i'm allll about the lean program!
  21. jessica-- interesting!! i was going to do the traditional one--but maybe i'll switch to the lean one? like you-most of my "unpleasant" area is in my midsection and honestly-I HATE it when my arms get "bulky". i have been doing this "100 push up challenge" that is a 6 week program and feel when i look at my arms instead of looking toned-they just look fat recently. who knows if that is just my perception or what..but regardless i don't like it! hmm....
  22. I'm IN!!! i have been slacking on starting it because i need to spend some dough on the dumb bells--but I'll start today!! I'm 5' 10" and weigh 137 but I'd like to weigh 130 ( i have always been long and lean but have gained these pesky 5-7 pounds that i just cant lose...) realistically though i dont NEED to lost weight. I just want to tone up big time because i have no definition to me at all. ok P90X. BRING IT.
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