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Everything posted by Sharon99

  1. I agree with how the program is setup for a reason. Just starting my Max weeks I had the recovery day yesterday & my body definitely needed it. I was still so tired from all the push ups & plank moves(which are also in the max recovery) I could feel it in my arms. I took measurements last night for the 1st time since I started and I lost an inch in my abs & calves. Oddly enough everything else stayed the same. Today is my max int circuit & I cant wait. I feel everyday you get stronger & your endurance is greater. Cant wait to measure myself in 3 weeks! bmadzia1 That is awesome you lost that much in just 2 weeks! Imagine what 8 weeks will bring! Keep pushing yourself ladies!!
  2. These are all great! Definitely hard to pick...I think I like 1, 6 and 9 the best. Good luck!
  3. Agreed, very helpful. I wasn't sure about planning things for my guests either. Thanks!
  4. Congratulations!!! I am May 2012! I know what you mean about wedding talk! This site is great for that. Gets it out of my system. My FI was tired of talking about it everyday...we still have over a year!
  5. Wow you did an awesome job! So many DIY projects....god bless ya!!! Your dress is beautiful! Everything looks great and we have the same date, I am getting married May 3 next year
  6. The fit test is a decent workout in it self! lol! Its really awesome how you can see your progress from the last time you do it. Good luck with the Plyo! I have my 1st Max Recovery workout today & am looking forward to it, although I have a feeling I will still be a sweaty mess after it!
  7. Congratulations! You have just about a month!!!! YAY! I am sure everything will be beautiful. You will have to post how everything was when you get back!
  8. Gorgeous!!! All the dresses on here are so beautiful! Great choices!
  9. I am so glad I stumbled on this thread! I am doing Insanity & I LOVE it!!! I just started the 2nd month on Saturday. I am on week 5 day 3. I didn't think it was possible for the workouts to get harder until I got to the Max ones. Wow! They are great & a little longer. I am a little sore again, which I like, its like starting over. June11bride - I am with you. The scale went up for me too. I measured myself when I started but have not taken them again. I am hoping that my body starts to change after the 2nd month since it is more intense. We shall see... I did P90x before Insanity and like that as well. They are 2 completely different workouts but both great in their own way.
  10. I am sorry you have to go through this. I agree with all the above comments. I just also wanted to add who cares what anyone thinks. Dont worry about letting anyone down or what they think about your situation. This is your life and no one knows how your relationship iswas with each other. You have to decide whats best and the right thing to do for you & not think about anyone else but you. Of course you love him and he loves you so I am sure this is hard to do. Maybe see how you feel after your break? Hang in there. It may not seem so now but everything will work itself out.
  11. I am not July but Congrats! I am not too sure if there is a July thread but you definitely are not the only one.
  12. Thanks for the camera advice!! Great idea, I will definitely be taking mine with me!
  13. Very cute! I actually wore a similar dress as a bridesmaid from Victorias Secrets. Every girl had the same dress but we all wore it completely different & it looked like different dresses. It was really cool looking in the pictures! I think they would look great & not too casual at all!
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