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Everything posted by MrsAlmaguer2011

  1. Nikki Is la plaza bar open during the day? I am thinking after my ceremony i can direct my guests to the closest bar and figured looking at the map that might be closest. I leave tomorrow!!!
  2. NikkiT Also, where is a nearby bar to the beach ceremony site? or one of the better bars? I would like all the guests to move to one bar while we take pictures after the ceremony?
  3. Thanks for the great reviews and tips!! It was such a great help. What did you mean about wanting the privilege package? Also, Is there a bar near the gazebo area?
  4. HI! I love your bags!! can you pm me the templates please! great job!! Mug Tag-Pepto Bag Topper-Survival Kit Bag Topper-Welcome Tags.pptx Hand Sanitizer-Sewing Kits-Key Card Holder.pptx Lipchap labels-first aid kit-sewing kit.pptx
  5. Your shower sounds like fun. Mine was very colorful as well. Koozies are a good idea for the OOT bags, I need to get to it! I want to do cups for all the guests since I hear they only have small cups at the resort. I need to do some research to get them at a good price! Wow, time is moving fast! The first time I realized how close my wedding is was when I responded to your post lol. So now i'm freaking out!! We just have to remember to enjoy this time. Everything will come out perfect. What are you doing for your reception at the resort?
  6. omg! i'm getting close too!! A little over 6 weeks!! I still have to do OOT BAGS!! aaarrgghhh!!! did you do them? How much per person did you spend? I just had my shower last weekend. It was beautiful! I did a fiesta theme and we made our own mini pinatas! everything was perfect I wish i could post pics, but i don't think I can post pics like that yet
  7. Good luck! I hope everything is perfect on your wedding day! Let me know how the nightlife is on the resort please. Thank you and have fun
  8. So I changed things a bit. When I got there the different color dresses seemed too busy for me. So I changed it up. All the girls are in the watermelon (pink) dresses with a tangerine (orange) sash. I loved the way this looked and it still incorporated both colors. For the groomsmen, I chose a tangerine tie that they are all wearing. So my dream of alternating colors was put to an end, but I am very happy with my final choice! Now I have to find silver flip flops/sandals for the girls and necklaces! Thanks for your help!
  9. just read this entire thread!! love it. thanks for all the tips! about the powder, is there anything similar that is a little cheaper? just wondering you know us budget brides!
  10. Torilynn: I love your idea!! I didn't think about no sashes at all! geez. I guess I just thought that the dress needed something around the waist. But I think it will look much nicer and more put together without the sash at all. I'm going in to David's Bridal today with one of my bridesmaids to see how everything looks together (I'm dressing up as a groomsmen for my little "dress rehearsal") I kind of thought the same thing about the bouts as well. I will let you know how it goes and I will take some pics as well! Thanks again for your opinion!
  11. Hello all! I need major help making a decision for groomsmen attire. My bridesmaid dresses are alternating tangerine and watermelon color (from david's bridal). I am thinking about adding a white sash to their dresses to tie them together somewhat and to tie them in with the groomsmen. The groomsmen on the other hand have white button up shirts with tan pants. I figure they could roll up the sleeves to make it look more casual and less awkward I guess since they won't have a jacket on. I have purchased alternating ties (orange and pink like the dresses) so that they could match their bridesmaid. My question is this: 1. should i go with a different color with the sash? I have already purchased white sandals for the girls to wear 2. should I go with different tie colors? 3. should I not have the guys wear a tie at all? please help! Thank you, Melinda
  12. What a great review!! Thank you so much for the detail! You look beautiful in your pictures. I really like the groomsmen outfits too! Where did you have your reception?
  13. I am trying to decide on this now actually! Vanessa: how did you get the option to choose those flavors? She only gave me a few options. Could you PM the options your WC gave you?
  14. Yes I feel the same way. We are trying to cut costs by maybe not having a private dinner, but set something up so that we can have a private reception/dance after dinner. We are thinking about paying for the DJ so we can all have a good time together afterwards. Does anyone know if there is a bar near the gazebo or any of the other areas where you can have a private party? I am trying to avoid having to pay for a cocktail hour(s)
  15. I am using pink and orange as my color scheme with splashes of turquoise blue and white as an accent. Pink and orange are my favorite colors so it was easy for me to choose! Google color schemes! there is a lot of inspiration online!
  16. I am hoping to keep mine around $10K, but I haven't really done a breakdown of everything just yet! I may just do that now!
  17. Thank you so much! that is such a great help they are perfect and exactly what I was looking for! Do you think they will hold them for me?
  18. http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/women/sandals/flats/79370177-nipps/81&flagid=wfsa40under try aldoshoes.com! they have cute sandals!
  19. these are beautiful!!! I am also getting real touch flowers, trying to cut costs thought, do you think i could skip the boutonnieres?
  20. thank you for your input! I am thinking about all of the guys having the same tie. I couldn't find the tie in the first picture for all of them so I thought this might be nice too. It ties in the pink and the orange http://www.amazon.com/100%25-Woven-Fuschia-Orange-Striped/dp/B0016HPRUE/ref=sr_1_10?s=apparel&qlEnable=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1310496188&sr=1-10
  21. These are perfect!! how many do you have? I would love to use them! are those orchids real or fake?
  22. I love your OOT Bags! I am starting mine, definitely need to make a trip to the dollar store! here is a link for drawstring bags for the guys: http://www.orientaltrading.com/personalized-bright-colors-drawstring-backpacks-a2-42_2688.fltr?prodCatId=388580&tabId=1
  23. Is playa del carmen the only place to find cute buys for the wedding??
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