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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. Thank you!!! I'm going to try to get them finished tonight!!! tall order but i'm on a mission with only 3 weekends left to finish everything!!! I see a lot of last minute running around in my future LOL
  2. Thanks Cynlee We are actually having the cocktail party on the beach and it was included in the package i chose with my resort. They will have open shelf bar and appetizers as well
  3. very exciting! did you go with orange and cream for the flowers
  4. Hi Ladies I couldnt upload the final file to bdw because its WAY too big of a file! so i cropped up the pics i had taken. Some of them arent clear so i will list the text for you I print 2 up on an 8.5 x 11 sheet and i print with crop marks so its easier to cut and i can make sure they are all the same size, then i cut! there are 10 pieces total including the front and back cover so its 5 printed sheets total per program. I use a heavier weight cover stock paper as well. then i hole punch (the hoel is also printed so i punch the same spot everytime lol) and then i assemble with the chicago screw. if you have any other questions i'd be glad to help in order: Front Cover page 1, 2 and 3 blocked with fun beach decals so the last names of our family and friends is protected. the first page is the members of the bridal party and the 2nd and 3rd pages are the order of events. Page 4: page 5 is a letter to our guests and wedding party...it says: To our guests; we can’t thank you enough for being here to share in one of the most important days in our life. This experience wouldn’t be the same without your presence and support. It means so much that you have travelled so far to share in these moments with us. We can’t express our gratitude enough! A special thank you to our wedding party; you have showed us so much love and support and our wedding experience has been wonderful because of each and every one of you. Your support and love will never be forgotten and we know we have lifetime friends in all of you. We love you all! Page 6 a note to our parents...its says: To our parents; there are no words to express our love and thanks. We are here today because of you. You taught us to love and respect and the morals it takes to build a solid foundation in a relationship which will lead to a lifetime of love in our marriage. For that, we can’t thank you enough. We love you with all our hearts. page 7 an explanation about the sand ceremony...it says: Each container represents the separate journeys we once were on. They also represent our own sets of friends and families; that until today were apart from each other. When we will blend the sand together, it represents all our lives joined as one. Our once solitary journeys have become one of companionship, as they set forth on a single path together into our future. Our friends and family are as one as well. We will now share those who are a part of our lives as we walk hand-in-hand along the path of our marriage. page 8: Back Cover:
  5. I'm going to try a few things tonight...i was thinking of attaching a small pink ribbon at the bottom with a little organza bag (white) that would have a couple of seashells in it for our shell ceremony. I want to see what it looks like first though. i dont want to take away from the fans/programs My best friend (also my man of honor) is a graphic designer so he templated it for me in photoshop. I input all the info. I will definitely share a closer image of the individual cards....actually better yet i will just upload the file for you. I will do it from home tonight as i dont have access to the file from my work laptio ...and thank you! a lot of work to put them together but i'm thinking it was worth it walmart actually sells them pretty cheap....i bought one the other day for the ceremony music for my resort since i keep all my music on my iphone which doubles as my ipod Thank you! no problem, when i get home tonight I will upload the file so you can see the text and design up close I have never seen the flower petal ones? awwwwwwww Thanks Tori. I wasnt sure i wanted a program either but because i wanted fans but didnt want to lug the palm fans i figured this would be a good compromise. I'm happy with the feedback so i will invest the time it will take to complete them My best friend is a graphic designer so he actually purchased the font for me....i cant remember what its called. I will check at home where i have the file (i'm at work). If you are considering something like this the binding is a "chicago screw" you can find them in any hardware store. They are similar to the screws you would use in a scrapbook.
  6. I went for my first dress fitting I dont have my pictures off my camera yet but my friend sent me this one that she took so i thought i would share. It needs some alterations but i love it i feel like a princess
  7. Thanks i wasnt sure at first but now that i see it put together i am loving it. I will have them fanned out on the chairs so people will know they are multi purpose (if they cant figure it out themselves LOL)
  8. so ladies, i assembled one of my programs tonight....what do you think? I really wanted palm fans but as much as i loved them, we dont have room to bring 35 palm fans so i decided to have my program multi purpose as a fan and make them myself..... comments/opinions? front of program/fan Back of Program Open These are the unassembled pages so you can see what the design looks like for each sheet
  9. Those are great!!! I think he has a good eye and with everything he is offering I am sure you will get more then a few pics you love! UGH that sucks i'm really hoping nothing changes for us since we leave in 25 days....i would have a heart attack!!
  10. Thats unfortunate but i am a strong beleive that everything happens for a reason. Just role with the punches and make the best of it, its out of your control and i'm sure your guests will understand as well. Be thankful you have time on your side!
  11. no questions....GO FOR IT!!! I think you also have an advantage because he is trying to build his portfolio he will take a lot more pics and try to be as creative as possible. Sounds like you have a sweet deal!
  12. The thing with onsite photogs is that they charge you a fortune and you only get a limited # of pics. I think that for $1566, if he is giving you unlimited pics then even if they arent all to your taste you are more then likely going to get a lot more that you do like then if you hired an expensive onsite photog. i'm bringing a friends brother in law. He is amazing but not typically a wedding photographer. I am paying his way and i get unlimited pics, a TTD and mini engagement shoot (since we never had one) plus im sure he will take other pics. I sent him a bunch of links to pics and styles i liked. My resort wanted to charge an arm and a leg and i would get about 50 pics BLAH so it was an easy decision for me and within my budget. do your homework and compare what you would be getting from a photog in Jamaica versus what this person is offering you and weigh your options good luck
  13. glad i could help I cant wait to see what you put together! I was originally going to put together a book (digital scrapbook) of our photos throughout our relationship but i changed my mind. I decided the guest book should be 100% about the guest so I decided to do the scrapbook pages in our colors and then i will have little sections on the page for them to fill out. I'll post a pic tomorrow night once i have a page complete. Tonight i spent the night creating the base pages and then the tags i am putting in for people to fill out. I need to cut and assemble and then decorate with final touches I'll have a scrapbook of my planning, bachelorette, bachelor parites, the trip and the wedding so that will already have all our pics (and a lot of them) so it will change it up when i have the two books together for people to look at. The guest book purely of the guests and then our scrapbook of our journey. I was also going to do a polaroid so the guests could take pics of themselves but i couldnt find a cost effective one. I think its a nice idea to send a post card to your guests that couldnt come, you could create a guest book in two parts I had bought a really pretty photo box and i was going to have a blank cards for people to fill out and i would make my album later but i thought it was easier this way. I may try to find another use for the box and blank cards....maybe at the welcome dinner.
  14. The lack of sleep is difficult but i dont have much choice....once i am done typing this i am moving on to continue on my guest book! i could have made my life so much easier but i decided to personalize it and since i scrapbook i thought it was only appropriate. But as i go i am trying to simplify the scrapbook as much as i can but not so much that it would be ugly LOL Every day that passes by and we get closer, i get more excited but then i stress even more. I told FI that the last thing i want is to have projects the week before we go so I MUST MUST MUST have everything done by the week before. The only thing i want to worry about the week before is finishing my packing, getting my hair and nails done, etc LOL i'll get there! I will def share the sketches when i get them i cant wait!!! i'm supposed to get them tomorrow but i know she had some delays so hopefully it will be this week at a minimum IMO for your bouquets...i love the orange and ivory together and think that would make a stunning bouquet but the grey hydrangeas are very cool! but you know they arent real. At least with the orange and ivory you can still create a realistic looking bouquet. depends what you are going for. If you want unique then the grey would add that for sure
  15. My issue with the resort photog was that they charge a fortune for minimal photos. So your other photog may be a little pricier but you will probably get more bang for your buck. We decided to bring a photog with us and i'm happy with that choice as i want as many pics as possible
  16. We leave in 26 days!!! Its exciting but i'm not gonna lie, i'm STRESSED! LOL I am going to be lacking sleep cause i am going to be burning the midnight oil trying to get all my projects done! I am definitely counting out EVERY single day now! no time to waste!!! You are going to love it though as you get closer, its such a good excitement....all the hard work and effort and then the time is finally fast approaching. You are doing great with your projects so you are keeping ahead! I LOVE the look of the colors in the bouquet. are you looking for a bouquet that big or will you shape it out different. what about mixing the colors up so they are not layered? Perhaps that was your idea anyway but since you were in michaels kinda hard to start actually making the bouquet LOL i am supposed to get my design sketches for my bouquets tomorrow! i cant wait! i am going with real touch for all my flowers.
  17. I go for my final fitting on the 14th to make sure all the alterations are ok and then bringing my dress home so i only have to hide it for a week....i may keep it at my friends place so suspense doesnt get the best of him awwwwwww that sounds lovely! that combo of flowers would def be pretty! cant wait to see pics and also cant wait to see pics of this special dress!!! I am probably going to make a day trip across the border for some final shopping so hopefully i can find some great things! i am going to try to pull all my stuff out this week to see what i need and go from there I fell REALLY far behind this weekend and didnt get a dent in my projects. I cant afford lost time at this stage but we have no other plans coming up so i should be able to put a good dent in things this week.
  18. thats awesome! glad your day turned out and you had a nice surprise
  19. I'm super excitedd! its insane how time flew by so embrace every minute and try to get some of the smaller things out of the way LOL the list never seems to end. i focussed so much on the bigger stuff and figured doing the small things at the end wouldnt be a big deal.........WRONG!! I'm living and breathing wedding now, its all i do cause clock is ticking! I will definitely post pics once i start to get things finalized. I have a lot of pics on my camera so i will share my mini planning blog hahah WOW, its coming quick for you too!!! The list gets longer for me too but i literally have it all in my spreadsheet and i am highlighting it as i go...its really helped me cause there is just so much to keep up with! the thought of paradise def helps to alleviate the stress though! Let me know if you need any help with anything I have a lot of templates and lists etc so i dont mind helping out I will definitely be sharing. I will have wedding planning withdrawals so i will still come on BDW to live vicariously through the rest of you still planning Very Much! the dress fitting today made it so real! ...also pulling out the closed toes shoes from storage made it real too with the first day of fall LOL i hate that...i love my sandals!!!! So glad i will get to wear them for 2 weeks in Punta Cana How did it go??? I got my dress at Alliance Bridal in Moose Creek they are amazing. and the fitting went really well. i only needed a few alterations and two of my bridesmaids didnt need any at all so that was so nice and cost effective hahahahaha
  20. I think its called flirting and being a woman HAHAHA that will get you places sometimes! Its been a good day. My dress is fantastic! i'm in love. I was worried cause i hadnt seen it in a while and starting having these thoughts about hating it when i saw it and tried it on again....SOOO not the case. I love it even more. <3 It was ivory when i tried it and i ordered it in white and its perfect. I also ended up with a veil which i didnt think i would want but it looked so nice. I will only wear it for the ceremony though. I will have to load the pics off my camera and show you I decided on my pink shoes too, i had two pairs to pick from LOL BUT the bad news is that it took a lot longer then i thought and then when i got home from my dinner tonight i didnt get a chance to do my projcets so i will be on a mission of my friends house warming brunch tomorrow!! WEDDING WEDDING WEDDING! I will have to get on Vista to check out some stuff but i actually work for a printing company so i use Vista more so for the freebies then anything else LOL
  21. I am SOOO excited! its crazy! the countdown is on. along with the 30 guests we have....everyday my wall is getting loaded on facebook with the countdown its hilrious so it just builds the excitement for everyone! i'm not so excited about all my projects i have left UGH thats all i am going to be doing...and every time i start i keep adding stuff and complicating my life LOL My order is supposed to arrive (based on the tracking) tomorrow with my OOT bags and some of the stuff for my favors so i can finally start finalizing that project which has taken FOREVER!!!! i will share pics too when i get to it ! I'm glad you found that $2.00 deal on Vista for your shirts...cant beat that!!! post pics when you get them! what projects are on the horizon for this weekend? I am going for my dress fitting and if my stuff comes in i will be working on my OOT bags and trying to finish my guest book
  22. Well ladies, one month from today I am leaving for Punta Cana....WOOOOHOOOOO! Its insane how fast time is going now! I Actually at this time, one month from today i will be sitting drink in hand already LOL I go for my dress fitting Saturday. I also tracked my shipment and my OOT bags and stuff i ordered for my favors should be arriving tomorrow,...just in time for the weekend to start assembling. I'll take some pics and post soon
  23. Hi Ladies I recieved this from YHI Spa a few days ago when i put in my request to reserve a time slot on my wedding day and the day before for a hair trial Price List Yhi Spa(1).xlsx
  24. I'm glad to see i'm not the only one spending endless hours on these do it yourself projects LOL i leave one month to the day tomorrow and i have SOOOOOOOOOOO much to do i'm freaking out! LOL good job and keep it upi!!! you are rockin it My opinion on the shirts is that you can tell they are ironed on and done yourself so if you dont mind that, then they look awesome. However i agree with Tori that you should add some sort of border to the entire image area so it will look like the white background was intentionally there to box things in. Good luck and i hope it works out
  25. Pastor York comes highly recommended although i am not sure if he officiates all across the dominican...i can dig up his info if you`d like. I am using him for my ceremony
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