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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. YAY I am sooo glad the programs turned out....arent they just fantastic! i can brag LMAO! I LOVE LOVE them!!!! The flowers turned out great....i think you can just wrap them....they look great as-is and they dont all need to match identically makes them look more natural that way! and i am lovin your rings!! I have them same style hanger for my dress...i was so happy when it arrived. I got my flower sketches i will send you some pics
  2. Thank you! i am going to get the edited pics tomorrow so i cant wait to see them all and then i will have to move my butt to build the book....this time in 2 weeks i will be in Punta Cana
  3. Congrats on your wedding. Your daughter is the cutest little thing i have ever seen!!! and i LOVE your dress!!!!
  4. i LOVE that....it will look great with your dress Hi Doll....you can still come visit this thread LOL No one will bit your head off, these are all great ladies besides i dont want to crash your blog with pics of my stuff and thank you!!! i cant wait to see the edited versions and make my book! Thanks Kat ...I actually did see a veil in the basement LOL How did your pics turn out? DId you shoot with Denis or Laura?
  5. Thanks Mich...the studio where i had the pics done is awesome. So many set ups and props...it was fun! Do you have any special things happening at your ceremony...like sand ceremony, shell ceremony, special readings? You could put little paragraphs to explain each one. You could incude a poem, thank you notes....have a look a few pages back, i shared a bunch of pics of my programs and i included all kinds of stuff you can PM me for ideas or wording....i'd be glad to help
  6. these are all unedited teasers but here are some pics....i saved the ones with less clothing for the hubby to be
  7. Love it! would look really pretty with some pearls and a flower in your hair
  8. HI I used Studio Four and Denis is amazing. He is a friend of mine actually. He specializes in BD photoshoots and he is a pleasure to work with. He doesnt do many weddings (he limits to 5 a year) but he agreed to come to Punta Cana with me to shoot our Wedding and TTD i actually got some unedited teasers from him so i will scroll through and post some
  9. Hi Ladies, I wont say don't stress about family and friends not going cause as much as FI and I said it was about the 2 of us its definitely still dissapointing when ppl cancel or say they cant come so i will simply say to all of you going through this....its ok to be sad but dont let it ruin your experience. You will still be surrounded by people that love you and you will be in a beautiful setting with your hubby and you need to take in and enjoy every moment because it will all be over too fast. *hugs* to all of you On another note: i did my make up trial and photoshoot/BD shoot on Tuesday! i was nervous but by the end of it got more comfy. I'm nervous to see the pics! I should be getting them this wknd! eeeeeeeek. i leave in 16 days!!!
  10. email me if you need help....you have my email now
  11. YAY congrats happy planning....i'll be sure to review as soon as i get back....16 more sleeps
  12. I know how you feel!! we leave the 22nd and get married the 25th...soooooooooooooo much to do i am going coo-coo
  13. awwww thanks CdnBeatPrincess....I'm sure you are talented you just have to have the help and inspiration from other brides
  14. Hi, Yes...this is normal. The miami office has to process it and then send Teresa notification she will then build your file and send you an email with everything you need. Dont stress, it will be fine
  15. I know i am being productive but at the same time with the huge "to-do" list i have, i almost feel like i am falling behind and not being productive....its probably just the anxious in me that is making me feel that way LOL i am going to start to really freak out when there is a week left. i am living, breathing, and everything WEDDING right now. no time for anything else. Need to do groceries today and i think to myself "hmmm thats 2 hours on wedding production lost" HAHAHA but we need to eat so i will go do it anyway
  16. Thanks so much! i hope my guests like them as much as all of you! Hi Hun the file is MASSIVE (i couldnt even upload it here) it was done in photoshop...i am trying to figure out a way to import it in to another program so i can share the template. I have created a PDF which you wont be able to edit unless you have ADBOE write at home but i will email it to you anyway and that way you will have the format and can re-create it to whatever program you use. Once i email it, let me know if you have questions or need help with it. its on its way by email in 3, 2, 1.....
  17. Thanks Manda I should have all of them done by tomorrow
  18. i was there just the other day and they had some...i was at the trainyards location in ottawa
  19. your dress is soooo original and amazing! you will look fantastic and with the orange and ivory bouquet...WOW!!!!!!! i cant wait to see it all come together!
  20. I was wondering to myself if my guest book would last in its travels as i have glued some flowers and stuff to it and then thats when it clicked LOL i am gonna go over a few of the other DIY projects i did to see what other things i might need.....if i think of anything else i will share. Did you find the glue gun?
  21. PICS PICS PICS (once you get the flowers going of course )
  22. Another thought crossed my mind today as i quickly approach my wedding...it would be a good idea to pack a small kit of repair tools for the DIY projects that may get slightly roughed up during travel. I found this really cute mini glue gun at Michaels for $2.99 and i will bring some glue stick and small scissors etc just incase.
  23. Thanks dee.....i went to the bridal store today to have them alter the top of it a bit as i found it sits a bit too high and when they adjusted it today i was so glad i made the choice to go back and have them fix it. I was solo today though so i didnt get a picture. I go for my final fitting on the 14th so i will take lots of pics then Its def not your traditional destination wedding dress but i love it anyway Good luck on your shopping and let us know how it goes! its so much fun! i was looking at other dresses today at the bridal salon and had to stop myself LOL
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