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Posts posted by Janet1480

  1. Hi sweir.....congrats and welcome :)


    I had a legal day at home since i heard how much of a pain it was to do all the translations and everything to have a legal day at our destination.My girlfriend got married in punta cana last year as well and i didnt envy her running around


    ive never heard of that website though....have you tried it yet?

    Originally Posted by sweir View Post

    Hi everyone! I am from Toronto and getting married at PPC next April! Just wondering if you brides used the wedo.com site for translations? And i f you have any comments or suggestions regarding all the paperwork (not as fun part).



    Thanks so much :) I'm in heaven every time i look at them. :)


    The programs were VERY tedious but i loved them and so did the guests. The template is built 2 up and i trimmed them and then assembled them with a chicago screw. You can buy the chicago screws at hardware store much cheaper then in any craft store. Its the same type of screw you would use to expand photo albums. :) they were 10 sheets per program. I can send you the PDF file if you would like to look at it. They doubled as fans so i didnt have to buy and pack rafia fans as well. but it was windy enough no one really had to use them as a fan :)

    Originally Posted by deesanders33 View Post

    Wow Janet I LOVE all of your pics, you looked absolutely beautiful!! Congrats again :) 


    How did you do your programs?? I love how they are on the back of the chair and made into fans!


    Your friend got awesome shots of you two, great work!! 


    Thank you!!! :)

    The hair trial was worth a million bucks to me....I went with an idea and pictures of what i wanted...she put the hair style together and i liked it but i didnt love it....nicer in the pic. so we tried something else and she fixed it up and really worked with me...when i was ready to leave i asked her to hide my hair style so FI and guests wouldnt see it and she said that she would no problem and that i would like the style even beter for my wedding day and I DID i LOVED it and well that ended up being my hair style you see in my pics LOL so she had to hide it again from there. Anyway moral of the story is that it was SOOO worth it because what i had in mind i didnt love on me and had it been the day of the wedding i may have started to panic and not have a back of plan. The hair dresser was Yinette, so maybe you can even ask for her. She was fabulous!

    Originally Posted by cdc150 View Post

    Hey Janet,


    I love your pics, it makes me so excited to get married!  I wanted to ask if you think the hair trial is worth the money?  I am doing a modified version of my hair down and not sure $55 is worth them using the curling iron a few times.






    The wedding planner to help you plan is totally your call, however Miguelina at the resort (if thats your coordinator there) is really fantastic. In my experience anyway. She really nailed down all my details and went above and beyond. I had nothing to worry about on the day of my wedding when i was at the resort. just in case i had sent a friend over to check out all my details and make sure everything was perfect and that same friend set up a few things for me so i wouldnt have to pay the ridiculous set up fee. If you are not into it though or too busy then a coordinator is always a great idea but you need someone you can trust and who communicates well. I do event planning on the side of my every day job and when people dont communicate their visions or their likes and dislikes it can be a disaster if as a planner you didnt know how to ask the right questions and really determine what your bride and groom want for their special day. :) good luck!

    Originally Posted by thePYT View Post




    Ladies, I've been toying with the idea of hiring a wedding planner to assist me with all the planning details because I'm in graduate school and working full-time so some days I just want to scream. I also kind of feel like that I'd like someone there on my behalf, not the resort's, to assist with day-of coordination and details such as programs, timeline, name cards (I think the resort charges for placing these out). I am incorporating a lot of traditional elements into my wedding and planning for about 70 people. I also saw something in my contract about an outside vendor (the wording was funny) and a charge of 30%, but I think that's if you don't use their services at all. Thoughts? Because you all are fellow destination brides, your opinions are priceless to me! 

    I did the beach ceremony and as long as there are not too many other weddings going on that day, you get the best of both worlds. i got to walk through the gazebo down onto the beach :) it is pretty windy on the beach but the Gazebo is right at the beach so even though it shelters you slighlty its still windy there. The one dislike i had about the gazebo was that you dont really have the nice long walk down the aisle to have your moment. you pretty much walk up a little hill and you are at the gazebo. But not eveyone wants to do the march down the aisle anyway so it depends what you are looking for. They are both equally beautiful in setting.

    Originally Posted by sweir View Post

    Thx Holly! Our date is April 3oth! We were going to just do the symbolic but turns out my hubby-to-be wants it to be officially official that day, lol. I didn't think he'd be bothered! Wedo.com is the site that my coordinator recco'd. Are you doing a beach ceremony? I'm torn bw that or the Gazebo..


  2. HAHAHAH you posted this while i was replying and telling you to post pics...too funny! They look awesome and your Lobster story is just too cute :P

    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post



    so here is a description of what and why i got these, cause some may seem weird lol

    1) PEACOCK...this is our theme thought it was perfect

    2) LETTER M...this is FI initial

    3) STARFISH... well its a starfish lol

    4) FEATHER...my gran had one like this and, my aunt lost it, so this way shes with me at our wedding

    5) LOBSTER....this one is my fav of all, FI and I have always called each other LOBSTER, (his thing) lobsters mate once in a lifetime, and no matter where they are they always come back to each other at mating season lol what does that say about us? lol

    6) FEATHER....it has the peacock colors in it, hard to see

    7) SNOWFLAKE...again my gran had a scarf pin like this one.


  3. It wasnt so much my clothes and shoes but the welcome kits....With Transat and the options plus package we were allowed 88lbs each and we still went over LMAO We were over by 16 or 17 lbs i think :( and it cost us $230 (ish) we tried EVERYTHING to lose some of the weight from our bags, I even cut down on shoes BOOOO i had planned outfits and everything but i wasnt really willing to sacrifice any of the wedding stuff or welcome kits!!! So we sucked it up and paid. On the way back we put suit cases within suitcases and we didnt have to pay on the way home :) The security questionned us on the way out of the airport that it was really all our stuff LOL once we told them we were married they left us alone LOL

    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

    oh yeah, i forgot to ask you hun...how did that all work out with the airline? how much extra did you have to pay? or did the upgrade cover it all? i think im going to be in the same boat as you .... dammm shoes lol lol



    YAY! thats great. glad it worked out!

    Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

    I just wanted to share my sigh of relief.

    We have 30 days until we leave and I just worked out the last booking issue! One of my BMs split from her husband after booking their trip, we had until today to find a replacement for his trip, and we did it! Now, she can relax and get excited for Jamaica again! Which means I can relax, somewhat!


    PICTURES :) :)

    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

    yeayyyyy so i went to the mail box, and well ran downstairs right away had to tell you ladies that all my brooches for my wedding flowers came in!!!!! 7 in total i couldnt be happier. oh i should tell the FI lmao


  4. I think it was 80lbs...i flew with Transat


    PM'ing you shortly with the links you need for name changing :)

    Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post

    What was that weight when you flew down?

    I will be using way to many airlines...

    WestJet, Air Canada and American Airlines lol



    It depends on your lifestyle...i'm not a coffee drinker or wine drinker which would have the biggest impact on how long the results will last. I also brush my teeth 3 to 4  times a day and use whitening toothpaste when i brush. My whitening (at their whitest) lasts about 6 months but they are still pretty white until about 10 and it really needs to be done again then :) everyone is different :)


    I suggest trying the strips now and see how you like the results and also in case it makes your teeth super sensitive, you dont want to whiten right before you leave and have super sensitive teeth your whole trip. If your teeth are not sensitive but you drink a lot of coffee and wine you could always do the 3 day kit a week before you go to touch up on the white :)

    Originally Posted by amjohnson View Post

    Thanks Janet! I think I will go with the Crest strips. How long do the effects last for? DO they really last 10 months? I am trying to decide how far before our wedding I should use them.



  5. WOW! sounds like so much fun. Cant wait to see your pics when you get back!


    I see your dilema for packing. just remember that if you go over a certain weight on your luggage they will put it in cargo (scary) you dont want your suitcase seperated so check that with your air line :)


    and pack outfits that can be multipurpose....like a black dress that you can wear again with a shirt over top and black pants that go with everything :)


    Good luck!

    Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post

    Time flies like crazy!!!

    I am having my exams + all final assignments next week, starting new job and packing for it all!!!!

    I feel slightly panicked to say at least!

    We are going on cruise for 7 days before wedding, then going to jamaica for 7 days, 2 days in Miami, and we are going to his parents in Cape Breton, at least we won't have to bring winter cloth, because his brother will drive to Cape Breton and take our winter cloth with him :D 

    Because of so much travel we will do and so much flights and transfers I can't really deal with too much luggage :( So i hope to have 1 luggage, 1 carry on and back pack....

    Wish me luck to say sane till next Friday!



    Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post

    I am going to make 2 piles of stuff: First pile will be all cloth that I have to take and second pile will be all the cloth i might take. I hope it will work.... LOL




  6. CRAZY how time flies, isnt it?


    I had 7 suit cases for 14 days my dear.....2 for the travel, 2 carry ons and 3 for the wedding :S....i even used those vacuum seal bags LOL :P  not to discourage you or anything but you may want a plan b...


    are you staying at the same resort for the 17 days?

    Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post

    7 days till we leave :D I am starting to pack... And I am already scared how I am going to fit it all in. 17 days worth of cloth in one suitcase.. Not sure how well that is going to go :(


  7. I didnt forget about you Kat...my internet was dead at home yesterday so i couldnt get online to send you the links. Bell is coming today to fix it so i can send you stuff tonight (hopefully) UGH frusttrating. Thankfully i can get my internet fix at work LOL

    Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post

    Who knows where was I lol


    Btw can you send me a list or directions for a name change? Please? Please?




    I have done them all. I have a thing about white teeth LOL


    I did the whitening professionally...IMO waste of money and also kind of disgusting! you get crazy saliva build up in your mouth and it doesnt taste very good because of the gel and if you have a sensitive gag reflex you will not enjoy this at all....it was a very very long hour!!!! AND i didnt get much whiter teeth


    I have use white strips....LOVE them. They work. I have done the 3, 7 and 14 day treatments. The 3 day is ok and the 7 and 14 work great but you have to follow the instructions and recommendations for use. If you put the strip on your teeth too low all the time you will end up with a line across the top of your teeth from the shade difference. so just be careful how you apply them. They are great though beacuse you can still talk and do what you have to do.


    The trays/moulds are good as well. I got better results from the strips though. The trays are a pain cause you cant talk and they arent that comfortable so you just want to get it over with. But they will cover all of your teeth so you dont have to worry about how you apply it


    ALL teeth whiteners can cause sensitivity so if you are prone to this then you will likely experience it from any of the whiteners.


    With the strips i do the 7 day treatment and i re-do this every 10 months approx. I am not a big coffee and wine drinker though and i dont smoke. But i am a tea drinker and tea can discolor your teeth as well.


    Hope that helps :)

    Originally Posted by amjohnson View Post


    Thanks for the info.

    I received a Groupon yesterday for laser teeth whitening and I was a bit worried. I read about another bride's bad experience so I am glad to hear the crest white strips work.

    I have heard that the fill in molds are better then the strips. Do you know anything about that?



  8. I went through the same thing. I was super excited about the whole wedding planning but then when we had to move and i had a million other things on the go i got the wedding planning blues LOL i regretted slacking off though when i got the blues because with the 2 months left to our wedding i had a TON of things to do and wish i had it all done sooner because i was way too stressed. Everything got done and was perfect in the end though :) I'd say the emotions are normal but if you are close to your wedding day and still have a lot to do you will likely create a ton more stress for your self as your day approaches and boy does it creep up quickly

  9. If you want to assume or change your name with the govnt you need your marriage lic :) I'm going through this right now, filling up the paperwork now :) i can send you links if you need them 



    Originally Posted by ShellyCarter View Post

    Does anyone know when your suppose to apply for a name change?

    is that after the wedding?


    its kind of a silly question, but i need answers.. lol


    have you checked on Davids Bridal? They have a lot of stuff on their site and you can order online i beleive? You can also go to a fabric store or even Michales and they sell pre-made bling that you could have sewed to a piece of satin :)

    Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

    Does anyone have any experience ordering a bridal sash/belt?

    I've been looking on etsy but haven't found one that I love yet. They all seem to big or too detailed.

    I'm tempted to try to make one myself but i really don't want to add another thing to my To-Do list!

    I really want one like the one in the picture below but red to match my BMs.




    Depends on the image you have an how it was made but it should be possible :)

    Originally Posted by Butterfly67 View Post

    Big Thank you to all the Brides that commented on my mug posting last week.  Still haven't commited to a layout as of yet...but getting closer!!!


    Kat2012 & Tori:  Pretty sure I'm going to go with the starfish graphic as I just adore those creatures and it is a big part of our theme.


    Allie2012:  The palm tree IS much more elegant and my FI would agree with your choice to go with it  :)


    Janet1480:  Please...no insult taken at all.  I love that everyone is being so honest with me. 

                       Both you and Allie2012 agree that it is more elegant...and its true, but damn that starfish is cute...lol

                       You mentioned in your posting that you are in graphics.  I sent an attatchement of starfish (from my wedding invitation)

                        to see if that graphic could be put on our mug.  I was told she couldn't use it beacause of the format.  She needs vector

                        files & what I sent were digital files.  Fine for paper but can't be used on a mug. You wouldn't hapen to know if it could be

                        changed to the required files needed????




    I think we are going to go with the third layout...with a little tweak.  Exchanging the "Eat & Drink..." with " To Have & To Hold...To Keep Your Drink Cold".  Will need to see that proof before I commit  ;)
















  10. WOOOHOOO so exciting and i am commenting on it below LOL

    Originally Posted by hatfiehm View Post

    Choose and ordered my dress today!!!!!!!! Can't post a pic yet since FI is sitting beside me, but had to share my excitement!!


    you look amazing.....congrats on the weight loss. You will be a beautiful bride!...love the shoes!

    Originally Posted by hatfiehm View Post

    dress small photo.png

    This is it!  After a looong day of dress shopping, I finally made my choice.  Please try to squint and ignore a) my hair b)my akward face and pose (my mom wouldn't let me know when she was taking pics this is the best one, most are very akward and not postable lol... whatever happened to "1,2,3 cheese!!") and finally c) the dress doesnt fit yet. 

    I've lost about 30lbs since September, and I plan to continue losing another 20 at least.  so I bought a size that is one size too small, and plan to have a corset back put in.  Now thats some motivation...right now my dress does not zip! eep.

    But otherwise.... I am totally in love.  I knew it as soon as I looked in the mirror.  They say you will know...and up until now, I have found a lot of dresses that were fine, but just not really me.  I was so excited, that neither my mom or me checked the price before we placed the order.  The great news was, it was less than any of the other dresses in the running, some of the others were 2x the price.  So that worked out really nicely!!


    Oh ya, and I also bought shoes! Maribelle, satin peep toe in Horizon blue with the most adorable bow!  yay!







    YAY!!! sooo much fun! cant wait to hear all about it...perhaps on Monday since you might be recovering most of the day tomorrow LOL

    Originally Posted by tamandrob View Post

    Getting ready for my stag tonight!!! So excited!!!


    NOT AT ALL!! Heels are sexy and the right heels that you are comfortable in will look amazing in pics with your wedding attire :) besides you could totally wear teal shoes again (if you need to justify it hahaha)

    Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post

    so i would love to find a pair of heels in teal for the wedding pics and i mentioned it to my sister (who also got married in jamaica last year) and she made it seem like i was crazy because i wanted to buy shoes just for the pictures..... am i??


  11. Leigh, PM me your email and i will PDF you my program...i have a poem and some other stuff in it so maybe that will give you some ideas for your last page so you can have an even number :)


    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

    Ok, so afte a labor of love, and i do mean labor lol i have done the wedding programs..... and i couldnt be happier with them. originally i was going to do something simple and well one page.... but well thats just not me lmao


    so i have done a program fan with 7 inserts, id like to do an even number...but for the life of me i cant figure out what to put on the last page. iam going to get the paper for it tomorrow, and once i get the first one put together lol i will post a pic,,,and of course my template as well.




  12. Thank you :)  

    I didnt use the resort photog. I couldnt digest the price. So a friend of mine is a photographer and has a studio here in Ottawa so i asked if he would be willing to come and he said yes :)

    Thanks for your well wishes...:) here are a few pics and i can post more if you'd like. No particular order and just random pics :) Sorry if some of the pics are massive, when i tried to reduce them they got all distorted....







    Originally Posted by ashluv19 View Post

    Beautiful video, Janet!


    You mentioned you were waiting for your pictures.. how did they turned out? I am curious because i haven'd decided yet about who will be my photographer!


    Any recommendation will be highly appreciated, thanks and lots of happiness for you both!


    Hi, you're welcome. i highly recommend poolside. i dont have all the pics of the set up yet. I asked the photog to prioritize TTD and wedding pics of us and our fam :) i should have the rest of them this weekend. :) There are literally thousands of pics LOL I do have some that friends and guests took and can send those for now if you'd like?


    Originally Posted by keedon2011 View Post

    Thanks Janet, that was so helpful! I am strongly considering poolside now! Everythings sounds stress free and dreamy...I can't wait!


    If you have a few pictures, I would love to see the reception setup.


    personal e-mail: [email protected]


    thats what we are here for. i couldnt have done it without BDW :) you wouldnt regret PPC ;)


    Originally Posted by favorsmr View Post

    I just want to send a quick thanks to all of you ladies!  Your info, tips, pictures and videos have been SOOO helpful for someone like me who is still deciding on a location. You all are awesome!


  13. she did for sure, its gorgeous.

    Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post

    thanks janet!!! it is actually a soft ivory (which is the colour of my dress)...i got a steal of a deal at only 18$ including shipping!! this girl did an amazing job! i found her on etsy



    love that movie!!! missed it though...i didnt know it was on. The crazy red head cracks me up! :)


    Originally Posted by beachbum21 View Post

    Anyone else watching Wedding Crashers tonight?! :)
    Great movie!!


  14. I dont mind at alll...PM me your email. I dont have it and i was still waiting for it to email you the program file :) LOL when you PM tell me which pics you want me to send

    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

    Janet..... i am so in love with your pics...can you do me a fav hun, can you email them to me lmao i know weird right?/???? but i want to send them to our photographer to give her an idea of what im looking for...and well id rather use someones pics that i know


    thanx so much hun, i think you still have my email...but if not PM me and ill send it to you


  15. WOW ....I love it Krysta. Is it like a diamond white? looks a lot like mine but mine was white and i think you got a better deal then i did LOL

    Its beautiful !!! :)



    Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post

    i got my hair flower in!!! it is by enchantedly yours!! love it!



    Thank you hun! :) I am getting the underwater ones soon and will share when i do. :)


    Originally Posted by tamandrob View Post

    Janet your TTD photos are awesome!!! You look so beautiful!!!


  16. I think if you started dress shopping January you would still be ok. I purchased my dress in late March for my October wedding. My dress came in August and sat there until i did alterations in late September :) dont stress. I do recommend starting to look online and mags and maybe tearing out the dresses and styles you like to bring along with you when you start to dress shop. Even though some of what you think might look great on you may not it will at least give your sales associate something to start with :) I think its great that you have your jewelry but dont be surprised if you find your dress and change your mind on your earrings :)

    Originally Posted by yunric View Post

    so pretty!!  One of my GF just the other day scolded me.  I have not yet started dress shopping and the wedding is in October of 2012.  I do however have earrings, purse and barefoot jewellry...


    That's ok isn't it? 


    Thanks and You bet! i love Chelsea! She did my wedding jewelry and my TTD including TTD hair flower. The only thing not purchased from Chelsea was my wedding day hair flower and bracelet :) She is amazing!

    Originally Posted by yunric View Post

    WOW!  I see some red-I by Chelsea??   Looks great!



  17. Thank you so much!


    My goodness! that sucks...thankfully you still have some time on your side!!! i heard of a bride having her photog cancelling 2 weeks before...i think i would die!

    Good Luck on your hunt! i bet your new photog will be even better then the one you originally booked ;)

    Originally Posted by AD2012 View Post


    Great photo's Janet! You look amazing!


    I'm in semi crisis mode this afternoon, our photographer cancelled this morning! cry.gif I'm so disappointed! I'm not really fond of what I've seen of the resorts photographer and they are soo expensive to top it all off. So the hunt begins to see if I can find someone else for May.


    Wish me luck!


  18. Thank you! There are so many nice pics, i think i like these better then my wedding pics LMAO :P


    I did make one for every guest but i only had 30 people....they were soooooooooo tedious UGH i love them and they were loved by the guests but if i had 90 guests i would NOT make one for each guest. all the cutting and assembly takes a long time.  I think one every second seat (so per couple) would be plenty! When i did see them used as fans, it was by the women LOL....I also ended up not putting them on the seat and putting it in the bows on the chairs which worked nicely. If i were you, i would just be handing them to the women or putting them on every second seat or you will spend your whole weekend making them.



    Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post


    Your pictures are beautiful! I love the TTD shoots, can't wait for ours!


    In regards to your amazing programs, did you make one for every guest? This is my project for the weekend and I'm not quite sure how many I should make. Mine double as fans so the male guests may use them but I really don't want to make 90 of them!


    Thank you hun! That pic was actually on a catamaran. We arranged to rent it for a few hours and the gentlemen that owned it was fantastic. If you are interested, i can give you his info. he is actually from France living in DR :)  He will arrange for a taxi to pick you up and drop you off at the resort. We went to an amazing area about 45 minute catamaran ride where the ocean was about 3 feet deep with an amazing backdrop. We took some great pics there and then went back to the resort pool and beach for more pics. This was where we went on the catamaran.


    hi res (2194 of 590).jpglow res (2288 of 601).jpg


    Originally Posted by hatfiehm View Post

    Janet your TTD pics are gorg! I especially love the one with you both laying on the boat.... awesome location!


  19. Hair and jewelry are such a personal thing but if i can provide any advice....


    i find if your hair is up and/or you are showing off some neck then longer sparkly earrings are a nice touch. I think its also personal to your dress, if you have an ivory softer dress you may want pearls, if you have bling in your hair and/or on your dress you may want to complement that.


    my dress had a lot going on so i decided i didnt need to be much busier so i opted for something to complement my dress in my hair and nice earrings. I didnt do a necklace.


    I actually brought some stuff with me to try different styles when i tried my dress on.


    I'm excited i got some of my ttd pics.....:) there are sooo many amazing ones, i dont know where to start....here are a few :)


    photos (1 of 42).jpgphotos (28 of 42).jpgphotos (37 of 42).jpgphotos (40 of 42).jpgphotos (42 of 42).jpghi res (2551 of 590).jpg



  20. O....M....G! breathtaking. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you and your hubby with the scenery around you! AMAZING! and the dress of you gettin down in your reception get-up converted dress is priceless! seriously your hair was so beautiful! everything looks amazing. you must still be on cloud 9!


    so tell us,


    what was your husbands reaction to the dress and what was everyone else's reaction to your dress?



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