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Posts posted by Janet1480

  1. I'm so torn! I agree with both sides. I would love to do an OOT bag as I do agree it is a nice gesture and most people would/should appreciate it :) whether they use it or not, you cant please everyone ;)

    I thought to maybe do something different...let me know what you think.....

    I am thinking of doing a welcome letter and attaching a little organza bag filled with casino tokens from the resort for their enjoyment. This way, i dont have to pack much, the guests will have a little bit of entertainment and the money would be spent either way

  2. Hi Tris

    Do you have pics posted anywhere that I could see or only pics you can email

    let me know...i can always send you my email in PM :)

    I am looking for a white hair piece but i cant decide on size. I have really long curly black hair and not wearing a veil so hoping to go with a flower in my hair :)

    let me know



  3. Hey All :)


    I'm a newbie. this is my first post however i have been reading a ton of these forums and they are VERY helpful! so a big thank you to everyone who takes the time to post!


    I booked PPC and I am getting married on Oct 25th 2011! I cant wait. I am not very far in my planning, I do know that I want a ceremony on the beach and my reception on the beach but I am so confused because there are SO many options but everything seems to cost more and more. I can't even really start planning until i have all my confirmed guests because it looks like most packages are only allowed a certain # of guests and every extra guests cost more. Could add up :-S


    The only things i have done are: My colors are picked, Photographer done, and invitations done. THATS it....my list of to-do is still SO long! but its all so fun that I cant complain! ha-ha


    nice to meet all of you ladies and happy planning!


    P.S my FI and I have been to PPC. We went in 2009 for our anniversary and absolutely fell in love with the resort which is why we chose to go back for our wedding so I would be happy to provide input for anyone who would like it :)

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