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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. Thats a good deal! i sent my TA an email yesterday to ask her about this...hopefully she has good news!
  2. You should def book ASAP....if you want 2011, its already booking up in a lot of the popular resort. Or you may also get stuck with time slots for your ceremony that are less appealing. Find a TA you like and give them your wish list and have them propose some options to you that suit your needs, check pics and reviews out online and go from there. Good luck
  3. where did you get your BM dresses? have pics ? I am so SO SO stuck on BM dresses its driving me crazy LOL
  4. That is so awesome! I love that its free LOL I will definitely check this out and add the app to my iphone so i have no excuses thanks for sharing....i have 7 months to lose 15-20 lbs!
  5. HAHAHA I know exactly what you mean! my biggest headache so far is finding BM/MOH dresses UGH
  6. Thanks Miss Sunshyne, I will have to get a pic of me in it and see if your opinion changes LOL
  7. You can do it I am getting married in October but yet i know it will come soooo fast so if i slack off now i will regret it later!
  8. Thank you! The designer is Allure and the model # is 8810 .....Its actually pretty light and fits like a glove! I am supposed to go put my deposit and get my measurements taken on Saturday! exciting but yet i am nervous because I beat myself up about if its the right choice ....I question myself in general on everything i do so this isnt uncommon for me LOL
  9. Congrats and welcome...what day did you mean? I'm sure there is a type in there. but regardless congrats
  10. Thanks, I will have to check it out! I just bought her Yoga DVD which promises that if you do it every day you should lose up to 5 lbs in the 1st week....i will keep you posted
  11. Im not even married yet and just the planning days are going by so fast...i cant imagine when the day itself arrives! thanks goodness for pics and video I still ask myself what i will do when i get back LOL
  12. Great review...thanks so much! I cant wait for my PPC wedding in October
  13. No problem....I know when i am looking for opinions I like to get detailed comments and go from there...helps to see things from other peoples eyes dont forget to share the final product here when you are done
  14. Yes ditto...what is the 30 day shred? I have been trying to excercise and lose weight for my October wedding! lost 6 pounds but it is going too slowly for my liking! i have been trying since December....holidays didnt make it easy either :S
  15. LOL I know my FI wont be on this site...he probably even wouldnt know where to start with wedding planning. If it was up to my FI he would probably hire a wedding planner to do EVERYTHING! Hahaha we just have to Pretend girls!!!! What if they lurk the forum and find out that we don´t want to take care of them?? LOL !!! my FI helps me too ... but he could do a little bit more....
  16. Wish i could make use of this....i dont have any of my stuff finalized thanks for sharing...hopefully there will be more specials like this when i am ready lol
  17. I think its a great way to know what you are getting into. I would have a hard time spending that kind of money and asking my guests to and not knowing what would be when we landed
  18. Thanks, congrats to you as well. Fi and I have actually been to the resort where we are getting married....we loved it so much and nothing else has ever compared to it so it was an easy decision to get married there. I will check out online the resort where you wil be married...i have never been to Mexico but i hear its fantastic! I was at the Excellence in Punta Cana in January Nice chain, if its the same chain as yours, not sure!
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