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Posts posted by Janet1480

  1. one word...HOT

    Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

    Wasn't sure if I should post this here, but wanted to let you guys know for the first time ever I saw BM shoes at Winners last night!  Both in black though, both the styles below.  I tried on the style on the right and they were STUNNING!  $129.99...so tempted to go back and get them!





  2. I am simply IN LOVE with that cocktail dress...did you find that pic on a site that was selling it or is that a random dress pic LOL

    Originally Posted by Cateyedcutie View Post

    I plan to be a  Sottero and Midgley, Adorae bride. I love that dress, and how different it looks on everyone. I plan to add a few details to make it my own. I've been in love with this dress since the second I laid eyes on it! Here is a pic of the dress on a bride-to-be who is not me lol



    I'd like a tulle cocktail dress for the reception. Something like this:



  3. Ok, i took some off my facebook...i couldnt pick cause they are all so cute LOL I melt when i look back at these pics...wish they stayed small!!!


    Leia is a mix siberian husky and greyhound....Kaylee was already over a year when we brought Leia home. We rescued her and even though she is a devil we love her! this is when she was 8 to 10 weeks old :) 

    leiapup.jpgleiapup2.jpgleia and sis2.jpg


    Kaylee is our Samoyed. When she was a baby and people saw pictures they always thought she was fake cause she looks like a stuffed toy....LOVE her to pieces. She grew SOOO fast though. She is huge now as you saw in the other pics as an adult...she was about 12 weeks in these pics :)

    kaylee baby2.jpgkaylee baby.jpgkaylee puppy3.jpg

  4. awwwwwwwwwwww all puppies are soooo adorable....my huskies were both squeezable when they were babies...i will dig up some pics to share!!!

    Originally Posted by Cateyedcutie View Post

    I want a mini husky so badly, they are absolutely adorable. I've wanted a husky all my life, but I come from a pitbull family. My daughter wants a yorkie. I haven't had a dog in about 10 years due to lack of space. Can't wait til I'm a Mrs and we move.  Hopefully we will have the space both. 



  5. OMG is that a bengal or a savanah cat?????? I want a bengall soooooooooooooooo bad but i cant add any more pets to my zoo LOL even though i have space they are still maintenance and an expense!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by Mylissa View Post


    My baby Tonio last winter. :)


  6. WOW!!! WTF! what if you hadnt checked FB...would they not have contacted you? Thats brutal...i really hope you can figure out what is going on. If you put any deposits i hope you can get them back.

    You might want to start calling other photogs to have a plan b in case


    That really sucks and i am sorry you are suffering this so close to your wedding *HUGS*

    Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post



    so my wedding is less than 3 months away and i go on fb today and see a post on my home page for my photographer that says:






    WTF WTF WTF!!! i am freaking out!! i tried to call and just got an answering machine and then i sent a FB msg..... what am i gonna do if they arent coming???!!!?!?! i feel like i am going to be sick.....


  7. I had a man of honor and 2 bridesmaids and my hubby has his sister as his best woman and had 2 groomsmen. So if you are already mixing sexes there is no reason she cant stand on his side and it balances things out in the pics anyway :)


    And now his sister is getting married at the end of February and my hubby is going to be one of her "bridesmaids" and I am not in the wedding and it doesn't bother me one bit. 


    You have to look at it in many way....

    -what if he had 5 or 6 siblings...you wouldn't include them all and you wouldn't pick some over others if you were close to all of them. 

    -what if it was the other way around. Would you insist your FI include your brother if you had a brother you were super close to

    -would you be accepting if you put her in your wedding to make FI happy and then she didnt participate in showers or bachelorettes or planning? etc


    at the end of the day you have to do what makes both you and FI happy and that may mean she is in the wedding even if its not 100% what you want. Compromises begin even before the I do's :) :)


    Good Luck

  8. Wow, you are in a really tough spot. On one hand you have to just appreciate the contribution to your wedding but on the other hand, if it was a gift to you to make your wedding a dream come true then she is eating into that. I think you need to have an honest and open discussion with her, it wont be easy but you can explain that you appreciate her paying the wedding and you are just trying to understand if the $30,000 was entirely for your wedding or did you now have to take almost $10,000 off of that to pay for her friends because now you cant afford the photog you want? You almost need to make her see it dollar wise to realize how she is impacting you. I definitely dont think she or you need to be paying anyones expenses. If they cant afford it, they dont go. Thats the reality of having a DW. If your mom insists then maybe you need to compromise that the budget she offered you as a gift needs to cover all of your wedding requirements (to me a photographer is a requirement) and if there is money left over then you can put guests up at the Caribe. You can also compromise with her that if guests are being paid for then you should be able to pay your friends way and everyone has to be put up at the same hotel so its fair. I think her eyes just need to be opened. 


    Personally, if i had a child and i offered money to pay the wedding, i would write the cheque and let the gift be a gift. If i started spending the money for them then its not really a gift anymore. 

    Originally Posted by SparksFly View Post



    Long story short...


    Getting married at the Royal in Cancun (5 star hotel)

    Offering that guests stay at the Royal or the Caribe (sister resort 3.5 star)


    My mom thinks it's rude to throw a destination wedding without offering  people accomedations...well...at least to her friends.


    I have a 15K-17K budget that I VERY much want to stay in because whatever money I do not spend out of 30K is mine to keep.


    My mother who is paying for the wedding is offering her friends left and right rooms at the Royal (not the caribe, god FORBID they had to stay at the caribe) at like $400 a night!


    I want my mom to have friends there, but these are established people in the 40-50's. Why am I paying for their rooms?


    So far it's close to $7500 just on family and friends (of my parents). Am I being ridiculous? I am trying to squeeze money out of our budget now so I can pay for a photographer, but its not looking good.


    Again, am I being ridiculous and selfish?


  9. Hi, I may have some lanterns for sale. I used what i had left from my wedding at my sisters baby shower and left them behind but i think i still have some left that i would be willing to sell


    I will let you know over the next couple of days. I'm not home this evening but i should be able to get back to you tomorrow or over the weekend :)

    Originally Posted by Cateyedcutie View Post

    Boooooooo! to me being slow. Where did you purchase them if you don`t mind my asking. I figured I can find parasols in various colors in China Town, but the only place I`ve seen that has paper lanterns in Walmart, and it`s about 4.88 for 2.



  10. From my experience, i got to the resort Saturday night and met with Miguelina Sunday morning for our wedding coordination meeting. At that moment i decided i wanted to host a reception dinner and had never made previous plans to this. But that meant it had to take place the next day as my Wedding was tuesday. Within 24 hours Miguelina set up my rehearsal dinner for 32 people at Gabi, set menu (with great options that i got to pick), she printed personalized menus for the tables for me and the next day it was all set up perfectly without any issues and at no extra cost. 


    And no offence to Lmazz and her experience and review because every review is appreciated, i just think that when you are on island time...whats the rush? If things are a bit slow, kick your feet up and relax. The reason i am commenting this and not ignoring it is that i know how easily things can stress us out and each and every bride wants their wedding experience (for themselves and guests) to be perfect but you cant sweat the small stuff or you will drive yourself crazy. Embrace every minute you are on your holidays. Take those extra few minutes, when service is slow or the trolley takes a detour, to enjoy the company around you and take in your surroundings. Use the time to take pictures etc...


    During my stay we stayed one week in the reserve with our 32 guests and one week at Royal Service and no one had any room issues so i guess this has to be hit or miss and perhaps because it was so busy the week they were at the resort they were put in the rooms or buildings not yet renovated. I would ask your TA before hand to put a note on your file that you would like to be in the newly renovated rooms. Also, if you go in a non busy time you will likely get upgraded to the reserve. 


    hope that makes you feel better cdc


    Originally Posted by cdc150 View Post

    Lmazz, I'm confused.... you just went to the lobby to book a reservation for all 38 people to avoid the $15? I would love to do some sort of "rehearsal" dinner but don't want to pay the resort any more money since they are charging so much already. 


    Also, what was wrong with the rooms?  I keep hearing there are room problems, but you would think at this point they would be fixed? 


    How was the wedding itself?


    Any other insight would be appreciated! 



  11. Angel's Accents did my flowers and they were AMAZING and great price. She books up quick and is quite popular (which says a lot) so if you are checking out her site and are interested you should be in touch in as much notice as possible. I highly recommend her work. and angel is a doll to talk to. 

    Originally Posted by SparksFly View Post

    Anyone know of any great vendors for real touch flowers? My mom refuses to get real flowers because no one is able to take them(real flowers) home from mexico!


  12. I think it depends who you fly with but our airline didnt even count the dress, it was considered a "free" article no matter weight size etc it wasnt factored into the carry on allowances.Check with your airline's website on luggage restrictions, they usually list wedding dresses somewhere


    Originally Posted by Laurelyn View Post

    Completely random question popped up in my mind at work today... Does anyone know if they ever weigh the dress to ensure its in the weight for carry on because if they do mind would for sure be to heavy lol.


  13. Welcome :)


    I highly highly recommend Louise Issa. She works for Trip Central in the St.Laurent shopping centre in Ottawa. 


    I'm not sure she would have rates now but wouldnt hurt to call her. She had rates for us almost a year ahead. I'm not sure many resorts release their rates beyond a year ahead of time. 


    I'm from Ottawa so if you are in the Ottawa area and want any help/suggestions...dont hesitate to PM me ::)


    Happy planning


    Originally Posted by Dominican Ally View Post

    Hello Fellow Canadian Brides!


    Any 2013 brides out there? I'm just starting the planning process, and it looks like this site is going to be SUPER helpful! I absolutely want to do some fun save the dates, and passport invites/boarding pass RSVPs :) I'm not sure yet if I feel like taking them on as a DIY project, but it seems that I'm in the right place if I do!


    I'm wondering if there are any eastern ontario brides (Kingston, Ottawa, etc) that can tell me of some good travel agents, or any really that can give me pricing now for March 2013. I am getting anxious to narrow down a resort and book a date, but don't want to do that before I can ensure I can get a good/affordable group rate for my guests.


    Any help/tips from fellow brides who have felt this anxiety would help! How early on where you able to get pricing? Did you book a date with a resort before knowing what their air/accomodation pricing was like?






  14. WOW!!! just WOW!!! your photog did an amazing job but she had great subjects to shoot ;) 

    Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

    So we're back from Jamaica Mr and Mrs! Nothing went as planned but it was more perfect than I could have ever imagined! I'll post my review/planning thread as soon as I'm able to breath!


    Here our amazing phographers Blog of our pictures:


    The Wedding



    The Catamran Reception



    The TTD Shot



    Love the old fashioned slumber party idea! My girls and i do this every now and then and its so much fun...great idea for a bachelorette!

    Originally Posted by murmel View Post

    We used Weddings By Oceans.....they were great at the start, returned my phone calls, emails, etc. But about 4 months in (right around when our guests started booking) they seemed to fall apart. I think we ended up having 3 different girls assigned to us over the course of the 8 months, and usually I would still have to go over their heads directly to the manager/owner. I got really frustrated with all their mistakes, lack of information and at the end I felt I was babysitting and having to tell them what to do. So from my personal experience...it would have been easier for me to book at 63 guests myself! (I remember waiting to board my plane for my wedding, and calling them because there were still issues with my guests bookings!) Don't know about the other agency.


    Love the other ideas the girls sent out. What about a nice dinner and then back to someone's house for a good old fashioned slumber party. We did one for another girlfriend and had a riot. Rented a few silly old movies, had popcorn, ice cream, etc. For us (since we all live far apart) it was really about spending time together and being able to talk and catch up. 


    No matter what you choose,  you'll have fun!




    I think some of the other girls beat me to it but you can get waterproof labels made. Try zazzle, i think they have some!

    Originally Posted by ShellyCarter View Post

    Hey Girls, 

    I need you help



    I really like these Plastic Tumblers I saw them at a Dollar store close to my house for $2.

    I wanted to personalized them. 

    I'm having a hard time finding companies that can personalized these for me.


    does anyone have any recommendations?




    I have never heard of this before! i will have to check it out!

    Originally Posted by capecodder View Post

    Jamie...your pics are amazing!!!  Looks like a wonderful day!

    A self serve facial is exactly what a sounds like.  The spa provides you with the products to do the facial and explains the order and you actually do the facial yourself.  It's alot of fun. And it normally comes with drinks!!




  15. Thanks Doll and welcome back. I have a ton of my pics now, i will be posting to facebook soon. I have done editing and trying to minimize the qty of pics since i have so many LOL you are going to love all the pics of the jewels we have ;) talk soon XO


    Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

    Super gorgeous Janet!! Can't wait to see these new pics! These are the first ones I'm seeing with the bridesmaids in their jewels as well!!



  16. Hi,


    I had candles as my centrepieces so my colors were in my linens and decorations otherwise, i even had the palm trees all around lit up in pink blue and green....here is a pic of my table and the lights. They were just setting up sonot all the candles were lit and i also included a pic of the mini version which was on our sweetheart table...


    IMG_6615.JPGIMG_6572.JPGphotos (1019 of 1459).jpgphotos (1046 of 1459).jpg




    I had real touch flowers, everyone thought they were real...i kept my bouquet and i adored how they turned out. That was the best part about real touch for me was that i got to keep the bouquet. I used white, green and pink in the bouquet and wrapped the handle with blue.


    photos (829 of 1459).jpg






    Originally Posted by Allie2012 View Post

    Hey Janet,


    My colours are fuchsia and turquoise (kind of like aqua blue). What did you guys do for reception centrepieces, and for your bouquet/BM bouquets? I really want real flowers, nothing fake, but I have yet to see any nice ideas involving fuchsia/turquoise. Do you have any pics of your flowers?



  17. Miguelina's email wasnt clear and agreeing that the fee was $1000.00 ....perhaps she was agreeing that their was a fee but she only mentionned the $120 day pass per head. I could be wrong but you may want to confirm that? You may want to also ask her about other photogs as she said the info was circulated to established vendors in Bavaro.


    I am already married but if i were still planning or had an upcoming wedding, I would be emailing the Miami Head office and making a HUGE stink. If you have already booked they cant just all of a sudden throw these surprise costs into the mix and they certainly cant force you to use a vendor that you dislike for one of the most important days of your life. If they are going to force people to use vendors they should have more then one option. I would also be complaining about this "preferred" vendors attitude and rudeness as i'm sure the sol melia chain would appreciate their "preferred" vendors treat their clients as they should be treated. 


    I'd be threatening to pull my wedding which would mean lost revenue of the wedding plus lost revenue from "X" amount of guests. I'd also be letting them know that you would be sure to spread the word (which is happening anyway) on these forums and tripadvisor etc......the resort will quickly change their tune. 


    Miguelina is great but you need to speak to that "top" management person. 


    Good luck ladies. 

    Originally Posted by cdc150 View Post

    I'm very upset, this is what I received this evening, I'm afraid my photography price using an outside vendor is going up or she's going to back out....


    Dear Cortney,


    I apologize for any inconvenience that this information may caused you.


    But as Ms. Taimir Mejia explain you; according the exclusive contract that Arrecife Studio has with Paradisus. All the external photographer companies that will be covering a wedding event or any other event inside Paradisus must pay a penalty fee by providing service within the property.


    This penalty fee, is sole responsibility of the outside vendor that offers such services, to opt for a permit to use the property, to do their job, this fee only applies for each outside vendor, not for you as customers.


    This means that each couple that will get married in any Paradisus must pay a day pass fee US$120 per person for the personal photographer company that you hire directly can have access to the property, but this external vendor must pay a Penalty fee for making use the property facilities to provide private services.



    This has been a decision taken by Senior (Top) Management, which was definitive on January 01st, 2012. This week, this information was circulated to all outside photographer vendors established in Bavaro, Punta Cana


    Any question that you may have, please feel free to contact us,



    Kind regards,



    Romance Assistant

    Paradisus Punta Cana Resort

    Tel: +1. 809.687.9923 Ext. 8372


  18. Clearly he has no idea what he is talking about and he is just trying to bully you to use his services. Just ignore him and move along in your happy wedding planning and dont let him ruin it. The outside vendor fee is $120 per head and if your photog is a guest at the hotel there is no fee! 

    Originally Posted by cdc150 View Post

    I just replied to Arricife saying I am unwilling to pay that and he said:


    "The photographer should make the payment at the time to arrive to the Hotel to make the wedding photo session.  Is his responsibility not yours"




  19. Have you already booked with PPC? If so, they cant all of a sudden charge you. Your date and wedding is booked and if you chose the services of another vendor that is just simply too bad for Arecife. Also, I highly recommend you talk to your coordinator. They cant force you to use Arrecife because they are the preferred vendor of the resort. This is a very personal decision and an important one, your photographs are all you will have left of your wedding day and perhaps Arrecife style and photography is not to your liking and perhaps you are not satisfied with their packages. If they are going to charge $1000.00 they better be prepared to be REALLY flexible with their packages or a lot of brides will be walking away from having their weddings at PPC. And also, I dont think its up to Arrecife to dictate what the charges will be if you dont book with them. I would be livid and fighting this battle to the nines.

    Good Luck!

    Originally Posted by cdc150 View Post

    Looks that this email I got this morning from Arrecife Photography....  I'm about to flip out:


    would like to inform you that we have no objection if you decide to use the services of Photo-souvenir, but from day January 1st 2012 we start charging a Fee of $ 1,000.00 to anyone who uses the services of external photographers while we were official company at the resort.




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