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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. I agree....the lobby is beautiful. there is usually something going on there. THe casino is also right there as well if some of your guests want to have a little activity for a short period The Gabi lounge is VERY quiet. Its a great place to relax and just have a drink, not much goes on there at all. There is also the restaurant at the beach...i cant remember what its called now (miss, do you remember? ) you wont see the Ocean but you can here it nice place as well
  2. its always a good feeling when things turn out the way you hope for I'm happy for you! lets hope everything else in our planning goes as smoothly
  3. Np! I cant help but disagree with a lot of the ladies (sorry ladies!) if the guests want cake they can eat the deserts from the sweet table or get a chocolate bar out of the fridge in the room LOL I dont want to be rude here and sure i want my guests to be happy but i think with everything else going on if the guests really get that upset about cake there is a problem LOL the guest are down south, all you can drink, on the beach, having fun and probably by cake time a little drnk anyway! So ultimately its your day Miss and if you want cake THEN GET CAKE! everyone has their own "must have" list and you should put all stops on everything else to make sure that your "must have" list is fulfilled and you have no regrets on your one special day!
  4. I can actually speak from first hand experience and the other side of things LOL My BEST FRIEND in the whole world is a guy! 4 years ago when FI and i started dating i told him about my best friend and explained our relationship (no secrets!) I love him dearly and would do anything for him and him for me HOWEVER I have to take my Fi's feelings in to consideration. When i was single my bf and I would watch movies and cuddle at home and spend endless hours together (nothing sexual ever BTW) everyone always told me that bf must be in love with me but i never saw him that way. THe MINUTE Fi and I started to get serious i told my bf that things had to change. I would always love him and be there for him but there could be no more cuddles, i love you's (except in a birthday or xmas card) and that our friendship would have to take into consideration new boundaries of how my FI may or may not feel about certain situations. My biggest thing, "how would i feel if the roles were reversed" i ALWAYS take my FI's feelings into consideration and so did my BF, he had No problems with this what so ever and completely respected me, my choice and my FI. My point is, if this girl had no "evil" intentions she would respect you and her so called BF and back off. You can still have chats, texts, emails but not in the same tone, not at 4am and certainly no alone time for extended periods of time. Its more then obvious she was trying to be a home wrecker and I am super happy your FI backed off and respected you enough to show you that YOU are more important then her. That says a lot. The unfortunate part is that she will never change, she will always want to win him over and be jealous, possibly even if she finds a guy of her own so you are best to keep her at a distance! Its not easy to change the tone of a relationship, my bf and I had to find new things to enjoy together and new ways to communicate and spend time together but still be friends and not hurt or make anyone worry. If i ever even thought for a minute that my FI was concerned or it was bugging him I would change anything to keep him happy since he is my forever! Keep communicating with your FI and if there are any situations that bug you PLEASE dont even hesitate telling him. You dont want to live the rest of your life with this in the back of your mind and the "what ifs" or always wondering what is going on if FI goes anywhere and she may be around. Thats not a good way to live and not a good way to start a marriage. Personally, if i were you and things continue to get worse, i would ask FI to talk to her and explain how he feels because sometimes putting someone who has unrelaistic illusions in their head on ignore may not be sending the right message. She is obviously dense that she isnt realizing what she is doing is wrong so who says she isnt dense enough to realize that her being ignored means she should go away?! She needs to be told out-right to back off. And if Fi isnt comfortable doing it maybe you need to ask him if you (together) can write her a polite email telling her how you both feel. Either way, good luck and i hope you can make this situation go away permanently for the sake of your sanity and your future marriage
  5. HAHAH its cause they can talk back when they are older
  6. in the summer on the BBQ swimming?
  7. here's hoping! At least i can complain on BDW cause my FI will just tell me to stop stressing I am with you Miss....i want all the pics to be perfect and if your cake is important to you fake or real then go for it...since people dont eat the cake anyway and you are having a sweet table as part of your menu might as well pay the same amount and get the cake YOU want and have to look at forever in your pics!
  8. WOW LOVE LOVE these! she did amazing job on your invites! they are beautiful and a great keepsake for you as well
  9. like...but not all the time! babies
  10. I dont want to look at it now!!! LOL this is just crazy talk all these insane charges!!!! I will suck it up and take out the kleenex box and advil and start looking at the lists this weekend
  11. you look amazing! I love Allure dresses and I had tried this one on but i am too curvy so it didnt suit my figure. I ended up buying the Allure 8810 and I love it. I cant wait for my first fitting but i have quite a few months to go! congrats on finding the dress
  12. OMG! is this what they are charging for cake???? I really need to start looking at the prices and lists they sent me to start breaking all these things out!!! CRAZY! i thought cake was included? Or is this because you asked for a bigger cake to accomodate your large # of guests?
  13. great compliment and from the best person it could come from
  14. Thats great that you still love it...i worry if i will still love my dress in 7 months LOL but i worry about everything its just my nature
  15. that really sucks! i dont want to have to beg! I'm sending out the reminder next week and leaving it at that. it will be what it will be! I have too many other things to stress over.I could probably stress over this until the wedding day ....but i am realizing that the bottom line is, some people suck LOL
  16. oh ya ...that could work thanks! I will ask the bridal salon for their input as well on Thursday! I will let you know what they recommended
  17. Thank you! I'm hoping the light heartedness and hopefully a little chuckle will get people to give us some sort of response just for the effort in sending a reminder
  18. wouldnt that be awesome! I wish someone would pay for my wedding LOL
  19. I Couldnt agree more! I think its crazy to think you can just show up ....i know its a lot of money and a DW but doesnt mean less planning has to go in to it. I also understand its really far in advance but because of vacation booking and budget, if you dont think you will come now then you probably wont come at all! After i send out my RSVP reminder card and dont get RSVP's back...i am marking those folks down as a no. I will have a few extra favors but i wont have the seating for the ceremony booked or the dinner so i will have to sort that out but I am hoping there arent too many add ons at the last minute and everyone can just reply to me now. Wishful thinking maybe!
  20. love but they have to be honey garlic wedding planning lol
  21. people are booking hotels and you havent booked a date??? That is just messed up!
  22. yup. I thought about getting invisaline but they were too expensive...its on my to do list for one day! Would you ever let a complete stranger give you a make over?
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