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Everything posted by lmarie

  1. Dude wheres my car? = Seann William Scott
  2. BusyBee123, what is Donnalees email address? Maybe I should start emailing her instead of Chandlyn, because I have been waiting to hear back from Chandlyn on a few questions that I have, for a while now.
  3. Just Married = Ashton Kutcher
  4. StephAli, did you pay for a private reception? If not, was your reception dinner area away from the rest of the restaurant? Thanks!
  5. Your wedding is so close! Best of luck, you must be so excited!
  6. schayer, your day is getting so close! You must be so excited, best of luck, I hope you have a great time!
  7. The new season isnt airing here yet, it comes on sometime the beginning of April. I dont have a fav lady, they all act nuts at one time or another. lol. I watch them all too, I watched a new episode of Atlanta today! Love them all
  8. Hi daphodil. The hotel is huge, so it takes a long time to walk around it, to get to restaurants, to the beach, to get everywhere, its a bit of a walk. But you can pay for transportation to the gazebo on ther wedding day. I dont think it costs very much. i think you do have to pay ore money if you dont stay for 7 nights, not sure of the details though. What is your date in August? I am getting married there August 18th. Good luck with everything!
  9. Gabrielle Union = Bad Boys 2
  10. I was torn between these exact same 2 hotels too! We chose the GBP because of the lower all inclusive rate and cheaper wedding package. It was more affordable for our guests. But I have learned so much about the hotel, from other brides who have gotten married there, and I know we have made the right decision. Less than 5 months to go! Cant wait!!
  11. I am getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe in August. All of the brides that I have spoken with who have gotten married there, had a great time, loved the resort and said their wedding day went great, and all went very smoothly. Its also very reasonably priced. Good luck making your decision!
  12. Welcome busybee123! You should check out the other thread that JayKay mentioned above! Its "Any Gran Bahia Principe Runaway Bay brides out there?" Heres the link: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/51518/any-gran-bahia-principe-runaway-bay-brides-out-there/1270#post_1571443 Its a pretty active thread. Congrats on choosing your wedding location! Good luck and have fun with the planning!
  13. Thats a lot to pay for shipping! I would buy them from you but I need more than 20, I cant only have them for some of the guests Thanks for your reply
  14. Mean Girls = Lindsay Lohan
  15. Baby Mama = Amy Poehler
  16. cupcake.. more purchases from esty? haha I love the flowers, I want to use blue in my bouquet too!
  17. tris.. hahahaa. You made me laugh. That is what I am like at other peoples weddings too, even if I dont know them!
  18. My wedding is in August, and she told me a week or so ago, that I could not choose my restaurant yet, that I had to wait until it was closer to my wedding date.... its so strange that we are all being told different things.
  19. Welcome to the forum Dutchie600 and Mellehel! This site and all of the ladies on it are so helpful with anything that you will need to know about planning your weddings!
  20. Congratulatons on the wedding asleyL. I hope despite the bit of trouble that you had, that the rest of your vacation and wedding day went wonderfully. I also loved your pictures Thanks so much for sharinmg them. acw- congratulatins on buying your dress!!! I ordered mine in January and its getting here the ned of May. Now to try to lose some weight before it arrives. haha
  21. Welcome kristy28! I have learned so much from this forum as well. I love it, its pretty much become my life in the last couple of months.
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