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Everything posted by Ali12

  1. We leave fri afternoon to make the drive to our departure city!! And get legally married tomorrow night...it's coming up so fast, the next two days I'm off and they are going to be hectic. Happy weddings to everyone!!
  2. We are leaving in a week to go down, we have a large party (73 people) and the majority are all in our 20s. I will let you know on the rowdiness or lack of it when Im back at the end of April. We chose this resort because it was a smaller resort, not as many weddings and the wedding planner is AMAZING!!!! There was nothing but great things said about Maria (who is no longer there) and Lupita which made me really comfortable with all the planning. And the pictures I have seen of the beach set up is beautiful, I fell in love lol You can do a private reception, I cant remember the prices (it is extra) you can email Lupita and she would let you know. We are just going to go to the disco after our reception as we didnt feel we needed to pay extra for a private one. It worked better for our budget. Hope some of this helps! I will do a review when we are back with lots of details Good luck with the planning
  3. Question for past brides, I'm wanting to give all our guests a welcome letter with a timeline of our wedding day, I'm trying to decide what would be easier, having them be put in their check in booklets or if they can be put in everyones room. Has anyone done either of these?? Second question, is it necessary to have the microphone and speakers in the Italian restaurant or could you go without? Just curious. Any info would be great!!! Thanks
  4. Thank you!! The pictures make me want to be there right now, they are beautiful
  5. This is the best thread!!! Thank you for all the ideas. I will post mine once we get it finalized, I still have a month to go
  6. We leave in a month!! I'm sooo excited I cant wait to read your review Jessamaka, and happy to hear everything went so well!
  7. Soo exciting!!! Can't wait to hear about it, have a wonderful time
  8. Emma, That's awesome that you will be there then! We also arrive on the 15th. I'm getting really excited. The planning has been pretty stress free and easy! We just have a few more things to get ready and everything will be done. How about you?? Almost all of our guests are booked now, just a few stragglers that probably won't book till close to the wedding.
  9. We had the same thing, no one was booking, then in the last week soo many have booked. We now have 65 booked!!! I'm just starting to look at songs, I have no ideas, stressing me out a little.
  10. Great review! I cant wait for next April. I love Maria already, she is fantastic.
  11. J-me, we are hoping most book with our save the date too, but i have a feeling many will wait for the invites. Close family so far are the ones who have booked!! Good luck with all your planning Yay for everyone that has booked guests!!!
  12. It feels more real now, we have 13 guests booked!!
  13. We avoided that week as well as prices are higher. Sending out invites July/august and not sure when our deadline will be.
  14. Congrats!!! Im also a Vancouver bride Good luck with all your planning. We are getting married in the Mayan as well. Just recently booked our resort, hoping people start too book as well!!!
  15. The planing is going good. I agree Maria is amazing. We are thinking the Italian buffet as well because the private reception is WAY too much for being at an all inclusive, we really wanted the beach reception but decided it wasn't worth it. We are getting married at 3pm. We are bringing our own photographer with us, he is a good friend so we thought we could get two for one...he comes to the wedding and does our pictures.
  16. I was worrying about this as well. I think I am going to get one of my friends to do it, she is really good with hair that way we can practice here and then she will do it down there.
  17. That is so exciting!! Good luck and have a wonderful day!! Can't wait to hear about it.
  18. And, I really like the look of no arch! So beautiful with just the ocean behind.
  19. I was also wondering about the chair covers. Thanks for the info! My wedding is next april and that feels far away so I feel for you Belisaria.
  20. Jaykay, we are doing a 3pm wedding too. I like the idea of having more time to do pictures and relax a bit before dinner.
  21. I just sent our save the date!!!! We are sending invites around the same time you are thinking. We are moving in Aug so I think we will wait till we are moved in before sending them out. Im way more excited now that I sent our save the date.
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