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Everything posted by kerrib

  1. These are all great. I think you can use/wear the old, new, borrowed, blue where ever you want! My something new is a tattoo in memoriam of my grandparents who passed away from my wedding, old is my great great grandmothers ring, borrowed is my best friends veil (we call it the traveling veil since all our girlfriends have/are using it), and I'm not sure what my blue is just yet.
  2. Shipping question!! I was planning on shipping my center pieces and some decor down ahead of time. Has anyone done this??? I want to make sure it a)clears customs b)gets there c)makes it in one piece. I was planning on using DHL or FedEx and having it insured, but I'm still nervous. The latest WC told me to "pack them well because customs is tricky" What is that supposed to mean?! Our center pieces are candles in glass vases. I think they have a better chance of breaking if I checked them as luggage on our flight, plus there is so much we'd spend a fortune in extra and over weight baggage. ANY help is greatly appreciated!!
  3. Not sure what your other colors are but if you want to do purple orchids and calla lillies then you could order a few of them loose from a vendor that does real touch and have them added to your bouquet of white roses or flowers that are your other colors down at Dreams.
  4. I love the little wooden people but can't justify spending that much on them when I'm sure if I put effort into it, I could do it myself. I want it to be personal to us and something I'd keep as a momento. My FH votes for this one because we are big into skiing.
  5. I am shipping my stuff down ahead of time to the resort. It was suggested by my WC, I'm getting married at a Dreams resort, so that might be resort specific. When I asked how to ship it, they just told me to make sure it was "packed well" because customs can be tricky. I have also heard that there are problems in customs not just because of the content (i.e. sand, shells, etc) but that most of the time it is multiples. I was told to but a note on top of the items inside the package saying "not for resale / wedding decorations". I'll be adding my receipts into the boxes I ship, too. Can't be too careful!
  6. I think you're fine with anything, they sound so beautiful!
  7. Is there a sound quality difference between the iPhone, nano, touch? Which one has the shortest gap between songs?
  8. after going to 6 Targets today, we were only able to gather up 5. But they do have a good deal in the bargin section for Aloe $1, and the travel size cosmetics section had bug spray cheap and tide/shout wipes for a good deal. I searched for these banks online. Amazon had them for wayyyy cheap but shipping was like $130 for 35!!! So I found this site and ordered them for a reasonable price http://www.pcbsupplies.com/servlet/the-Camping%2C-Backpacking%2C-%26-Hiking/Categories They had all different colors, shapes and sizes.
  9. I went to my closest Target yesterday, they were out. So today FH and I are going on a Traget extravagaza and hitting as many targets as we need to until we find them. We need 38, so wish us luck!!
  10. Awesome!!!! Thanks so much, heading there now! I live for deals!!!
  11. Can you come make mine I'm at the point that they need to be made but I've lost some motivation. They are lovely!
  12. m1984, CONGRATS!! Hope it is everything you have been planning and hoping for!! Can't wait for your review. Are you doing a planning thread, too? I don't get married until August, but let me know how the sound quality turns out and I would consider splitting the cost with you. We are expecting 65 guests, want to make sure it will be loud enough for the ceremony and reception. I read a bunch of reviews but couldn't make a good decision based on what I read. HAVE FUNNNN!!!!!!!
  13. We have decided to do a legal here "hush-hush" too. We didn't want to pay the fees, I was a little sketch on getting my blood drawn there, and people have said it wastes a whole day. We also talked to a lawyer to see how easy it is to convert everything over and if our marriage would even be recognized in the US. He told us it depends on the city and state, and sometimes they are not.
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