So I was there in October. I can send you some pictures. The food at the Mexican Rest. Was great I thought! The Disco is a Disco and its located kind of off the main drag of the hotel where the show will be right next door and in front of the main buffet. I would say if you are having a lot of people/young people then yea you could do it. If not then I wouldn’t waste the money. How many people are you having? Yea, you can’t use the same place for the reception. Just to let you know the Mexican Rest. Overlooks the quieter pool but they will have other dinners I believe going on at the same time… and the Mexican rest during the day is an additional buffet for that pool and guests… I have pictures. Send me your email and I will send so you can have a visual… And yes everything is booked as far as the hotel/dinner and what not…. Their dates fill up really quickly and they are busy nonstop. Also Nelly has moved into a different roll and now MINA is the WC for the Santa Fe. So far she seems better then Nelly. We also met her in OCT. just ehhh if you know what I mean… mina is pretty quick on the emails. A lot she likes to do 2 months prior too but I’m a planner and a thinker so I wanted to see what I needed to think and plan prior then 2 months. I think it would be really stressful waiting until then to start making decisions.