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Everything posted by HannahASH

  1. 2011 Brides kshows - February 12, 2011 JacqueCO - February 20, 2011 MichelleCrock - February 26, 2011 Elizabella75 - February 26, 2011 DiahR - April 1, 2011 GC2008 - April 10, 2011 Aricak64-April 11, 2011 pineapplebride - *maybe* April 2011 Suzy831 - April 16, 2011 Jennie0521 - April 28, 2011 ChicagoBride2011- May 1, 2011 speedy130 - May 7, 2011 SarahE786 - May 15, 2011 Violagirl (Jen) - May 21, 2011 rosieposie - May 22, 2011 Maritza - June 3, 2011 risa 1818- June 12, 2011 Jozee84- June 15, 2011 JHarris - June 17, 2011 Bride2B22- June 21, 2011 Sweetle - June 24, 2011 Prettypigpig - July 4, 2011 Heidi88- July 22, 2011 miadionne - July 23, 2011 nikkiscriv - July 25, 2011 Augustbride2011- August 20, 2011 duffeje - September 2, 2011 HannahASH - September 3, 2011 Bride2bDebbie - November 20, 2011
  2. Hello all!! I will be getting married in September 2011 at The ROYAL Playa....exact date tbd. I have read great reviews on here and other websites about this resort so I hope I am making the right decision....still very nervous!!! Could someone please pass along "Marvin's" information to me. I see several of you have used him for flowers instead of the resort. Does this save money as long as bridesmaids meet him in lobby and place flowers themselves? Or any other information regarding outside flower vendors whom any of you have used and been pleased with?
  3. Jodster123: I tried sending you a direct message but I don't think it worked. Still new to this.... I am torn between the 3 exact resorts myself!!! If you have chosen let me know! And why you chose the one you did over the others. Any info is so greatly appreciated!
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