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Everything posted by APOLA2035

  1. Ok girls, I finally caught up with this after getting sick. I'm a little behind as well, but the advantage I think I'm of the last Brides to get married. I'm very glad that my friends from May Brides decided to join as well. I REALLY love this thread and feel connected to all of you. Prima welcome to our thread Tenny- really glad you like your dress. loved the pics to do list: get back to the gym - I really need to start to focus on this now order FI ring do a draft letter to send to guests to remind them to pay their reservations do a draft letter to ask guest to choose their entree of preference organize myself and put a plan for things
  2. WOW, really liked the pictures. I think was a great idea to take pics in the winter and then get contrast with the wedding at the beach. Tenny you 2 look so happy. Loved it. Congrats, Gonzalo wish you were closer. LOL
  3. Maggie, I think I'll have to show this to my FI. That's exactly what he described he wanted but we couldn't find. I REALLY liked it. Thanks for sharing
  4. Hello girls, Glad to be back. I have so much to catch up. Wasn't feeling well those days and this morning woke up with pressure 155 over 110 and chest pain. I was so scared, thought I was having a heart attack. Just got back from the hospital, did all cardiac tests and THANK GOD I don't have anything my pressure is back to normal and I learned a very good lesson. I've been worrying so much about the reviews on my resorts, not knowing who my WC will be, losing weight since I can't find a dress that fits my body well and a lot of little things that I still need to solve that I end up not watching my health. This is just my warning to you my friends that isn't worth it. Please enjoy this wonderful planning moment and be healthy for your special day.
  5. I agree with Kathy. Never got a good review of Flora and I also requested Diana.
  6. Hi Claire83, As far as I know, we are just assigned a onsite WC 30 days prior to our wedding. I also made the same request to them, but they can't confirmed yet since I get married only on May 28th.
  7. OMG, just got 1 day sick and miss sooooooooo much in this thread. LOL
  8. Hi KernsWR, Thank you so much for sharing with us your planning and giving us the opportunity to have our questions answered. I get married at Royal Oceanfront Gazebo, followed by the reception at Villas Terrace on May 28, 2011. I have several of concerns since we doing an event in another country and don't have a face to face meetings until we get there. The first concern is the the real spacing of the places (it seems that on the website the put pictures of places that aren't actual the place. e.g.: my wedding is at the royal gazebo and at the website they only have a picture of the gazebo at the gran side). The decoration would be a worry on my side as well since I can't see what is a standard decoration look like. Do they have a order of things, a program for the ceremony and party? How can we make sure that the people staying at different resorts are really be able to get inside for the wedding? I don't mean to bombard you with questions, but the closer it gets and the more bad reviews I receive I get very nervous. I requested my WC to have Diana or not have Flora at the day of my wedding. She said she can't guarantee but would pass the request to the manager onsite. What can we do if they don't honor or give the things we wanted? Are we literally in their hands? I will PM you as well. Can't wait to see your pictures Thanks again, Ana
  9. Hi Bride2B22, Would you mind to share your pictures with us? I won't be able to do a site visit and I'm very curious about the places there. I get married at Royal Oceanfront Gazebo, followed by the reception at Villas Terrace on May 28, 2011. Thanks, Ana
  10. WOW, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I almost cried. THANK YOU
  11. Good call Mocha, I also need to start working on music selection, because this takes a while. Do you guys already started to work on the program for the ceremony? I need ideas as I'm not sure what the order of things
  12. Pais A vocês, que nos deram a vida e nos ensinaram a vivê-la com dignidade, não bastaria um obrigado. A vocês, que iluminaram os caminhos obscuros com afecto e dedicação para que os trilhássemos sem medo e cheios de esperanças, não bastaria um muito obrigado. A vocês, que se doaram inteiros e renunciaram aos seus sonhos, para que, muitas vezes, pudéssemos realizar os nossos. Pela longa espera e compreensão durante as nossas longas viagens, não bastaria um muitíssimo obrigado. A vocês, pais por natureza, por opção e amor, não bastaria dizer, que não temos palavras para agradecer tudo. Mas é o que nos acontece agora, quando procuramos arduamente uma forma verbal de exprimir uma emoção ímpar. Uma emoção que jamais seria traduzida por palavras. Amamos-vos muito! Ana Paula e Nigel 28.05.2011
  13. Welcome hmlicos! Thanks vlynnw and nycix. I would love to have programs ideas as I'm not sure what should be the order of things. Thanks
  14. Kathy, love the light glass idea. Thank you
  15. Lua, I also need ideas for my OOT bags. I need to start working on those
  16. Love the idea Brandy. With that made me remember that I forgot to tell you that I won't have a guest book BOOK, I purchased a metal guest book signature mat (http://www.idoengravables.com/wedding_guest_books_c/Photo-Mats/) at the Bridal Expo here where I live in Houston. That's some of my bridal party and I at the Bridal Extravaganza
  17. Ellabaja1983- I'm so sorry for what you went thru and I'm gald everything is ok between you and your mom. I think your mom can definetely help you deliver the message to your dad without making him upset. If that doesn't work, my suggestion would be to actually have your mom and your dad walk you down the aisle since your mom is so speacial for you
  18. Brandy, The dresses are sooooooo pretty. Can't make up my mind which one is my favorite.
  19. Very glad to find another Royal Bride as well. I got the Luxury Package and added Doremixx as DJ with lightup floor. I'm actually doing the ceremony at the Royal Gazebo, cocktail hour at the beach, but doing the dinner reception at the Villas Terrace at the Gran Caribe side. I decided to hold a little bit in the dress and focus in my wait and see if I still have hope. LOL. I'm very nervous after reading the last 2 reviews at the Grand Caribe thread as 2 brides had a very bad experience. They also had a bad experience with the photographer that came in the package, so I'm nervous about that as well. What are your wedding details?
  20. Hi Girls, Lisadias & Brandy - no problem. It's my pleasure to help, actually you guys in this thread are all awesome. I'm so glad I found you all Queen Diva- Thanks, you are very funny too Fmichelle- Thanks, everybody here is great. Kathy- Thinking about to get studio suit as well how is the quality of the fabric? Do you mind posting a pic for us? Ellabaja1983- these ladies are so fast on replying that I'm afraid to sleep or work and miss something. LOL Lua- I loved this dress. Where did you find it?
  21. This is so nice of your mom. I'm sure you will have fun. I won't even mention the idea of the bachelor party to my FI, I'm pretty sure he would do the same. LOL
  22. Brandy - I got the handcriefs at New Tradition (http://www.newtraditionshankies.com/default.aspx) I found other cheaper places, but this one was the cheapest one that I could personalize the way I wanted. I'm Brazilian so for my side of family I had to imprint poems in my native language (Portuguese) or nobody would understand anything. LOL. Lua - I'm quite chatty as well. I was following you guys hidden, but couldn't resit. LOL I got the flipflops in a Brazilian personalized website because is half price. Here in the states I only found 1 place that does it. It's pricey though. (http://acreativestep.com/default.aspx). Maybe someone can do a search and post here for a better price.
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